Chapter 82

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Lizzie's POV

We are now outside the red carpet. "Are you ok my love?" Y/N asked me and I nod my head "Yeah just a little nervous, I always get anxious in this kind of things" I told her "Well if you feel anxious you can tell me and I will do anything to make you feel better" She assured me and I nod smiling at her "Thank you baby" I told her and lean in "Sorry darling if I could I would kiss you but I don't want Clayton to hate me even more" she said and I pout "He doesn't hate you" I told her and she gave me a look "Sure baby, but I know he does" she said and I let it go. I don't think Clay hates Y/N maybe he doesn't like her that much but I know that as he get to know her, he will like her

Y/N stepped out of the car, and after that she helped me. We are welcomed by a lot of paps and flashes I hope they don't hurt Y/N's eyes. I hold Y/N's hand and lean to whisper something to her "Are you ok?, the flashes don't hurt your eyes?" I asked her concerned but she shake her head "It's ok, my love don't worry" she said and I nod my head. We walked in and Y/N stopped "What's wrong?" I asked her "Are you sure I can come with you I mean they want to take pictures of you" she said and I chuckle "Baby you are my girlfriend, and my date so if they have to take pictures of the two of us, I'm not leaving you" I todo her and I see that she has an idea. "Okay" she mumbled with a little smirk

We walked through the red carpet and the people is shouting a lot of things. Thank God they are not shouting anything bad. They want to know so badly if Y/N is my girlfriend. Suddenly Y/N let go of my hand and I looked at her confused "They deserve a photo of just you" she said and walked away not letting me say anything

I can't see Y/N, is like she disappeared. Then the cast came in for a group photo. My eyes don't stop searching for Y/N. Then I spotted her she is taking me pictures. I smile at her and she returned the smile. Of course she was going to take pictures of me

I was making an interview, and then I see Y/N talking with Sebastian. I walked toward them and greeted Sebastian. I complimented him and he blushed Y/N made fun of him. "Are you going to show me the photos?" I asked Y/N "Uhm I will think about it, you look gorgeous as always" she complimented as kissing my cheek

I was doing an interview and Y/N is now on my side so they are now asking me questions about her. "Yea she is my girlfriend we have been dating for 7 months" I answered and they seemed happy I'm glad they didn't attacked us. There were questions about her past, but we told them that the actions she did are in the past and that she now is a different person. They know her, because of her friends that are also actors and actresses. Some interviewers were flirting with Y/N but she cut them down, and when she noticed that they were flirting she kissed my cheek or told me she loves me

We have been here for almost 4 hours, I can see that Y/N is already tired. Some people of the cast invited us to a party they are throwing I told them that I would ask Y/N since she is not here, I don't know where she went to. "Looking for your girlfriend" a voice asked me. I turned to see who it was. "Hi Tom, yeah I'm looking for Y/N I don't know where she went to" I told to Tom Hiddleston "I see, I didn't know you were dating Ms. Mancini" he said in her British accent "Yes we are, we have been dating for 7 months" I commented him "Oh wow, she is a good person" he said and I looked at him confused "Yeah I know she is" I told him "Even with her bad past, I mean people shouldn't judge her about that" he said and I guess he talked with Scar "You talked with Scarlett" I told him "Uhm actually with Y/N but yeah Scarlett was the one who told me. I'm a really good friend of yours Lizzie, but Y/N is my friend too. I don't want neither of you get hurt" he said "What are you trying to say" I told him a little offended "Oh no don't get me wrong, I meant that you should take care of each other that's all" he said and I nod at him

I looked for Y/N and there she is, she is sitting there alone, I thought she was with someone. "Hey booger" I greeted her and her she gave me a big smile "Hey you" she said with that big smile I fucking love "Why are you her alone?" I asked her as I sit next to her "I was overwhelmed with all that people looking at me and asking me questions, I want silence" she said. I wonder what those people told her. I hope they didn't make her feel bad. She doesn't look sad. She looks tired that's for sure "Did they tell you something bad? Or did they make you feel uncomfortable?" I asked her. She takes my hand "No, go they might miss you baby. The star can't disappear" she said changing the subject. I think they did hurt her
"I don't want to leave you here" I told her "Then let's go the two of us, there's no way you are missing this. Also you are going to the party" she said and I looked at her confused how does she know about the party "Before you ask how I know, the people talk" she said and I nod my head "But you are tired" I told her "That's why you are going while I go rest to the hotel. I'm sure you will have much fun if I'm not there" she said "I will not, because I will miss you" I told her and she peck my lips "You will be fine if you miss me that much you can return. But if you have fun stay. You have to keep me updated ok" she said. I looked on her eyes to see if she is fine with it and she seems good

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now