Chapter 83

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It has been 3 days since the movie premiere Lizzie has had a lot of interviews, the good thing is that I can go with her. It's impossible for me to get bored because I love how cute she looks and she is always looking at me instead of the interviewer. I don't want to go today with her because she is going to have an interview and Bettany will be there. I didn't tell Lizzie about him but I think she already knows because she keeps asking me if I'm ok. Scar also keeps asking me I don't know if someone told them

Lizzie and I are having breakfast and we are discussing why I don't want to go with her "We can rest after the interview, I don't have to do anything after that, besides you already rested yesterday" Lizzie tries to convince me "I know I rested yesterday but I don't really want to go" I told her and then look at her. I can see that she looks sad. I don't want her to be sad. I sighed "Please baby come with me" she pleaded me and I can't tell her no. Her whole face looks so cute and sad that I can't tell her no "Fine" I told her. Here face changed into a happy one. She tackled me into a hug "Thanks baby, I love you" she said, kissing my cheek "I love you too"

We are changing into formal clothes. Lizzie is excited on going. I guess is because I accepted going with her. I just hope that Bettany won't say anything bad about me. I know he is a good friend of Lizzie and the last thing I want is that they drift apart because of my fault

I was waiting for Lizzie, when I got a text from Scar

Hey, are you coming with Lizzie to the interview?

Dick head👁:
Yeah Lizzie insisted and I gave in
Are you going too?

You are so whipped
Yes I'm going too

Dick head👁:
I am not
See you there

Yes you are

I rolled my eyes. I am not whipped, I just love when Lizzie is happy, what is wrong with that "Baby are you ready?" Lizzie shout at me, I chuckle. I'm waiting for her of course I'm ready "Yes I'm ready" I shout back and got no response back. "Did you grab a sweater, bug?" Lizzie asked me while coming downstairs "No, I'm not cold, and I checked the weather and it's going to be hot all day" I explained to her "You will be cold later baby, so please go and grab one" Lizzie said. I was going to stand up but then I remember what Scarlett told me "No I'm good" I said and Lizzie stopped what she was doing and turned to glare at me "You are going to be cold so please go and grab a sweater" she said glaring at me. I think Lizzie is scary sometimes "You are right I will go" I told her standing up. I noticed that she smirked so I stopped "Do you think I'm whipped?" I questioned her making her giggle. She walked toward me and put her arms on my shoulders "I think you just love me so much. But so do I, so I don't think you are whipped, well maybe just a little bit I love that, and I love you" she said before pecking my lips. Satisfied with the answer she gave me, I went upstairs to grab a sweater

We arrived early to the place where the interview is going to be, and it's seems we are late because everyone is already here. Lizzie didn't get mad that's a good thing. I thought she was going to blame me for being late but was totally the opposite "We are here earlier" Lizzie said. I turned to look at her confused "Everyone is already here" I told her and she shrugged "I don't like being the first to arrive" she said walking toward the cast. I think Lizzie is now like me, not liking being the first person to arrive and being late but denying that we are late 

After talking with some cast members, Paul Bettany approached to us. I can see that Lizzie is giving him a look. Does she know what he told me?, Why Lizzie is looking at him like that? I thought they were like best friends. "Hey Lizzie" Bettany greeted Lizzie, she just gave him a weak smile "Hi Y/N, I'm  Bettany is a pleasure to meet you" he said stretching his hand for me to take it. I looked at him and chuckle "Oh really" I mumbled sarcastically, shaking his hand. I thought Lizzie didn't hear that but she did "What do you mean?, Did he tell you something?" Lizzie asked me. Before I could speak, Seb talked "Yes he did" he said, I looked at him to tell him to shut up "Don't" I mouth him "What did he tell you?" Lizzie asked me a little bit mad, I don't know if she is mad at me or at him "Nothing, it's not important" I told Lizzie. She knows I won't tell her so she turned to face Sebastian "What did he tell her?" Lizzie asked him. I shake my head at Sebastian but I know he is like afraid of Lizzie, so he will tell her everything "You know the same stuff people that don't know Y/N tell her, that she is a womanizer and that she doesn't deserve being with you" Sebastian told her

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now