Chapter 22

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I wake up and smile because Lizzie is here with me, I thought she was going to leave because well she has work to do and she can't stay with me that long, a part of me don't want her to stay because that means she's going to ask things and I'm not sure I'm ready to tell someone what happened exactly to me, she starts to wake up "Good morning Olsen" I told her "Good morning, how are you feeling, do you need something?" I chuckle at her because she is worrying a lot "I'm okay Lizzie don't worry" I told her and smile at her, then the doctor got in the room "Hey Andy how are you feeling today" Dr. Prim asked "I'm okay" I told him "Okay now tell me the truth" I sighed "My ribs hurt as hell, also I can't breath si well, and I don't know what I have on my back but it's killing me, oh and my legs I feel them weak"
"Okay so it's completely normal that your ribs are hurting you, and the problem of your back it's also because your ribs and some wounds that you have there, your legs well they are weak because you have a tear in your leg, but today you're going to have surgery to fix that, and also to see if you don't have internal bleeding anymore okay" he explained to me and I'm not going to lie, I'm scared, I don't like the idea of me being in surgery "But it's a simple surgery?" I asked the doctor "Well all surgery has risks but we are going to do our best okay" I just nod and Lizzie took my hand "Don't worry Andy everything it's going to be okay" he said that and leave "Why he call you Andy and not Y/N" Lizzie asked "Well some people like more the name Andy and others like more Y/N" Lizzie nod, but I now she's not convinced "And Dr. Prim was friend of Leo, and Leo always liked more Andy so Dr. Prim call me like that" she smiles at me "And how would you like me to call you" I smirked and she laughed, I think she knows what I was thinking "however you want"

We've spent 2 hours watching movies and talking, my surgery it's at 5 but the nurses will come before, because they need to prepare me "Are you nervous" Lizzie asked me, she's still in bed with me "Yes I am" I told her "I'm am too" she told me "Why?" "Well I'm afraid of you  not waking up and leave me here" she explained to me "Well Lizzie I promise you that I will try my best and wake up, and I know if my body know you will be here waiting for me, I'll wake up" I told her and she smiled at me and lean in and put her forehead with mine then Scarlett, Aubrey and Roger got in "Hey I see you have good company I think we should go" Scarlett said smirking and Lizzie stood up
"How are you feeling sis" Roger asked me "I'm fine just a little worried about my surgery" "Yeah I talk to Dr. Prim an he told us that we have nothing to worry about" I just nod "Hey any of you know where my motorcycle is, or if she's broken" "You call your motorcycle she" Lizzie asked me "Yeah my motorcycle is she and my car is he" Lizzie laughed "Are you serious worrying right now about your motorcycle?" Scarlett asked me "Of course she is important for me, I can let her die so please tell me if she's okay" they laughed but I am fucking worried about her "She's okay Y/N she's in your house right now, she went to the police because they needed to detect fingerprints" Aubrey explained to me "But they didn't hurt her right" "No Y/N she's okay, now stop worrying about her"

We have been talking a lot, but I know all of them want to ask me what happened but thank god no one has asked, the nurse come and prepare me for my surgery "Scar I need you to tell them to leave o don't want anyone here, because I'm going to start talking shit" I whispered to her and she nod "Okay guys let's go" they looked at her confused "I'm not leaving" Roger said "neither do I" Lizzie said, Aubrey didn't say anything because she knows why I want them to leave "C'mon guys just wait in the waiting room, I don't want anybody here" I told to them and I feel Lizzie is staring at me "Okay" Roger said and leaned in to kiss me "I love you sis" "Love you too" then Aubrey approached to me "You can't die okay remember we have a promise" I smile at her and nod then Scarlett passed me a drawing "Rose sent this, she was sad she couldn't come so she made a drawing, don't die she needs you" Scarlett said and left the room I know she meant that she needs me too, then is just Lizzie and I "Don't be mad at me, I don't like when you get mad at me" I told her "Why you don't want me to stay, just like last night" she asked me "Because I'm going to start talking a lot of shit and I don't want anybody to hear my shit, but I want you to stay with me after my surgery, but I mean if I get it if you can't I know you have an important job and the love of your life is probably waiting for you, maybe your fiancé has planned a date for toy tonight" I started rambling and I know it's because the shit they put on me, Lizize just laughed and she kissed me "I'm going to stay Y/N you're more important" she said to me, I don't know if I'm hallucinating because now she's not here, but that kiss felt so real

Lizzie's POV

I know I shouldn't have kissed her but i couldn't help but I like her I know that I do, but I'm still with Robbie, I don't know what should I do "She's going to be okay Liz" Scar told me, "I know it's just that this feeling is not leaving me" "Which one the feeling of liking her or the worry one?" Scarlett said, and I glare at her "We're just friends Scar" I told her "Yeah I know you're just friends but that doesn't mean you don't like each other" she told me and left the waiting room, I don't know where she's going

We've been here for 2 hours, but I feel like I have been her for a lot of days, I was playing with my engagement ring, I don't want to wear it so I took it off and kept it in my purse, then a doctor came "Hey I'm an intern on Andy's case" she told us and we nod "Is she okay?" I asked her and she looked at me, I don't know why I feel she's about to tell us something wrong happen to her "She's still in surgery, but I came here to tell you all that she will be in a lot of pain and she would need someone to take care of her, and we know Andy and she's not going to ask for help, so I came here to know who would be this person because we need to talk about treatments and medications and stuff" she explained to us "I can take care of her" I said and everyone looked at me "No I think it should be me, I'm her brother, I have always take care of her" Roger said "Well I recommend to be the women that it's called" she looked at the papers "Lizzie" she said and I was surprised "Why she?" I asked her "Well when we were taking her to the O.R she wouldn't stop talking about her and we thought she was her girlfriend but when we asked her she started laughing and said she's just a very important person for me, the most important, so Dr. Prim thought it would be better if Lizzie take care of her" she explained to us "Well so it will be Lizzie" Aubrey said and Roger glared at her, I think Roger doesn't like me "Okay who's Lizzie" the Dr asked us "It's me" "Okay come with me please" I followed her

We're in an office and she's explaining me how rough it will be for Y/N and that she'll need all the support I can give her also she said that maybe Y/N would need help changing herself and even with the shower, I know how stubborn Y/N is and she's not going to let me help her, she also explained me the treatments and the meds I need to give her and also made me a list of painkillers because it would be days when she will be in a lot of pain

I came back to the waiting room and Dr. Prim was there, I looked at Scar worried and she smiled at me, so I know Y/N is okay "Can I see her" I asked him and he chuckled because I interrupted him again "Yes but as I said she's weak so don't be too loud" I nod and we went to her room, she's sleeping so I took a chair and sit next to her grabbing her hand, Roger did the same but on the other side, while the girls sat on the couch

Is going to end the visit time, so they'd need to leave and Y/N hasn't wake up, I know Roger is anxious because he doesn't want to leave until he see his sister, Dr. Prim came "Sorry but you would need to leave in 30 minutes" he said with an apologetic smile
It has passed 13 minutes since Dr. Prim came and I can feel Y/N is starting to wake up, Y/N wakes up but she whines in pain, but as soon she saw us she stopped whining "Hey" she said and smile to me, but I know she's still in pain "Hey little sis are you okay" Roger asked her and she nod "Y/N do you want me to call the nurse" I told her and she nod, the nurse came and she already knows Y/N is in pain so she injected her some shit "You're going to feel better with this" she said and left the room
"Hey Y/N do you want me to stay" Roger asked her "No thank you, I think Lizzie is staying, but I don't remember I think I hallucinated" she said but I shake my head "No you didn't, I'm staying" I told her and she grinned, I think she thought I didn't kiss her "Okay we're leaving, please Y/N accept Lizzie's help and don't be a bitch" Aubrey told her and kissed her forehead "Bye dipshit you need to recover okay" Scar told her and Y/N nod "ha un marito , Andrea, e tu lo sai" (she has a husband, Andrea, and you know it) Roger told Y/N but I don't know what that means "Lei è fidanzata, Rogelio, non sposata" (she's engaged, Rogelio, not married) Y/N told him very angry, I don't know what made her this angry "Okay Roger, you need to leave Y/N alone, she needs to rest" Aubrey told him and he left "Goodbye girls" Scar and Aubrey told us

We were watching a movie but we're falling asleep "Lizzie why are you on the couch and not in bed with me?" Y/N asked me "Because I don't want to hurt you so today I'm sleeping on the couch" she shake her head "I'm not letting you sleep on the couch" "Well I wasn't asking you baby" she blushed so hard and she tries to hide it but failed "Goodnight Lizzie" she said to me and I went to turn off the lights "Goodnight baby" I grinned and see her shaking her head
I think this is going to be interesting

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