Chapter 64

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I was taking some pictures, and then Matt approached to me, he stood there for a while not saying anything, he is making me feel anxious "What?" I asked him and he looks at me a little shocked for my rude tone "I uhm I'm sorry I just wanted to ask you something" he said nervous and I frown, "And why you don't ask, I mean you are just standing here and you don't talk" I told him. I can see that the twins enter the room, they must want the pictures, "I wanted to see if you maybe want go have dinner with me, I mean of course only if you are able to and you want to" he ramble and I looked at him confused, I don't know if he is asking me to go have dinner with him as a date or as a coworker "Uhm why?" I asked him and he chuckle, I chuckle too, realizing how that sound "I just want to spend more time with you and let know each other, I mean I want to know you better" he said and now I know he wants me to go with me as a date "Sorry I can't, I have a girlfriend, that I think you already know is Elizabeth Olsen the wonderful actress, o and also she is the sister of the twins" I told him "Yeah I already knew that, so is that a no?" He asked me and I can swear he si dump "Uhm yes, sorry I can't, Bye I have to go with the twins" I told him and left him standing there alone

I walked toward the twins, they  looked at me frowning and with confused faces "What was that?" MK said and I shrugged "He wanted to go to a date with you didn't you see?" Ashley said and I nod "Yeah I noticed that after asking him why he wanted to go out with me, I thought it was just like a friends dinner, but I had to make sure, I'm glad I did because it was not a friends dinner" I told them and both of them nod slowly,  "So do you have the photos?" Ashley asked me "Yeah look at them" I showed them my camera and they look at each other "We are going to print them, want to come with us?" MK said and I smile at them accepting

We entered their office, "Have you talk with our sister?" Ashley asked me "Yeah I messaged with her earlier, Why?" I questioned curious of why she is asking me "She FaceTime us and she saw that you were with Matt, and she did not like that" MK commented and I sighed "And is she mad?" I asked them a little worried about the answer "I don't think so, I mean she is definitely mad with him but not with you" Ashley reassure me and I let out a breath I was holding, "I'm going to call her" I told them "Yeah sure" they replied me almost at the same time

I walked out of their office to call Lizzie

Me: Hi my love
L: Hey baby what are you doing?
Me: I was with your sisters, what you doing?
L: I'm on my house chilling, I finished sooner, also I have good news
Me: Really well tell me
L: There is a big possibility of me returning to LA sooner, we are almost done with the reshoots
Me: OMG that is and excellent new. I'm so happy I really want to be with you
L: Yeah me too
Me: I have something to tell you that maybe you would not like
L: Ugh what happened
Me: Matt invited me to have dinner with him, I thought it was a friends dinner but I guess it wasn't
L: And did you say yes?
Me: Of course I mean I love date people who are not my girlfriend. Of course no baby, as soon I realized he wanted to go with me as a date I told him no
L: Sorry I had to ask, I really don't like that man, why you have to work with him
Me: He is the chief of photography so I have to
L: I'm going to tell my sisters to fire him
Me: Baby he is good at his job, also if they only fire him because you told them he could sue them
L: Ugh why everybody likes you
Me: Hahah I don't think that's a bad thing
L: Yes it is because everyone wants to be with you, and you are bisexual so everyone can be with you men and women
Me: Not everyone can be with me, because you are the only one I want to be with, and no one can be compared with you so I think no one is enough for me but you
L: Why you are so good with words
Me: I am not though, I have problems at expressing my emotions and what I feel
L: But you always calm me down and know exactly what yo tell me
Me: That's because I don't think about it I just say it, but that's not always good
L: What are you gonna do now?
Me: Uhm Well is pretty late so I will stay in a hotel and tomorrow I will fly to LA
L: Absolutely not, you are not staying at a hotel, you are staying with my mom
Me: Hahaha no, that's not happening, how I'm going to stay with your mom and you are not going to be there with me, is going to be awkward
L: Well I'm not letting you go to a hotel
Me: She can stay with me
L: Who was that?
Me: Sorry it was Ashley
L: Oh no there is no way she is staying with you, I don't know what you can do to her
A: Hahaha Lizzie relax I would never do anything to Y/N
MK: She can stay with me Lizzie
L: Ok but do not try to make a move with her
MK: Hahaha we won't Lizzie
Me: Hold on I did not accept that
L: I don't care my love is settled
Me: Ugh I love you I have to go
L: Love you too love bug

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now