Chapter 33

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I drove Lizzie to the cafe where her car is and she needs to go do reshoots and it's time to say goodbye after being 3 days in a row together, I'm a little worried about us returning to normality, because I keep thinking she will change her mind and leave me "Hey love, stop worrying, it won't change anything, we're going to go back to work and we will be fine" Lizzie said while rubbing my cheek "I know I'm just going to miss you" I told her with a sad face "I'm going to miss you to, but hopefully we can see each other tonight okay" "You promise?" I asked her and she sighed "I can't promise you because I don't know at which hour I will be out of set" she said sadly and I sighed "I know but please text me or call me" "I will" I lean and out foreheads are touching, I want to kiss her but I think it would look like we're not going to see each other, so I kissed her cheek, she looked at me confused, I think she wanted to kiss me too "Call me when you arrived set safe, please" I told Lizzie and she smile "I will"  "See you later"

I drove to my office to work on Rachel's case, I arrived and I see Clary smiling at me "How did your trip go?" She asked me, "It went pretty well" I told her smiling "I can see that, I mean have you looked at you, you look beautiful and all smiley" she said and I laughed "Well someone went to Italy and the things went pretty good, and I can said I could maybe have a girlfriend soon" I told her and she looked at me surprised "WHAT?"she shout and I shushed her "You have to tell me everything, is this the girl who you were all smiley before and then she hurt you?" She asked and I'm not going to lie that hurt a little "Yes" I told her and she smile "I'm happy for you Y/N" then Max showed up "You need to tell me everything too" she said, it seems she has been hearing all the conversation "You shouldn't spy us" I told her "I wasn't I just heard noises and came to see, you should invite this mysterious woman and we can have a double date" she said "No thank you I will not go out with you and J together, you always ignore me" "Well that's why you're mysterious woman is coming, to keeping you busy" she said and I rolled my eyes, then Roger came and cleared his throat, I think he's in a bad mood

We went to his office and I think I'm about to get scolding, because he's giving me that look, when he thinks I did something bad "Did you and dad fix your relationship?" He asked "No, we didn't" he now looked at me "He said you didn't want to fix the things" he said and I scoffed "Well of course not if he kept telling me that it was all my fault and literally that my personality sucks, so excuse me if I didn't want to" I told him and got out of his office and shut the door as hard as I could and the people that was outside were looking at me I ignored all the looks and went to my office

I sit on my chair, and I'm very mad, it's surprising how Roger can get me so mad, I mean I was so happy and he ruined my entire day, sometimes I really hate him, and I miss Leo more when we fight, because Leo always protected me and supported me and get mad at Roger sometimes because Leo hates when he was rude with me. While I'm thinking how mad I am I got a call "What" I said not caring to see who it was "Auch I thought you would be happy to hear me" Fuck I should have saw who it was "I'm so sorry Lizzie it's just that my day is being so fucking bad so far" I told her "Don't worry, I get it, I was just calling to let you know that I arrived set and I'm safe" she said "I'm glad, oh and I know maybe you will have a lot of work but don't forget to eat please, we haven't missed our meals for three days so maybe we could get sick" I told her and she "Why you have to be so sweet, and the same is for you Y/N I know how you put yourself on your cases and lost track of time, so please eat your three meals, we already ate one, so please I don't know how you're going to do it but maybe you could set an alarm or something for you not to forget" she said and I laughed, is amazing how she can change my mood so fast "I will, don't worry" "Do you want to tell me why you were so mad?" She asked me "It was Roger being an asshole, he asked me why I didn't fix things with Guido and then he accused me that I don't want to fox things with him, so I got so mad" she hummed "I see, well I think Roger doesn't like me and I don't like him because he treats you bad" she said and I smile "Yeah well Roger doesn't like a lot of people and he thinks all the people that are close to me are bad people or something, but anyways, If he doesn't like you I would make him" she laughed "I have to go, please text me when you ate okay" "I will mom" I joked and she laughed "See you"

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now