Chapter 60

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I groan when I hear Lizzie's alarm, thank god she turned it off fast, I hide my face on my pillow not wanting to wake up "I know you are awake because of the big groan you let out not too long ago" she whispered but I ignore her, I'm too tired to open my eyes "You are going to ignore me?" She questioned but I don't give in not yet, After a couple of seconds of silence I feel a big weight on my back, did she literally jump on me, she started kissing my back, I swore I had a shirt on, I guess I got hot yesterday and I took it off, she started leaving soft bites, I know what she wants. I rolled us over and now Lizzie is with her back on the bed, I smile because the room filled with Lizzie's laugh, I fucking love that beautiful laugh, when I heard it all I want to do is smile and laugh as well "I thought you didn't want to wake up" she said smirking and I lean to kiss her soft lips "Yeah but my sexy girlfriend turn me on" I told her and I can see the surprised on her eyes, also there is a little blush on her cheeks I like that I have that effect on her

I start kissing her neck while she is rubbing up and down my back, fitting her nails from time to time on my back making me groan, I took off her shirt and because she was just using an oversized shirt she is just with her underwear, I see that she is not wearing bra and I can't take off my eyes from her, I'm admiring her beautiful body "Like what you see" she said smirking and I nod biting my bottom lip "You are very beautiful" I told her and  kiss her softly with full of passion I leaned to her ear to whispered to her "I love how you look under me" I can see that what I told her turn her on because her eyes are full of lust

I took off her underwear, and she is full naked, I kiss her breast, giving the left one full attention. I bite it softly and she let out a moan, I caress her right one, then I shift my mouth to her right breast and start kissing it too, when I was about to please her, not wanting to tease her she rolled us over and I looked at her surprised "What are you doing Ms Olsen" I told her and she smirked "If it wasn't for me you would still being sleeping so I guess I have the right to please you first" she said and I raised my eyebrows "I'm always first and you know how much I hate to be a bottom, I prefer to please you" I told her and I was about to roll us over but I couldn't "You will like it, I will make sure you do" she whispered to me in a seductive tone and before I could argue back she took off my bra and attacked my breasts

We both are naked and she is teasing me, I hate being a bottom and I hate even more being teased, so I huffed in annoyance, there is no way I'm going to beg "What do you want princess you look frustrated" she said mischievously knowing exactly what she is doing "I'm not going to beg you mi amor, but if you don't fuck me right now I will fuck you until you can't walk" I told her and now she is the one frustrated "I think I can handle that" she said in my ear, after that she bite my ear lop

She starts tracing her finger on my folds, making me want her more "Lizzie really stop teasing me" I told her, now I tell her  desperately, she starts kissing my inner thighs moving so close to my core but not touching it "If you want me to touch you, you just have to ask my love" she said and I'm sure Lizzie will not touch me if I don't ask her, "Please Lizzie can you touch me now" I ask her trying to sound calmly and not frustrated at all, she smirked proudly and gave me what I want

She eats me out slow she moves her fingers to
my clit messaging it in a slow rhythm, She is taking her time but I need her to rail me. I buckled up and I feel her smirk on my pussy. Her fingers moved through my slit making them wet to enter better and before I could process anything she was already pushing in two digits fast. I moan loudly. she starts to push in knuckle deep making my back ache. She hit my g-spot and the room fill with my moans, I hope the neighbors can't listen to my moans,it would be very embarrassed. She started to pump in faster and deeper. She enters a third finger and starts curling them so she hits my spot, making me scream, I'm now close, my walls close around her fingers and I cum all over them, she pumps for another second while I ride out my high.

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now