Chapter 87

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After a long flight we are finally on LA, we are now at the airport. The bad thing is that tomorrow we will flight to New York because the twins want me to take some pictures. I spotted Romain with Rosie "Look" I point Scarlett and her face lighted up. I know she missed her daughter. When we were approaching them I saw that Rose is crying, if this fucking guy did something to her I will kill him, ok I can't do that because he is Rosie's dad. Rose is now in front of us but she doesn't hug her mom, "Here she is call me if she wants to come with me" Romain said and walked away, he didn't even say goodbye to his own daughter

Scarlett kneeled to see what's wrong with Rose "Hi baby, why are you crying?" She asked  the little girl "Why you always leave me, why your job is more important than me, my dad is the only one who cares about me, he said that you always going to choose your job and you will abandon me, I hate you" Rose cry telling all those things to Scar. Scar tried to hugged her but she didn't let her. After telling those things to her she ran outside the airport "Rose" Scarlett shout at her "I will go, you two go and wait in the car" I told them handing them the baggage

A good thing is that Rose didn't run so far. She is sitting on the floor of the parking lot still crying. It breaks me seeing her like this, and I'm sure Scarlett is broken as well and crying "Hey baby" I told her as I sit down next to her. As soon as I was on the floor she attached me with a hug. I hugged her back and let her cry "Why?" She keeps asking that. I pulled her apart to wipe her tears away "Look Rose, all those things you told to your mom are not true. It hurts her every time she needs to go away for work when you can't come with her. It kills her letting you here alone, even when you are with Romain, she hopes you could be with her all time and you know why?, because she loves you more than anything. And she works so hard because she wants you to have a very good live, but she would never choose her job over you, you are the most important thing for her, remember when you were sick and she came back to be with you?, well she didn't care about leaving her job she only wanted to come and see her favorite person" I assure her

She is more calmed "I'm sorry for telling mom I hate her" she apologized "Well my little monster you should apologize with her not me" I told her and she nod her head "But I'm still a little hurt" she admitted "And that's totally fine but you should apologize first and then tell mom what are you feeling, I'm sure she will understand" I told her "Can you stay with me?" She requested me and I nod "Yes but I will be behind you ok" I told her and she nod "Are you ready to go see mom?" I asked her and she nod

To our surprise the two girls weren't too far from us I'm sure they heard all of it. I can't blame them, they want to make sure Rose is ok. Rose went straight to her mom and I did what I promised I stayed behind her and Lizzie is next to me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder resting it on her waist, "You are so good with her and kids in general" Lizzie whispered and I smile "I love her so much" I whispered back "I know that, and she loves you so much too" she assured me "Why do you think she reacted that way?" Lizzie asked me "I don't know I suppose Romain told her something and he made her feel bad, but I'm sure she knows that Scarlett loves her more than anything" I told her and she nods "I love you" she said making me grin "I love you too" I told her before leaning down to kiss her lips

The girls returned and now we can go to the car. We get in the car and I notice that Scarlett is sad I didn't hear everything Rose told her but I know that she apologized maybe she is still hurt and now she is thinking that she chooses more her job than her daughter I can't tell her anything because I'm driving and she is on the back of the car "Do you guys want to come to our home?" I asked them. I caught Lizzie smile at how I said our home "Yes I want to come" Rosie answer. I looked at Scarlett who just nod

We arrived to our house and Rosie was the first one who got out of the car. "I will go with her" Lizzie said, kissing mi cheek. I know she knows that I want to cheer up Scarlett "Are you ok?" I asked her as I passed myself to the backseat. She laughs "You are such a kid, why you didn't get out of the car and get in again with the back door" she said and I shrugged "Is faster this way" I told her and she chuckle "Thanks for all the things you told Rose" she said and I nod "Is nothing, I just tell her the truth" I told her

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now