Chapter 32

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"Do we really need to go" I groan about the fact we're living Italy "Yes, is your job, you need to go, also I need to return because the premier of Ingrid Goes West" she said "But first we're getting breakfast in a beautiful place" I told her and she laughed "Of course"

We changed ourselves and now we're on the way to have breakfast, "Do you have other projects?" I asked Lizzie and she looked at me "Yes, I have the avengers movie, but I can't tell you anything Y/N" I sighed "I know, I know and you have something else?" She thought for a minute "Yes my manager told me that I might be on a series of Facebook Watch" she said, and I want to ask her something else but I don't want her to think I want her to stay with me or something "Y/N you can ask me anything you want" she said and took my hand "I just want to know where are going to be the shootings and stuff" she rubbed my hand "They're going to be in LA, why?" "Nothing, we're here" I got out the car and opened Lizzie's door

We finished having breakfast and now we're on the airport "Hey bubba don't be sad please" I told my little brother "Why you have to leave again, why you don't stay here with me" he said very sad "Because I have work to do bubba, but you always can come and visit me and we will talk everyday we can" I told him but he's still sad "You're leaving because of sad isn't it" he said and I shake my head "No, I'm really leaving because of work" "I hate my dad, he always ruin everything" he said and my mom looked at him "Don't talk about your father like that Lucano" my mom told him "Hey you can't hate dad, he's kind with you and he loves you a lot" I told him "But he hurt you and he's still doing it" "No, he didn't hurt me, it's just that we haven't talked to each other, but we will, and Luca I'm not leaving for that okay" I told him and he's crying so I hugged him "ci vediamo dopo?" (See you later?) He smile "si, ci vediamo dopo" (Yes, see you later), Luca and Lizzie are saying goodbye "Please call us Y/N, we miss you a lot and when we hear your voice it's makes us miss you less, I think , so please don't lose contact with us" my mom said "Yes mom I will, please don't let Guido hurt Luca, and you, okay he's kind I know but when he's mad he said a lot of bad things that really  affect our feelings, I don't want Luca to feel that" she nods "I will, and be safe please, also you have to try to forgive your father I know she hurt you but he's still your father, don't you remember all the good memories you have" my mom said, "Yes mom i do remember but i also remember all the shit he told me since I was a child, and then when Leo died he really fucked up our relationship, i was hurt about the fact that Leo died and then he came and blame me, so you have to understand it's a little difficult for me to forgive him" i told my mom "I know hun, but i really hope you two can fix your problems, the two of you are my family, i want to spend time with my whole family" she said "Well mom as much you want that, that can't be Leo is died so you can't be with the whole family" "I know Y/N, and you know what i meant, i want to spend time with my family that is still alive, don't you think Leo would want that" i was Sara dying to feel a Lipitor irritated by my mom and Lizzie noticed that so she came with us and took my hand "Don't tell me what Leo would want, he left and mom you and I both n know that he would be mad at Guido too, but he would try to fix our relationship, but he would talk with my father, not me, because we both know that was his fault" i told my mom a little mad "Okay hun i get it, please don't go mad with me" my mom said and i feel a little bad with myself to talk to her like that "I'm not mad with you mom, sorry if I speak rude to you" i apologized to my mom "It's okay baby, i will talk with your father, but please don't forget about us" "I would never" i told her and then Lizzie and my mom say goodbye, Lizzie and I are walking and my mom shout "Y cuida a esa mujer, no la dejes ir, ella es buena" (Take care of that woman, don't let her go, she's good) she said and I looked at her, I can't believe she shout that in the middle of the airport

We're on the plane and is going to be a long trip "What does your mom said earlier?" Lizzie asked, I knew she would ask "She said, that I should not let you leave, and she likes you" she looked at my eyes to see if I'm laying "I guess I have to believe you, and I won't leave, I really like being with you, you know, besides if I go you will miss me too much" she said and I laughed "Well you're not wrong in that" I told her and kissed her cheek, she blushed and smile, "Do your brother's name is Lucano?" She asked and i chuckled "Yes his name is Lucano Rafaello Mancini, but since he was a baby I started to call him Luca, because I don't like how Lucano sounds, and now Luca hats when someone call him Lucano" I told her and she nod "Well it is kind of weird that name, does he like Rafaello?" "I don't know, nobody call him like that, and when someone does he doesn't look mad or something like that, but if you call him Lucano he gets mad, just when someone is angry with him, they called him Lucano" "I think Rafaello is a very elegant name" she said and i nod "Yes it is, but i always have loved Luca more and Luca is very attached to me so he loves the name Luca too" "You're so good with him" she said and she got a text, and she answered "Sorry it was from my sisters" she said and I nod "It's okay, are you okay, you look worried" I told her, because her face changed when she saw the text "Yes it just I forgot to tell my sister I went to Italy" she said and I chuckle "Lizzie you really should have told them" "I know it's just that I want to see you, and it was a last minute thing, and I totally forgot I had dinner with them that night" she explain and yawn so cute "It's okay, now they know you're safe, come her, you're tired "I told her while patting my lap, then she put her head on my lap and grabbed my hand, we intertwined our fingers, and she put our hands on her stomach

We've been on this fucking plane for 5 hours and we will still be here for 9 hours more, Lizzie is now asleep on my lap and I'm rubbing her cheek and hand, she's so beautiful, I think I'm done taking things slow, I will ask her to be my girlfriend, but I want to do something special, she deserves the world and more "Why are you looking at me like that" Lizzie said with her raspy voice and I smile more "You look beautiful when you sleep, is there anytime you don't look beautiful?" I told her and she smile at me "Did you sleep" she asked "A little bit" She settles in and I pout, she laughed "You need to rest, so come here" she pat her lap "But I'm hungry" I told her "But we already ate" "Still I'm hungry" she rolled her eyes and she took out some cookies from her bag I smile at her so widely "I knew you were going to be hungry" she said and I kissed her cheek "Marry me" I said playfully "First ask me to be your girlfriend princess" she said and we ate the cookies

We're finally landing and I really need to get out of this plane I can't feel my butt "Relax, everybody is going to get out of the plane"
Lizzie told me and I huffed "Well I do t want to be the last person leaving this plane, I can't feel my butt" I told her and she laughed "Drama queen" she said and I looked at her offended "What?, are you going to tell me that you don't want to leave this plane" "Well of course I want, I'm fucking tired, but I love spent time with you and if It has to be on a 14 hours flight I wouldn't mind" Lizzie said and now I feel bad "Well if you put it like that, it doesn't sound bad" I told her and calm myself down she chuckled and grabbed my hand

We were walking towards my car and then I realized that we didn't come to the airport together so she might have her car here "Lizzie did you bring your car?" I asked her and "No I didn't actually now that I think, my car is at a cafe" she said an I looked at her confused while opening the door of my car for her, we got in "Why did you leave your car at a cafe?" I asked her while starting driving, is dark because here in LA it's 8:00 pm "Well I was worried because you left and Aubrey told me to go to a cafe and we met there and then I decided to go to Italy with you and I got in a cab, I don't know why I just was thinking on you and if you wouldn't be mad, I just wanted to see you" she explained "Well tomorrow we can go for your car, don't worry, do you want me to take you to your house or you want to stay with me?" I asked her and she looked nervous "Well I'm tired and I, you don't need to if you don't want to" I took her hand "Lizzie just tell me, it's okay" I reassure her and rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb "I want to stay with you" she said and she still looks nervous, I don't know why she's nervous it's not like I'm going to say no "Well I'm glad, because I want you to stay with me, I mean we've been 2 days together, I don't want to be be separated from you" I told her and she grinned "I don't want to be separated from you either"

We arrive to my house, we took a shower (separately) and change our clothes, of course Lizzie put on herself my clothes, while I was getting out of the bathroom I saw that Lizzie wasn't here, I went downstairs and looked at her, she's making sandwiches "Hey you're in time, I made sandwiches, I know you're hungry and tired but I'm not letting you sleep with nothing on your stomach so come here and eat and then we can go bed" she said and I obeyed

We went to my bedroom and now we're on the bed cuddling, "I really love being with you in Italy" she said and I can tell she's falling asleep "Me too, I can't wait to travel more with you by my side" I told her and kissed her head "Goodnight love" she said and I smile for the pet name "Goodnight princess", I can't wait to ask her to be my girlfriend

Don't proof read

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