Chapter 55

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We were watching a movie when Lizzie starts leaving wet kisses on all my neck, I move my head to give her more room, she straddle my hips and kiss me passionately but softly "I don't want to go and leave you here" she whispered and I pecked her lips before responding her "Neither do I, but we will be okay" I reassured her kissing her neck, and rubbing her thighs, "I need you now" she said and I rolled us over, leaving me on top of her


I took of her hoodie and her joggers, I trail kisses over her whole stomach, leaving soft bites, I take off my hoodie too, and Lizzie is watching me do it, bitting her bottom lip, I go down to kiss her lips again, her hands roaming around by back, moving to my hips and putting down my pants, when her hands couldn't put them downer, she starts doing It with her legs, I'm surprised she could do it, I lift her a little and take her bra off. I kissed her left nipple while my hand is giving the right one attention too, when I bite her nipple her mouth leaves a little moan, I kissed her other nipple and then I move down. Without thinking too much, not wanting to tease her, I pull down her underwear and my lips attacked her core, making her moan loudly, I really love her moans

I start kissing roughly her clit, and she is trying to move her hips, I put my hand on her stomach to keep her still, while my mouth is giving attention to her clit I slip two fingers inside her heat slowly letting her adjust, the sighs of pleasure that leave her lips make my body warm each time I push into her, I stop kissing her clit and I go up to kiss her lips to let her taste herself, she moan into the kiss, while I'm still pushing into her, I kiss her roughly and bite her bottom lip, I thrust a little harder causing a loud moan to escape her lips, I smirk loving the sounds her mouth is making, I start to go faster and I think she is liking it because she said to me loudly 'don't stop' , I continue and I'm feeling her walls tighten around my fingers, she cum and I pop out my fingers

I lay down next to her, letting her catch her breath, "I want to try something" she said shyly, I wonder what it is, "And what would that  be?" I asked her and I know she is nervous to tell me about, I move her to straddle my lap and kiss her lips, "Tell me, you don't have to be nervous about telling me the things you want to try, I'm open mind " I told her but she is still nervous about it  "And if I better show you" she said and I chuckle but nod, she went to her bathroom, and I admire her naked body, she returns and she has something hidden back of her "What is that?" I asked her but she just continue walking towards me she sit on my lap again and show me the item I smirked at her "Okay but I'm doing it" I told her and she frown "But I want to do it first" she said and I can see on her eyes she really wants to do this "Yes, not this time my love" I told her and pull her down again leaving me on top

I put the item on and I can see the desire on her eyes, I positioned myself, and I look at her for reassure  "Are you sure?" I asked her while kissing her lips, she nods at me eagerly "I need words bella" I told her with my accent and she leaves a soft moan "Y- yes" she said and I smirked, this is going to be fun

Smut Over

Lizzie's POV

I guess it was not a good idea, I can't feel my legs,   Y/N pleased me non stop, and I fucking loved it, until now, that my body is aching and I can barely move, Y/N told me that we should stop after round 8 but I didn't want to, it came to a point that I get the chance again to please Y/N  twice, after a lot of begging, it seems she likes when I beg to her, and she loved my idea, because she was keeping telling me how beautiful I looked and I can swear she turned on with every moan my mouth left when she thrusted inside me, that's why she let me please her, also I could see on her eyes a lot of lust when she thrust on me faster and when she, okay I need to stop before I turn on, did I regret what happened yesterday?, Hell no, even if my body is aching I enjoyed it too much

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now