Chapter 31

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Lizzie's POV

I was going downstairs and when Y/N looked at me I can see love in her eyes, I don't know why we're taking things slow, I can't wait to call her my girlfriend, but I get it if she wants to take things slow, but I can't help thinking it's my fault because I have hurt her a lot, and maybe she wants to make sure I really like her, Aubrey has told me that a lot of people has hurt Y/N and that's why she doesn't trust a lot, also she has hurt a lot of people and I can't lie, that makes me feel unsure about our relationship "Wow Lizzie you really are ethereal, believe me I have never seen a gorgeous woman like you" Y/N cut me off my thoughts, when she says this kind of things, all my doubts disappear "You look as well stunning" I told her and she smile at me "Ready to go" she asked me an I nod eagerly

We arrived to a restaurant and Y/N told me to close my eyes, I don't know why because I already saw that we are outside a restaurant and I suppose that's the restaurant we're going to have our date, I was wrong, we've been walking for a few minutes "Y/N we're are you taking me?" I asked her and she giggles "Relax Lizzie, I'm sure you'll like it" she said and then I feel like we're going up so I wrapped my arms to Y/N, "Y/N why I'm feeling like we're going up?" I asked her "Oh it's because we're on an elevator, but relax Lizize I got you" she said and hugged me tightly, and now I fell secure, all the fear disappeared, I think we're now out of the elevator because we're walking, "Okay we're here" she said and I open my eyes, I'm adjusting to the light because I had my eyes closed for too long, when I adjusted I saw a beautiful view of Italy, this is really amazing "Y/N I love it here, it's so beautiful, I can't describe it" I told her and she grabbed my hand "I tried to find something that were as beautiful as you but I couldn't find it so I had to look for something that I was barely as beautiful as you and, I found this"  she said and wow nobody has told me that, Y/N makes me feel like I'm the most beautiful, important person in the world "Why you always tell me lovely things" "Because you deserve that and more" she said and I can't resist anymore I need to kiss her "Please you need to shut up or  I will kiss you" I told her and she smirked "Okay now you have to turn around" I did what she told me and I'm more in awe, she has prepared a table, and around the table are a lot of flowers and beautiful lights, also there is a little tent with also lights and a lot of pillows, blankets and there is a TV, I don't know how she did all of this, when I finished looking at all the things Y/N did I kissed her, I just couldn't help, fortunately she kissed me back, and I really missed her lips, it's a soft but passionate kiss, our lips move in sync and this kiss feels just like if it was our first, we pulled away and we smile at each other "I couldn't resist" I told her, catching my breathing "I'm glad you couldn't" she said with a smirked on her face

We're now eating and the food tastes amazing, "This night is perfect Y/N" I told her and she smile "I'm glad you're liking it" she said and I scoffed "Liking it I'm loving it" I said and we continue eating and talking about a lot of things "I love the food, and really this view is beautiful and the little tent looks very cute, are you going to tell me how you did all of this?" I asked her and she chuckle "Well I have planned this since I asked you for a date, I really couldn't find a place that were so beautiful for you, but then I remembered this place, I used to run from my problems and stayed here alone, sitting there" she point the verge of the roof "I remember I spent hours here just thinking, it was kind of my safe place, so I decide to come here and I was sure you would love the view, but it was still too simple, so then I got the idea of put this little tent and had a movie night with you, to prepare all this things I have helped of course, Luca helped me so my mom, and the three of us did all of these beautiful things" she explained to me and I can fell my cheeks hurt for smile so widely "I will thank them too, this is very beautiful, and which movie are we watching?" I asked her and she shrugged "I did not plan that, so I guess you have to choose" she said and I laughed

We lay down in the tents mattress and it's very comfy, I thought it would be kind of uncomfortable even though it looked comfortable, we put blankets over us, because it's kind of coldish here, Y/N wrapped her arms around me and I put my head on her chest, we put the movie and started watching it, but sometimes I catch Y/N staring at me "Y/N you're staring again" I told her and she chuckle "Sorry I can't help, you are so beautiful and I can't stop looking at you" she said and lift my head "But you're not watching the movie" "Well I prefer a hundred times more watch you than watch the movie" she said and I laughed, then I remembered she had something to tell me but she didn't want to tell me earlier, she notice that my smile fade away "What's wrong bug?" She asked while rubbing up and down my back "I just remembered you have something to tell me" she sighed "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, it's just that I really want to know and try to help you, you can talk to me don't forget that" I told her and she nod, then she started speaking "Clary texted me, and it's about a case I'm working" I cut her off "Please tell me it's not another dangerous case" "No, it's a case of a woman that is beaten up by her husband, Lizzie if I'm telling you things about my cases you can't talk to anyone about them okay?" She said and I nod "Yes I would never, I know that could cause problems to you and the Law Firm" I told her "Well Rachel thinks her husband already knows about the demand, because he hit her again yesterday and Clary told be it was pretty bad, so Rachel want to hurry up things, but I can't do that if I'm here, I need to go to court and present the case to the judge and see if he can give her security and if we can do this cast as soon as possible" she explained to me and I can see she's worried about this Rachel girl, if I wouldn't know she cares a lot  about her clients I would be jealous "We can return to LA tomorrow, you don't have nothing to worry about" I told her and she sighed "I know it's just I'm here with you, happy, and I don't want to ruin this" she said and I know there is something else "And?" I asked for her to continue "It's just my problems are there, and maybe If you see what you left you would regret or be afraid of your decisions and you will leave me" she whispered the last sentence but I heard it, I stand up and put my hand on her cheeks, she looked away, "Look at me Y/N, please" I told her and she looks at me " You will not lose me, I will not regret my decisions, you make me happy and I wouldn't leave you, like never, so please stop thinking like that I know I hurt you and I'm sorry for that, but let me show you that we deserve this, that we are good for each other" I told her and she nod "We're going to LA tomorrow and nothing will change, maybe we will be busy, but we are going to find a way to see each other because I'm sure I would miss you a lot if I don't see you" she chuckle "Yeah I would miss you too" she said with a smile "There's the smile I love" I told her and she blushed, I like when she blush with simple things I told to her, I kissed her cheek and we went back to our position

I was drifting sleep and Y/N notice it, "Let's go home bug" she said, but I really don't want to go, I want to stay here like this forever "I don't want, let's sleep here" I said and she chuckle "Yeah and we will freeze, we can go home and continue cuddling" she said and I looked at her "You promise" "I promise" she said and kissed my forehead

We arrive to her house, and we change ourselves, I put Y/N's clothes even though I brought mine's "Lizzie I'm start thinking you didn't bring clothes" Y/N said with a smirk "I did, but yours are more comfortable, and they smell like you so I like that" I said and pat next to me, for her to come with me, she smile and lay down with me, we cuddled, the same way we were on the roof, I really like to be close to her, she's comfortable and she makes me feel safe and love, she saw that I was falling asleep so she kissed my head "Goodnight bug" she said, I think bug is my new pet name, I need to think one for her, "Goodnight Y/N" I told her and kissed her collarbone, I can get use to this

A/N: Hey guys I hope you all are good, as always I don't proof read this, so if you see mistakes feel free to tell me, so I can correct them

If you have suggestions please tell me

Also I want you to know that I have never write a story, this is my first one, so I don't know how to write smut, I don't think I would write it, but If you guys want smut tell me and I would try it

I think I would try it and see if you like it, also if you can help me with the smut and give me ideas I would be very thankful

Thanks guys for all the support

Love you all♥️

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