Chapter 49

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Ok, this is fucking awkward, I really don't care what other people think about me, but Lizzie has to know the true, I mean I know that the name of Cole did something on her, even though she doesn't know who he is, it really wasn't an importan person to me, but I did broke his heart in a way no one could imagine, but I was different I was a womanizer

I think everything is back to normal, because the tension that was in the room, doesn't feel anymore and we all are talking, well Lizzie's father is still mad with me "So Y/N Lizzie told us that you have tattoos, care to show them" Ashley told me "I'm not sure if Lizzie would like that" I told her and MK smirked "Why you have them on places we can't see" MK said "Kinda" I told them and Lizzie decided to talk "You won't see them" she said kissing my cheek, I love possessive Lizzie, we were laughing at the twins, and at all the things Jarnett told us about little Lizzie "Aww babe don't be embarrassed I think you really were cute" I told Lizzie, that has her face hidden in her hands, "Okay I think is time for gifts" MK said and Lizzie stands up so fast "Okay I go first, I have something for Y/N" she said and hands me a box I opened it and smile at Lizzie, "You got us matching pjs!" I told her excited and she smile at me "We need to wear them now" she said and dragged me to her bedroom, we got change and I pecked her lips "Thank you my love, I really loved them" I told her and she grin "That's not the only gift I bought you" she said chuckling "I know you are worried about the Cole's thing and all the shit that my father did to your father's friend" I told her a little bit sad "Hey don't worry about that, you can explain it to me tomorrow, I trust you and I know that was part of your past but I'm your present and I'm planning on be your future" she said and I nod, we got out the bedroom and return to her family with our matching pjs on

I think everything is back to normal, because the tension that was in the room, doesn't feel anymore and we all are talking, well Lizzie's father is still mad with me "So Y/N Lizzie told us that you have tattoos, care to show them" Ashley told me ...

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(Our pjs look something like this)

"OMG, I love their pjs" Ashley said and we smile at her "Okay so we are  next, this one is for you mom" the twins said, and they gave her a pan set and their mom was all excited about her gift, Lizzie just laughed at her mom and I told her to leave her alone, then I decided to give Lizzie another gift "Okay here you go" I hand Lizzie her gift "OMG, thank you so much, I always wanted to have this, but how did you get them, they told me those are not for sale" she told me and I smile "Well I have contacts, and they sold me those in Greece, it was difficult but I could convince them" I told Lizzie and she smile at me "This will help me a lot with my anxiety" she said and I smile at her we continue giving gifts, I gave Jarnett her gift and she loved it, Lizzie and I gave David his gift and he seemed to like it, I gave more gifts to Lizzie and she likes them, "Okay this is my last gift for you" she said to me and hands me a little box "I know it can look a little possessive but I really like it and I hope you too" she said and I smile while opening the box I opened it and I laughed "I think I have to buy you one too" I told her and she smile, "Can you put it on me" I ask Lizzie and she nod smiling, they saw the necklace and laughed "Ok, Lizzie I got the reference, I now she is yours" Ashley said and Lizzie rolled her eyes "You don't want her to have a tattoo that said Lizzie's property" MK tease her "I love it, thank you bella" I told her pecking her soft lips

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