Chapter 5

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Today I have to go see my little bug, it's been a while since I last saw her and God I miss her.
I took a shower and chose my clothes I decided I wear, black jeans a white crop top and my black jacket, with white sneakers, and my watch

I was heading to her house and I decided to call the boss.
"Hey little sis what's up are you okay" "God if you always ask if I'm okay every time I call you I'm going to stop calling you"
"Hey Im worried about you I mean tomorrow-" I cut him off
"Yeah I know what happen tomorrow okay but if you keep remind me I'm not going to be okay, I just don't want to think about it" I sighed "Yeah sorry , anyways why did you call don't tell me you're not coming to the Law Firm"
"Hahaha that's very funny, are you a wizard or how did you know" "Cmon Andrea siempre haces lo mismo (Cmon Andrea you always do the same)" "Hey Se vado andare in ufficio, smettila di rimproverarmi (I'm going to go to the office stop scolding me) " "You always say that but you're very irresponsible"
"Fuck you pendejo" i hang up angry I hate when people say I'm irresponsible, I mean yeah I'm kind of irresponsible but when I need to do something I always do it but if they push over and over again they stressed me out

I arrived to see my little bug and knocked the door.
"Hi baby girl, look at you, you're taller than when I last saw you" 
"Hi Auntie Y/N" I pick her up and hug her tight
"Where's your mama?" I ask the little girl
"She's talking with my dad in the kitchen, I think he's mad" she whispered the last sentence
"Mmmm I see, hey bug why you don't go and grab our little turtle and bring it here okay"
I ask here knowing that she has to go upstairs
"Okay" she kissed my check and went upstairs

I enter the kitchen and saw Scarlett talking through the phone, I sighed in relief, I thought the motherfucker was here. I raised and eyebrow because I want to know what's happening, she put her hand in the phone and whispered to me  "He wants to have Rosie tomorrow" "Is it his turn?" I ask her to see if I could help, she sigh and nod and said "But we change days he had her the last weekend, and he promised that I would have her tomorrow" she told and I notice she was about to cry, I need to do something, " Do you have any proofs about that?" she nod "Yeah I have his messages and there are photos about them" well there weren't good proofs but I have to do something, I took the phone from Scar "Look man, you promise her that she could have Rosie this weekend and you had her the last one so she's gonna have her this weekend, and if you don't agree and want to take Rosie from her you know that you would have to go through me and dude if you didn't know I'm Mexican, and if you go there crying saying that Scar didn't fulfill the deal that you guys did, well let me tell you something we have good proofs that you agreed to Scarlett having Rosie this weekend so you're going to wait to see her and let Rosie be with her mom are we clear" "Yeah but if I want to see my daughter I'm going to make a deal with her and she would have to accept bec-" I cut him off "Yeah whatever, and stop treating bad Scarlett" I hang up

"Wow thank you so much Y/N" she started  crying I hug her "Shsh It's okay" the Rosie enter the kitchen excited because she found our turtle, Scar turn around because she doesn't want Rosie to se her like this "Wow but I thought you lost her, hey do you wanna watch  a movie?" "Yes" "Okay go search one while I talk with mama okay" she ran to the T.V room
"I don't know what would I do if he took her someday" "That's never and believe me never gonna happen okay, I'm here to help you and I would never let that happen" she chuckle "What don't you believe me?" "We have good proofs" she mimicked me "Hahaha I had to do something and we'll she's an idiot y she didn't notice that wasn't true" I laughed and wiped her tears "We have to go with the kid I mean she's gonna be furious if we take too long" she laughed and punch my arm playfully

I stayed there until 6:00 but I have to go to the office "Okay guys as much as I love hanging with you I need to work" Rosie pouts "Hey I'm going to see you soon and remember you always can come to my house or office whenever you want" she rubs her eyes and gave me a kiss and a tight hug, the same with Scar
"So are you coming tomorrow?"
"Mmm I'm going to see if I can" she glare at me "I'm gonna do my best I promise" she hugged me and say "Cmon it's going to be fun" "You just want me here because you don't want to sleep with Evans" she punch me in the arm and said "Shut up and go, before I murder you" I just laugh and put my helmet

I was working in my office and I notice that it was already 2:00 am "God I'm so tired"
I was on my way to the parking spot and I got a text

Hey I haven't heard about you are you okay?

Yeah it's just that I have a lot of work you know and I thought you already got bored of me

I would never, so are you going to tell me why are you up so late

Well I'm still on my office I lost track of time and I was heading home right now, the question is what are you doing up so late?🤨

I can't sleep😕
You know you shouldn't be this late in your job

Yeah I know
Do you want to do something funny🤫

I don't know are going to get in trouble?🤔

Well maybe yes maybe not I don't know😏

Oh god why I send that emoji, she didn't answer me I guess I went too far I was putting my helmet when I got  a text

I like trouble pick me up
See you stranger🙃

Oh my god she said yes now where am I going to take her, Cmon Andrea eres divertida, puoi gestirlo

I arrived to her place and wow it's a beautiful house

I'm here

I saw her and wow how could she look so beautiful in the middle of the night well in the middle of the morning

"You know it's rude staring"
"Yeah well I don't think so m'lady"

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now