Chapter 21

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Lizzie's POV

"Y/N is missing" "What do you mean she's missing" I asked her worried "Yeah no one has seen her the last time was Andrew and she was supposed to go with him at a club at 10:00 and she wasn't there and no one know where is she" she told me and I can say she's worried "Maybe she's in the office" Aubrey sighed "Lizzie, Y/N left the office at 8:45, Roger checked the security cameras" "Did you call Scarlett?" "No I haven't, can you call her for me please" "Sure, tell me if you know something new"

I called Scarlett like a hundred times but she didn't pick the phone "Fuck Scarlett answer me please" I decided to call her one last time
"What the fuck Lizzie, why are you calling me at this hours" "Sorry Scar, but have you seen Y/N?, she's missing and no one knows where she is" I told her "No, I haven't, and what do you mean she's missing?" She asked worried "Yeah no one have seen her since 8:45 and she was supposed to met Andrew at a club, and she's not at her office, and she was in danger because she was in this dangerous case and a man saw us yesterday and today she told me that this man is very dangerous and now no one know where she is" I started crying "Lizzie you need to breathe, she's going to be fine is Y/N we are talking about, maybe she wanted to disappear for a while, and she's perfectly fine okay don't get conclusions" she tried to calm me down but I think it's not working

I fell asleep on the couch, "What the fuck Lizzie, Y/N is missing and you're sleeping" I told to myself I saw my phone and I don't have missed calls nor anything so I decided to call Aubrey "Hey Aubrey do you know something about Y/N?" I asked her hoping she knows something, "No Lizzie, I'm sorry" she is crying and I hear a man crying too "What's wrong Aubrey please tell me" "We found Y/N's motorcycle, it was on the street next to the club where she was going to see Andrew" she told me "And Y/N?" "Lizzie Y/N wasn't there we asked people and they told us that 4 men were talking to her and then we asked if they knew if the men did something to her and they said no" I started crying "Maybe-sob- she's dead"
"Aubrey please don't say that we're going to find her -sob-I'm going to find her" I'm sobbing right now and thinking in all the what if's then Robbie got home

"Why are you crying babe?" He asked worried, I'm not going to tell him, I can't, I'm too worried about her, he saw that I wasn't going to tell him and he went to the kitchen don't giving a shit about me, what a dick he doesn't mind if I'm crying "Babe I was thinking we should go eat outside" is he fucking serious "No Robbie I can't" "Lizzie you're the one that don't put yourself into this relationship and then you're blaming me and telling me why I don't want to come home, you don't want to do things with me" "Are you fucking kidding me Robbie I'm crying and I don't want to go out because I'm not feeling good and you make yourself the victim when you're the one that never is home and when you came you only want to have sex, I'm not your fucking sex toy okay and believe me you're lucky to have me, because I'm still with you even if you cheated on me" I shout at him and leave the house

I started driving and I'm still crying but I don't know where to go, and I need Y/N I need her to be okay, I don't know how but I got to her house even though I know she's not going to be here I knocked the door and tried to open it I chuckled because it's close and I remember when I told her that she should close her door and she told me that why if no one was going to get in because no one was a going to know the door is open, and I bursted of laughs when she told me that and then she confessed that she always lost the keys and when she's drunk she can't get in her house so that's why she let the door open and I demanded her to close the door and it seem she listened to me. I called Aubrey and she told me to come to her house, that there are Roger and Carlos trying to find her so I decided to go to see if  I can help

Once I got to her house she opened the door and hugged me tight and I saw her eyes, she has been crying just like me "Okay Lizzie this is Roger, Roger Lizzie" Aubrey presented us and Roger said "So you're the crush of my sis" I looked at him confused "What?" he laughed even though his eyes are full of sadness "Well you're the only one that has convinced her to do something, and you're the one she listened, I don't have to be a genius to tell you she likes you" he said and looked to my hands "Ouch, I think she needs to get rid of this crush" he told me and I got more confused then he nod to my engagement ring and I got it "What a shame, for you obviously, because having Y/N as a friend is a privilege, but having her like family is marvelous" he concluded and went to the kitchen "I think he doesn't like me" I told Aubrey "Ignore him right now, he's acting like this because he blames his self for not protecting her, and now he thinks you will hurt her because everyone know she likes you, but also that you're engaged" Aubrey told me and then Carlos got in the house "We found her" he said and I feel I can breath again we run to the hospital and I was so stressed I need to know what's happening also Roger is mad so mad that he has his head really red

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