Chapter 11

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I was watching Grey's Anatomy when I heard I knock I sigh annoyed because well I don't want to get up, I stay in my bed hoping they would just go, but then I hard another knock, I got up and I saw the hour I wonder who could been knocking at these hours

I opened the door and I saw her

"Hey" she said softly I saw she has a bag an God it smells delicious I wonder what is it
"Hey" I said emotionless
"I brought you food, hoping we could talk"
"What did you bring" I asked curios I mean I haven't eaten since the morning
"I brought you ice cream and y/f/f"
"Okay come in"

I let her in because why not I'm starving, and I really feel bad about earlier I mean I shouldn't have told her that I didn't want her help, and then left her her alone

"Look Y/N I'm so sorry I know you're very mad at me and maybe you could never forgive me, I just I don't know but I" she thought for a minute  "I have not right to ask you that I know now that it's a tough topic for you to talk and maybe just maybe you would tell me when you feel ready" I nod "I'm sorry Lizzie it's just-" she cut me off "No no you have anything to apologize" I shake my head "No, Lizzie it was rude for me to told you that you just wanted to help and I left you here alone and well you were just curious" "Well I forgive you if you forgive me" she made a half smile I chuckle and hug her, God her hugs feels so comfortable "Well Lizzie we have to eat becará I haven't eaten since these morning"
"You didn't eat" I shake my head and said "Nope" "That's not healthy Y/N" "I know, I know, Do you mind if we eat in my bedroom I was eat Grey's Anatomy until you interrupted me" she just nod and we went to my room "So that's why you didn't answer the door" I chuckle "Yeah I was hoping the person that was on my door would leave but then you knocked again" "Well if I wouldn't have knocked you wouldn't being eating this"

We finished eating and now we are eating ice cream "Why you didn't reply my texts" "Oh sorry it's just that I left my phone here while I was out and when I returned well I didn't look for it" "I was worried, I thought something bad happen to you" she said and I find it adorable "Aww you were worried about me" "Of course I was you left on your motorcycle very fast I mean you could have had an accident" I chuckle "When I was young I had an accident with Leo, he was teaching me how to drive the motorcycle and I don't know how but the I crashed into a tree and he was mad at me because I destroyed the face of the motorcycle, I think he was more mad because I hurt myself and he always wanted to protect me" I told her and I felt tears fall on my cheeks she smiled at me an hugged me I smiled at her too

We were watching Grey's Anatomy but we're falling asleep, I mean it's pretty late, so I decided to tell her the story of my brother
"Lizzie" I called her name to see if she's sleep "Mhm" "I'm going to tell you what happened to my brother" she lifted her face, because we were cuddling "Y/N you don't have to" "But I want to" she nod slowly "He was on a party with friends, and he drank a lot because I told him that I wanted to quit my job and travel around the world with my ex girlfriend Lucy"she cut me off "Wait your girlfriend wasn't called Mary" I chuckle "Well Lizzie I was a different person, I had Lucy, then Mary and then one called Lilith" she looked at me surprised "I change, or well I like to think I did anyways, I wanted to travel the world with Lucy but Leo wasn't agree with that because the Law Firm was a successful and he knew that deeply I didn't want to go and quick my job, but well the love or attraction that I had for Lucy blinded me, so we started an argue and I told him that I hated him and that I hated we were twins" at this point I'm crying, she was rubbing my back "And then she told me that Lucy just wanted me for my money and that I was too young for quit everything just for someone that didn't love me, and I told him that at least I had someone and then he told me that he wasn't with someone because we suppose to be with each other's, we had a plan, that I would become a lawyer a good one and he a doctor, he didn't become a doctor though and he was making motorcycle racing, the thing that I hated about him it's that's he wanted me to have everything and he didn't think about his dreams, and my father told me he didn't do his things because the money that was for his career he gave it to me for me to build the Law Firm, so that's why he didn't had someone because once the Law Firm is in a good place we were going to return to Italy and live there until we get bored and we were going to party everyday, and that night he told me that I fucked up our plan, he never liked Lucy, and when he told me that I ducked up our plan I told him that he failed with his dreams and that he was just a disappointment, that was normal for us I mean we fighting  but then he asked me to choose between Lucy and him and I don't know why I chose Lucy, then he left mad, he drank a lot with his friends and his friend drank a lot too one of his friend was driving a car and then they collided on a bridge and the car caught fire, and he died" now I'm sobbing, she was holding me "Hey, hey look at me" she said grabbing my cheeks with her hands I looked at her "It wasn't your fault it was your brother's friend fault they shouldn't have drank a lot and driving so it's not your fault did you hear me don't blame yourself love" "But it was Lizzie if I hadn't said those thing to him she shouldn't have drank a lot, and for my decisions I lost my brother" she shake her head "No that's not true, yes you told him bad things but he told you too, so please don't blame yourself" she said hugging me tight, I continue crying and I fell asleep

Lizzie's POV

She told me the tragic story of her brother's dead and god she thinks it's her fault even though 2 years have passed I'm going to convince her that it wasn't her fault

Last night she fell asleep in my arms, and eventually when I notice she wasn't going to wake up I fell too

I wake up and I was confused, then I remembered everything and look down, I saw Y/N sleeping while she was cuddled with me, god I'm so confused right now I don't know what I'm feeling right now

I decided to go to do breakfast, I left Y/N and luckily she didn't wake up, I went to her kitchen and I saw nothing, oh god she really needs to go to the grocery store, I decided to go for breakfast

I return to her house and she wasn't downstairs so maybe she's still sleeping I went to her room and she wasn't there I looked for her but she was nowhere to be seen, Then I went to the little winery and she was there
"Hey" I said softly "Hey" she said but she wasn't looking at me "What're you doing" "I was looking for a necklace, that Leo gave to me but I can't find it" she said anxious "Hey look at me" she ignore me so I took her face in my hands "Look at me" she looks at me "We're going to find it okay but after we have breakfast you need food okay" she nods to me

We were eating at the table and she didn't say a thing I think I was helping her because I'm sure she doesn't eat here because she used to eat here with her brother, we were there in a comfortable silence and her phone rang

"Hey Clary everything okay" she said a little bit confused "OMG Clary are you serious" she said excited "Did you call Max" "Oh no do t worry I'm going to call her, so when we have to be on court" "Yeah Yeah it's perfect I'm going to be there, Thank you very much Clary you're the best" "Oh and Clary can you tell the boss that you arrange it please and that he should call my- his father" "Thank you Clary" she hung up and she was happy "What happened?" "A judge can see us today for the Smiths case" she said and she hugged me and carried me and spinning around I was laughing
"I have to change and take a shower" "Go I'm going to clean this" "You sure" "Yeah Y/N go or you're going to be late" I told her and she went upstairs

I ended washing the dishes and she came and Wow how she can look so good

"Do I look good" she cuts my thoughts "I I yeas I mean maybe too good" I stumble over my words she laughed "I don't think if that's a good thing or not" I feel my cheeks hot "Yeah you look good don't worry" "Okay thank you Lizzie, I have to go you...

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"Do I look good" she cuts my thoughts
"I I yeas I mean maybe too good" I stumble over my words she laughed "I don't think if that's a good thing or not" I feel my cheeks hot "Yeah you look good don't worry" "Okay thank you Lizzie, I have to go you can stay here if you want but if you have to go I get it" "I'm sorry I would love to stay but I have to go to my house" "Yeah I get it do you want me to drop you off at your house?" "Well I have my car I can't leave it here" "Yeah sure" it seems like she doesn't want to go nor me to leave "Well Lizzie thank you so much for last night and this morning see you soon?" She asked and I nod smiley, she smiles at me and we went to our cars "See you soon little crazy" she chuckle at the nickname she hugged me "See you Lizzie" and she closed my door and went to her car and leaves

What am I feeling?

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