Chapter 6

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Lizzie's POV

I'm here

I never thought she would come I mean yeah I told her that I want to but the point its that I'm was nervous and now she's here and I'm more nervous, I mean how she came so fast

I saw her and wow she look good in her motorcycle, I notice she's staring

"You know it's rude staring" I told her with a smirk
"Yeah well I don't think so m'lady"
"Are you ready"

Oh now I'm the one staring, and she notice
"Here you go" she handle me a helmet
"What, why?" I ask confuse
"Well if you didn't notice If you don't wear that it's probably for you to die and believe me that's the last thing I want Cmon" I laugh nervously "I'm not going in that" I told her while pointing with my finger "What, you need to be more respectful in that" she mocked me "You're going to break my feelings" I just glare at her, there's no way I'm going in that "Hey look" she took off  her helmet and wow why she's so beautiful "It's going to be okay, nothings it's going to happen, do you trust me"
I just nod "Well Cmon it's getting more late"
I tried to put my helmet but I just can't, she looked at me and she start laughing "Haha sorry come here" I got close to her and she put her arms on my waist and put me so close, she put me the helmet "Here you go now give me your hand" I gave her my hand and the second thing it's that I'm behind her in her motorcycle
"Okay you need to hold on well okay" I hold on so tight that I'm sure she can't breathe, she starts the motorcycle and she was slowly thank god, suddenly she starts to increase the speed and I yell at her "What are you doing" she just laugh

We arrive to a wood, well it looks like a wood
"Are you crazy" I told her while I was trying to take off my helmet she just laugh "You could've killed us" "I wasn't so fast, one day I'm going to show you what is fast"
"Are you going to kidnap me" "Ha-ha-ha" she took my hand and I look at our hands "If you want to get lost or something well I can take off my hand" I shake my hand

"Where are we Y/N"  "Shsh you can't tell my name here, and we would have arrived sooner if you didn't walk so slow" I hit her arm "We are here" I saw a big tree "We are not going to climb that tree right?" "Of course we are, look you se that, that's a tree house, believe me the view up there is amazing" "No no no no there's no way I'm going to do that, you made me get on your motorcycle, but there's no way me climbing that tree" she just looks at me "Y/N as much as I would love going to that tree house with you I can't climb that tree" she got down and point to her back "What you're going to carry me?" "Of course, and before you start saying that it's too dangerous, believe me I work out and I can tell you that I'm strong" I chuckle "We are going to die" I told her while I was putting my arms around her back neck "Okey hold on tight" I wrap my legs around her waist and she started climbing mi head was hidden in her shoulder

"We are here" she said and I'm still on her back "You're safe, and alive you can let me go"  the I let her go and I start feeling cold, she turn on some lights and wow it was beautiful
"Wow" "Yeah and come here look" she said pointing to a little window we were so close that I could feel her breathing behind me

We were there for a while, and then she got up, and it looks like she was looking for something, she found it and she sighed, I notice it's was a sad sighed because of her face "Are you okay"
"Yeah we need to go know it's pretty late"
"Are you going to turn around for me to get up on your back, or you're planning on let me here" "Haha no but you can't be on my back while we're heading down if I put my foot in a bad place and we fall I have to fall in my back and if you're in my back well im going to hurt you so Cmon" now I'm more nervous I did what she told me and god from here I can see perfectly her face, we were staring at each other so I break it and hide my face on her shoulder

We were almost there and then we heard noises and she said "Shit" "What, what's happening?" I asked worried "Andrea Mancini" I heard a yell and it sounded that he was mad
"Why someone it's calling your name" "Shsh I didn't hear anything" he continue shouting her name at it sounds closer an closer "Okay hold tight, I have to jump" "What a te you crazy" then we were on the floor "Ouch omg I didn't think you were so heavy" "You're crazy, and you're very rude, why  the fuck did you jump, you could've killed us Y/N" "Shshshsh" "O no don't shush me" "Andrea!!!" "Fuck" "Why he is telling your name" "Because we can't be here"
"What I thought this was your tree house"
"Ti avevo detto di non tornare qui ( I told you not to come here again)" "Stay behind me" she whispered me and took my hand
"Cmon Massimo, I just came to walk" "Vado a chiamare la polizia, ti ho avvertito (I'm gonna call the cops, I warned you)" I don't understand anything he's telling "Yeah as much I would love to have a chat with the cops I'm not alone, and I promise her that I was going to keep her safe so" then we start running "Cmon yo have to be fast" she was laughing "You're crazy" I told her and I start laughing

"Okay we have to stay here" we were under a bridge
"What the fuck just happen?"
"Well we couldn't be there so"
"But I thought it was your tree house and you built it with your father"
"Well that's correct Ms. Olsen, but one day I got made and I sold it without thinking" I saw that she got sad "You know you can talk to me right" she just nod "What's the thing you were looking for" she just look at me and said "Here you go" I just look at her confused " I know you're cold" "Thank you" I put me on her jacket it's smells like her,  "I think we can go now" she took my hand and we went to her motorcycle

We arrived to my house, "There you go bella"
I chuckle and she helped me to take off the helmet and she take off her too "I really enjoyed today, besides we almost go to jail" she chuckle "Yeah sorry for that, it's just that place it's amazing you should see it in the day, there it's a lake that it's beautiful" she explain to me very excited "I'm going to take you another day" I laughed "Yeah and that man it's going to send us to jail" "I would never let that happen your too beautiful to go to jail" we were staring at each other and then, there was a noise in my house "Mmm I thinks someone it's in your house" she said while she was approaching my door "Yeah I think it's my cat"
"Oh are you sure I can go and see if there's someone else" "No no it's okay, thanks for today Y/N" I smile at her and she did the same
"See you soon chicken" I laughed at the new nickname "Yeah whatever see you crazy bug" she blush and go

I want to know why she looked so sad , I enter my house and

"Where were you Lizzie do you know what time it is, I came home and you weren't here I was worried"
"Cmon Robbie it was 2:00 am and you weren't here"
"Yeah but now it's 5:00"
"I was out working with Aubrey in some things about the movie okay, now I'm tired I'm going to sleep"

I was sitting in my bed and I get a text

So was someone in your house?
Are you dead?

I laugh

No it was my dog, I told you

Wow I didn't know we were lying to each other so soon

What do you mean

Well Olsen you told me it was a cat and know you're telling me your dog, whatever I'm so used to liars, Goodbye Elizabeth

Let me explain please can I call you, I know it's late but let me explain
|Seen 5:15|

Fuck, what did I do she never has called my full name, and she told me she hates people lying to her face

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now