Chapter 36

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"You know is rude staring at people" I told her and she chuckle "I don't think so, we can stare at beautiful people" she said smiling "Mhm really" I said and she nod "Yes, we can also kiss them" she said leaning and I nod "I'm agree with you" and we kissed, for a couple of minutes "You know, I like wake up with you" I told her smiling "Yeah I like that too, but I'm starving, so maybe you should make me breakfast" she said giggling "You want me to make you breakfast" I told her and she nod "Yep that's why I was waiting for you to wake up" she said "Oh and here I was thinking that you were waiting for me because you want kisses, but it's okay I'm going to make breakfast" I told her standing up, but she grabbed my wrist "No, I want kisses to" she said that and I kissed her

After our make out scene we went to the kitchen to make breakfast "What do you want to eat love?" I asked her "Well I'm starving so I would eat anything, but maybe you could do pancakes" she said and I nod

While I'm making pancakes, she's looking at the kitchen, I don't know if is because she likes it so much or because she doesn't "I have a question" she said and I looked at her "Ask" "Did your father and brothers, decorated the hut?" She said and I chuckle "God no, they don't know how to decorate things, I decided how I wanted it and Leo helped me to put the things, because Roger and my father, didn't want me to decorate it" I explain to her and she nod "Why?, is it too bad?" I asked her chuckling "No, it's beautiful, really beautiful" she said and when she stopped looking at the kitchen and the woods for the window, she came to help me

While I'm making pancakes, she's looking at the kitchen, I don't know if is because she likes it so much or because she doesn't "I have a question" she said and I looked at her "Ask" "Did your father and brothers, decorated the hut?" She said and ...

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We finished having breakfast and Lizzie really wants to see the house, she's all excited, "Okay love, you already know this part, that is where we had dinner yesterday, the kitchen and the principal bedroom, if we walk a little, here it is the living room" I showed her and she nod

We finished having breakfast and Lizzie really wants to see the house, she's all excited, "Okay love, you already know this part, that is where we had dinner yesterday, the kitchen and the principal bedroom, if we walk a little, here it is the liv...

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(Living room)

"What is in these others doors?" Lizzie asked me and I open it "It's like a bedroom, but as you can see it's only a mattress" I told her "I suppose you like here for the view right" she asked me and I nod before jumping "You're a totally child" she said while laughing "But you like me just like that" I told her and she smiled and joined me, we cuddled for a couple of minutes and I'm falling asleep "I see that you also like here because of the mattress, its very comfy" she said and I hummed in response "We need to get up love bug, if we stayed like that we will fall asleep" she said and I groan "But we can stayed like this, I don't care" I told her and she chuckle "I really want to see the the whole house" she said and I looked at her and gave up

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now