Chapter 62

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Eventually everybody left to work and Lizzie and I are having a little discussion, because she wants to call the day sick and stay all day with me, don't get me wrong there is nothing I would love more than this but I know she has work to do and if she doesn't work today she is not going to come home with me sooner, "Lizzie please you need to go work if you want to go home sooner"I tried to convince Lizzie "Is just a day Y/N please I want to be with you today before you leave" she said with her big green eyes and pouting, how could I tell no to that face "Ugh why you have to be so cute" I told her and she is still pouting "Fine" I gave in and she smile at me and hugged me tightly, that we fell on the couch

We are going to have a picnic, Lizzie is nervous about it because she thinks there are going to be a lot of paparazzis and I know how much she hates that, so I am going to take her to a not so crowed place and I will make sure there are not going to be any paparazzis

Lizzie and I made the food, we decided we are going to have sandwiches because is easy to do and is perfect for a picnic, also we are taking with us some cut fruit and snacks. We put all of the food on the basket and I put blankets in a bag, Lizzie put some books in the bag

We drove, and parked the car, We are looking for a good place to put everything and a place where we can be on peace without paparazzis bothering us, "Look, there can be a good place, there are not a lot of people" I told Lizzie and she nods

We put the blankets and we start taking out the food from the basket. We ate our sandwiches and we talked about a lot of things, and I confess that I was a little nervous about me going with her to the avengers infinity war premiere, she told me that everything would be okay and that I have nothing to be nervous of. After we finished our sandwiches, we lay down, Lizzie's head on my lap while she is reading the book I gave her on Christmas, I'm glad she liked it because I was not sure if I should have bought her that or other thing, I guess I made the right choice because as far what she has told me, she is loving the book. I was massaging Lizzie's head and playing with her hair, time of time I give her kisses on her head or her face, that she respond to me with a big smile or with her scrunching her nose. Eventually I got a call, but Lizzie doesn't move her head, I guess I'm taking the call here. Is a work related call, I hope nothing bad happened. I answered Clary's call

Me: Hey what's up
C: Hey Y/N sorry for bothering you but here is someone that says she knows you and that you have being avoiding her
Me: What's the girl's name?
C: Stefany or Stefania I think
Me: Tell her I don't want to talk to her

I told her that and I heard that she was going to reply to me but someone grabbed the phone so Clary couldn't told me anything

S: I don't know why are you mad with me and why you don't want to talk with me
Me: Ugh look Stefania you really hurt me with all of that shit you told me and I'm taking a break ok

As soon I said Stefania, Lizzie looked at me confused and stopped reading her book

S: I just told you the truth but you don't believe me, and you don't undesirable that I care about you A
Me: I care about you too and you know it, but I love so much Lizzie and I know you are wrong, she will not hurt me I trust her
S: Well whatever you say but don't tell me I didn't warned you, and please stop ignoring me, we are friends remember?, and I'm sorry if my words hurt you I jus wanted to help
Me: Is ok, just never said that again please
S: Sure, do you want to hang out with me
Me: I can't, I'm not in LA I'm in Atlanta with Lizzie and tomorrow I have to go work to New York but texted me and we will see when we are free
S: Sure thing bambina, take care of that heart of yours and don't forget how much you mean for me

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now