Chapter 24

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We arrive to my house and is going pretty good I'm not in pain, but the doctor told us that I'm going to be in so much pain later, I hope is not in the night, because I don't want to disturb Lizzie, she has been so nice and lovely to me that sometimes I forgot she's engaged, so I want to kiss her all the time, but I'm not going to do that, I don't t want her to hurt me, because I know she'll never leave Robbie "What are you thinking?" Lizzie asked me "Uhm what are we going to eat" I told her and I really hope she believes me "Mmm really?" I nod at her "Well what do you want to eat" I smile and before I could tell her what I want she cut me off "Just remember the food you can and can't eat" I rolled my eyes at her "Well I can't eat anything so I'm just going to starve"she laughs at me "Don't be dramatic I'm going to make us something very good and I'm sure you can eat okay" she said to me sweetly, Why she has to be so sweet I'm here trying to get her out of my mind but then she acts so sweet and lovely and I just can't help to like her more "Okay thank you" I smile at her

Lizzie was cooking while I was in the TV room, and believe me the smell is so good that I want ti stand up and go to the kitchen, but the doctor told us that it would be better if I don't move so much because if I move it's probably going to hurt me so much, so I'm watching the TV, then Lizzie came with our food and I stand up because I need to help her "Don't stand up Y/N you're going to be in pain" "But I want to help you" I told her "Nop I can do it" then she sat down with me "Here you go, I hope you'd like it" "I like everything you do" I smile at her and she blushed "Lizzie this is so good" "Well thank you I did my research to see what I could do that doesn't contain the things that the doctor said you can't eat" she explained to me and, this woman is perfect, Robbie is lucky to have her, I just wish I could have her "You really didn't have to do that, I mean you are taking care of me instead of living your life, at least you'll go to set because I know that you're going to get tired of me" she shake her head "Well first thing I'm not going to set I take 2 weeks off and second I would never get tired of you" "Lizzie you can't leave your life or your work just like that just because of me" "Hey I wanted to do it besides there are not very important things to film, we're almost end the movie, and they'll call if they need me" I shake my head "You will get tired of me believe me" "Well I love being with you so I don't think so"

We finished eating and we're watching a series, but honestly I'm not feeling very good "Hey Y/N are you okay? Does something hurt you?" I nod at her "My ribs are hurting me, so my back and legs" "Okay C'mon let's go to your room" we went to my room and Lizzie helped me laid down in my bed, Lizzie was grabbing a lot of things I do t know why she needs that "Take off your shirt" I almost choked when she said that "What?" I asked her "I need to put this in your wounds, it maybe  help with the pain, also the doctor said you may have headaches, do you have?" She asked me and I nod at her "Well that's because of the painkillers, if you eat a lot of them you have headaches so this can help you with the pain and you don't have to take a lot of painkillers, so take off your shirt or I'm doing it by myself" I gulped, I really don't want her to see me in just a bra and she touching mi skin make me shiver but I did what she told me
I turned so I was face down on the pillow and she can see my back, she started putting that shit and I arched my back a little I don't know is because of the pain or because she's touching "Tell me if I hurt you" she said almost in a whisper I nod at her, she finished and I was about to put my shirt on but she stopped me "It's better if you stay like this for a while, it helps more" I nod at her, I don't know if that's tru or she just like to see me without a shirt, I'm still face down on my bed but I decided to turn and see Lizzie, I catch her staring at my back and body she notices me and she quickly turned her face "Hey can I take a shower?" Lizzie asked me "You don't have to ask Lizzie go, you can't take it in my bathroom, as you know it's better" "Okay thank you" I smile at her and decided to have a nap

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