Chapter 84

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Lizzie's POV

I woke up and search for the body next to me but there is no one, I opened my eyes "Y/N?" I called her name but got no response back, she is not on the bathroom, I know it because there is no noises and the door is open. Before I could stand up from the bed Y/N entered the room with breakfast. My worried face turned into a very happy "Hey mi amor, you ruined my surprise" Y/N complained "Why, I'm still on bed" I tell her hiding my laugh "Yeah but I wanted to wake you up with a lot of kisses and then give you the breakfast I brought" she said pouting as she walks toward the bed. She put the breakfast on the nightstand. When her hands were free I straddled her hips "You always can kiss me" I told her and she smirked "That's good to know" she said kissing my lips

The things escalated fast. I was trying to take off Y/N's hoodie but a hard knock on the door stopped us. I groan annoyed "I guess we can't continue" Y/N said sighing, "Or we can ignore them and continue doing this amazing thing" I proposed kissing her passionately again, but then again we got interrupted by another knock "I'm going to kill the person who is behind that door" I said very angry while I stand up from the bed "I bet you the one that is there is Scar" Y/N said as I open the door. "Hey girls, why are you still in bed?" Scarlett asked us as she walked in "And why wouldn't we be in bed?" Y/N asked her while standing up from the bed. I guess no sex

Y/N grabbed the breakfast and handed it to me "As I told you surprise ruined" she said before kissing my cheek "I don't get breakfast?" Scarlett asked just to annoy Y/N "Nope, we weren't expecting you here so I didn't buy you breakfast, is just Lizzie and me" she told her "But I'm sure we can give you something" I commented making Y/N glare at me "Thanks Lizzie sometimes it seems you are my best friend not this dickhead, but I already had breakfast" Scarlett said making Y/N rolled her eyes. "So dramatic" Y/N whispered

Y/N and I were eating breakfast, while Scarlett looks something on Y/N's bag "Stop it what are you looking for?" Y/N asked her "Did you bring that pantsuit that have like little squares?, is black and white" Scarlett said as she went to the closet. "No I didn't" she told her "Ha found it" Scarlett yelled and showed us the pantsuit she is talking about "I didn't bring it with me" Y/N said with a very confused face "Oh yeah that's because I packed it for you, I will grabbed it ok thanks love you" she said taking it and exiting the room "How didn't I see it when I took of my clothes?" Y/N asked "Scarlett and I helped you, besides you were tired, maybe you don't remember, or one of us put it there for you" I told her and she hummed

We took a fast shower because we need to go, today is the last day here in London, so we want to go and visit the city, we can stay here and continue what's we were doing but we want to see some places, we had more free days but we were so fucking exhausted so we stayed in the hotel, sometimes we went to have dinner or to a walk, or we went to little places that were beautiful, but we didn't go to the principal places and that's what we want to do. "Baby I don't have to wear specific clothes right?" Y/N asked me "No bug, you can use comfy clothes" I told her

I was waiting for Y/N when Scarlett entered the room without knocking "Uhm hi?" I told her "Hi, shshsh" she shushed me and I scoffed "Why are you acting so weird?" I told her. It's weird look at her with Y/N's clothes "I have something big today, and I am not acting weird" she said "Yes you are, and why do you have to wear Y/N's clothes" I complained "Well I met someone but I have never seen him before and this is the first time, we have a date, and I love Y/N clothes, but she doesn't let me take them" she said "Don't you think is dangerous, I mean you don't know him. If Y/N know about this she would not like it" I warned her knowing that Y/N cares a lot for her "That's why we aren't telling her" she said but I shake my head "No there is no way I will lie to her sorry" I apologized. I don't want to have problems with her

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