Chapter 91

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Lizzie's POV

As we were watching T.V I feel like Y/N is sleeping, she was tracing figures on my stomach but she suddenly stopped. I looked up and see that she is asleep. My poor baby is so tired, I change our position, so she can rest her head on my stomach. Once I get us comfortable I put the blanket on top of us. I kiss Y/N's head before start to rub her tummy. I love having her like this, she looks so innocent and adorable, I like taking care of her. Her phone doesn't stop getting notifications. I grab her phone to see who needs her. Is Stefania, she has been calling her and texting her I don't know if Y/N knows that she is trying to reach her

Should I answer her?, No maybe Y/N will not like that, I guess I will just let it ring, I just hope it won't wake up Y/N I want to let her rest for a little bit, she is clearly tired. I decided to silence her phone. While Y/N is sleeping I continue watching the T.V. I thought Y/N's phone was the one that was ringing but it's now my phone. I grabbed and I sighed frustrated. Why do I keep getting this texts? I'm annoyed and tired. I sent a text back that said 'Stop bothering me, I don't want to see you, I'm happy with my girlfriend' I hope I don't get more this texts. Eventually I have been getting more and more this texts

A couple of hours have passed, and Clay will be here at any moment. As I was checking the time, someone knock the door it must be Clay. Y/N hasn't wake up and the knock on the door didn't wake her up, which I'm happy for, but I don't want to move, I'm comfortable with her and because I know we will have to wait for his team I don't want to stand up right now. "Come in" I said not too loud and it seems Clay didn't hear, I can't say it louder and risk Y/N to wake up so I will send him a text

Lizzie boo👻:
Hey Clay, just come in the door is open

Oh ok
For a moment I thought you weren't here

Lizzie boo👻:
Yes we are here
Just when you come in don't make a lot of noise, Y/N is sleeping
Oh and we are in the living room

Copy that

I hear the door open, and of course Clay had to shut the door hard. Ugh I don't know why I bothered me to tell him to be quiet. It didn't take long to Clay to find the living room "Hi" he whispered when he saw the body laying with me "What part of don't make noises didn't you understand?" I asked him "I'm sorry ok, I tried" he said as he sits on the other couch "So are you going to wake her up or what?" He asked me "Yeah when your team comes over, she is really tired so I'm letting her sleep" I told him and he hummed "Because she went to New York yesterday right?" He asked and I nod

Wait I didn't tell him that Y/N was going to New York "How do you know she went to New York yesterday?, my sisters told you?" I asked him and he looked confused "Y/N didn't tell you?" He asked and I shake my head in response "Tell me what exactly?" I asked him "I was in New York with her, your sisters asked for my help with the make up for the models, and I saw Y/N there, we had a chat with your sisters, they were surprised that we known each other" he explained me "Well Y/N didn't tell me, maybe because when she came back I was already asleep and in the morning we were kind of busy so, but she didn't tell me when I asked her about New York" I told him, he hummed "Maybe because she didn't want you to know that your sisters scolded me, it was an awkward encounter" he said

I looked at him, wanting him to tell me why "Well you see how I didn't react well when I met Y/N well I told your sisters that I judged her for her past, and they got a little bit angry about it, telling me that I should have gave her an opportunity just like they did" he explained me. I'm proud of my sisters "Wait what do you mean like they did?" I asked him "Well they knew about her reputation before they met her, but they said that they have heard about her bad reputation but also her good reputation and that they decided to give her an opportunity because of how you talked about her" he said. Wow I didn't know that my sisters knew who it was Y/N before I presented them

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