Chapter 10

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Wow I haven't sleep that well in a while I opened my eyes and I felt weight on my chest I look and Lizzie was on my chest she has her arms around my waist and her face was hide on my neck, I just smile and I hug her

She starts to wake up, "Good morning, now that you're awake maybe you can let me go because I need to pee" she looked at me confused and then realized that she was cuddled with me when she let go of me I ran to the bathroom

I got out and Lizzie was in my dresser"What are you doing" "Oh I'm going to change my clothes I hope you don't mind" "Well I don't mind if you don't steal those" she just laugh at me and walk to the bathroom I also change my self I decided to wear this:

I decided to cook something but I have nothing like literally nothing then Lizzie came "Why you look so shocked" "I was planning to cook something but I have nothing" she just laugh "Okay let me see" she opened everything that was on my kitchen an...

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I decided to cook something but I have nothing like literally nothing then Lizzie came "Why you look so shocked" "I was planning to cook something but I have nothing" she just laugh "Okay let me see" she opened everything that was on my kitchen and then she opened my fridge "Omg why don't you have something" "Well I have milk but I'm sure it doesn't taste well" "Well we have to taste it to know" "Yeah I wouldn't do that, the last time I bought milk was after I got kidnapped so" I chuckle but she was serious "Oh Cmon Lizzie, okay so we have nothing to eat so I'm going to call someone to see if they can bring us something" "Why don't we just go out" "As much I would love that I have to go to court so" I was calling J but Max call
"Hey what's up" I told her a little annoyed
"Good morning for you too, why are you angry"
"Because I was calling J to see if he can bring me food" I explain to her
"Hahaha I bet he's not going to do that"
"Shut up he owe me one so, anyways why are you calling"
"Oh yes, the judge cancel the appointment so we're going to have to wait a little more"
"Why what, you know that if we wait too much Mrs. Smith it's going to change his mind and you know that we don't have concrete proofs to tell de judge that he was hurting his kids emotionally and maybe physically"
"Yeah I know Andy, but I can't do anything, I asked for help but you would not like to who I asked"

Lizzie's POV

Y/N was on the phone and she doesn't look happy, she approached to me and I became nervous but she just do that because she wanted to sit down, so now she's in the island of the kitchen, and I can hear their conversation
"What did you do Max" she asked very angry
"Look Andy I told the boss, because well it was to take us long to go to court and I was worried to happen again that"
"I get it Max but who is going to help us"
"Well you know the boss was going to call Mary but I told him not too"
"He wanted to call Mary my ex why, I mean she would never help us, because what I did to her" she said and now I wonder what she did
"Yeah I know so he called your dad"
"What the fuck I'm not going to work with he"
"He's just going to help talking with friends to see if they can give us an appointment earlier"
"Look Max, I'm not going to talk with my dad okay if you want you can see things with him but me not, See you" and she hung up

"Are you okay" she nods hesitant and then she say "Oh good news we can go to have breakfast" I want to know so badly about her I mean everyday I know a new thing about her
"I thought you and your dad have a good relationship" she avoid my look "So where do you want to go for breakfast, I know a very good place" she ignore my question so I decided to ask her about her twin "What happened to your twin brother" I asked and then she looked at me shocked "Look Lizzie I don't want to talk about my family issues or my family in general" she said a little bit angry
"Why not I can help you, but I can't if you don't tell me" "I didn't ask for help, and I don't want it" she said and she looked at me and she know that I'm not going to drop the theme, and now she's leaving "Wait Y/N" I told her but it was late she was on her motorcycle and she left, God she left so fast

I was waiting for her to return but then I realized she's not going to return soon, I shouldn't have asked but I don't know why I want to know her and help her so badly, I decided to leave her house, because I have to be on set at 2:00 and now it's 12:00

We started film a lot of scenes and I'm fucking tires, but I'm still worried about Y/N she's not answering my calls nor texts, and I just want to know if she's okay, because she hasn't even seen my messages

Please just let me know if you're okay
I'm worried about you
Sent 4:00pm

I'm sorry if I pushed so hard, it's just that I want to help you
Sent 4:20

I'm so sorry Y/N please forgive me
Sent 4:38

I under if you don't want to talk to me but just let me on seen to know you're safe
Sent 6:00

We are finishing today's scenes, and my mind doesn't stop thinking about her, I saw my phone and she hasn't answered nor seen my texts, and I'm so worried because now it's 10:00 and I don't know if she's okay

"Hey Lizzie you okay?" Aubrey cut me off my thoughts "Yeah I'm just worried" "About what" "About Y/N" I told her looking at her eyes "Why what happen with her?" She asks worried "it's just that today's morning I asked about her dad because I hear she doesn't want to see him, and she didn't tell me so I asked her about her twin brother" I told her "You did what, Lizzie you can't ask her about her brother it's a sensible topic for her" "Yeah and I know, but I really wanted I know and see if I could help her" "How did you find out about her brother" she asked curiously "Well I was at her house last night and I saw a little winery and there were boxes and I opened one and I saw a picture of them, and I thought it was her brother Roger but behind the picture it said for the best sister with the name of Leo" "Wait wait wait, you were at her house" she ask confused "Yeah Aubrey it's that the only thing you catch one while I was telling you what I did" "Sorry sorry it's just that it's weird that you were at her house last night and this morning did something happened between you and her?" "No, Aubrey I stayed at her house because it was late and that's why I was at her house this morning" "Okay and she didn't get mad at you for looking at her things" I shake my head "No after that she just got a little mad because I asked her about her twin but she just told me that's he died 2 years ago, and then we laid on her bed and we watched Greys Anatomy" I explained to her "She let you be on her bed" she asked surprised I just nod "Okay I have to talk with her" "About what" "Oh Lizzie believe me you don't want to know, does she already know about Robbie?" I shake my head "Aubrey but you need to help me I don't want her to me mad at me" I change the subject hoping she would drop it "Well you should bring her food and apologize, I'm sure she hasn't eaten, because she gets pretty sad when someone talk about Leo" I nod "Did you meet him" she just nod, and I know she isn't going to tell me anything "But what should I bring her, what does she like" "Well if you want her to forgive you, you have to buy her y/f/f (your favorite food) she loves eating that, Oh and buy her ice cream" "Okay, which flavor?" "She likes all the ice cream and she loves fo try new things so surprise her" I nod and smile "Thank you so much Aubrey" I said while I was hugging her

I bought the food and the ice cream and now I'm on my way to her house, I haven't talk with Robbie I think he doesn't know that I didn't sleep at home last night, because the night before last night he didn't sleep at the house so I'm sure last night he didn't sleep at the house

I arrived to her house and I knocked she didn't answer so I look at my phone and It was already 12:00 maybe she's sleeping or she's not here I really hope she's here, I knocked again and then I saw her

"Hey" I said softly

A/N: Sorry if I don't post a lot today I hope I can post another one today, also if you have ideas, tell me 🙃
Also maybe I'm just going to post 1 or 2 parts per day because I have classes but I would try my best
Did you see Lizzie yesterday on the Emmys, she didn't win but she looked stunning as always
And also Robbie's Insta stories

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