Chapter 15

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It's has past 1 week since Lizzie and I kissed, she hasn't reply my text nor calls, I think she regret our kiss and she doesn't feel the same, and I'm kinda upset because the kiss that we had confirm my feelings for her, but also fucked up our friendship

We had a meeting with the Williams and it seems that both are agree but we haven't decided yet, because they still have doubts, I tried to convince them that it was for the children best and I think that made them think more about it

J and I have been hanging out and now I feel more secure, I mean yes I was kind of jealous about his relationship with Max even though they are still nothing but friends, Also I called Aubrey to see if she knows anything about Lizzie, and she told me that she was okay and that's she looks fine, so I think it's just me who she doesn't want to talk about.

I took this week off because Leo dead, and I thought I would feel okay I mean it's been 2 years since his death, but I feel down and sick, and I'm sad because I miss Leo but I'm also sad because Lizzie doesn't talk to me, Scar called to see how I was doing and I tried to lie to her and told her I was okay but she knows me so well and knows that I'm not okay and it's not only because of Leo's death, but I really didn't want to tell her, Right now I'm crying on my bed while watching movies and eating ice cream

Lizzie's POV

We kissed, OMG we kissed and I'm with Robbie, do I regret it?, well no, I liked and I liked it a lot, her lips taste so good in mines and while she was kissing me I felt comfort, and loved and something I never felt with Robbie but still I wasn't a cheater. She has been texting and calling but I just can't answer her, I need to clear my mind

I'm on set right now and Aubrey seems weird
"Aubrey what's up are you okay?"
"Yeah it's just Y/N" she said and I thought it was about she asking for me, by the way Aubrey doesn't know anything and I know she doesn't suspect that we kissed
"What about Y/N" I asked worried
"Well Roger called me an told me that Y/N took the week off because of Leo's death and I called her and yes she is sad because of Leo's death but she's sad for other thing too, and she doesn't want to tell me she's just sayin that its because of Leo's death" she said, and I forgot that this week was the anniversary of Leo's death and I haven't reply to her and I left her in these moments when I promised to her that I wanted to help her  "I was thinking to go see her, but she doesn't want to see anyone" she explained to me "I'm going to try" she looked at me surprised "Are you sure I thought you two didn't talk to each other's anymore" I shake my head "No we still talk it's just that I have been stressed so we haven't talk that much" "Well she's sad so I would appreciate if you go and cheer her up, you're somewhat special to her" I just nod at her

I decided to buy her food because knowing her she hasn't eaten anything, I don't know how she's going to react I mean I have been ignoring her so it's going to me strange that suddenly I show up in her house. Well I'm worry about her so I don't care

I arrived at her house and I saw someone was leaving, and it was her best friend of the other night I thought she didn't want to see anyone, Wait am I jealous? Nop I'm not

I knocked at her door and she has puffy eyes
"J I told you to leave I'm okay" she said while opening the door, and she looked at me, poor baby she looks so sad "Hey" I say softly and smiling she looked at me confused "What are you doing here, are you done ignoring me?" She said while she was walking inside, she didn't close te door so I supposed she wants me to come in, "I'm sorry about that it's just-"
"You have a lot of work Yeah I know" she didn't let me finish, is she mad, indeed she is, "I'm sorry Y/N, I really am, I brought you food"
"Yea I'm not hungry" "Well you have to eat"
I start unpacking the things and she approaches to me "What did you bring?" I smirked "It's pasta but I'm sure this is the best pasta" she shakes her head "The best pasta it's mine" I think she's less mad right now "Yeah, well you should make me pasta someday" "For what if you're going to ignore me the next day, and the day after" okay I talked too soon "So do you want to eat here" she shake her head "I'm going to eat in my room" she said, so she didn't want me to stay, I can't leave I don't want her "I want to eat with you, If I can   of course" I said nervously "Sure"

We're done eating, and I want to apologize, I already did but she's still mad at me
"How you doing?" I asked and I really hope she doesn't get more mad "I'm sad, I miss him a lot, and I don't know what I'm going to do with our him even though I already lived without him the past 2 years but it's just, it's not the same without him" she said and she has tears falling down her cheeks so I hugged her tight, we stayed like that for a couple of minutes and then she pulled apart "And then you were ignoring me so that didn't help at all" now I feel guilty "I'm so sorry Y/N it's just that I was confused and I didn't know what to do so I decided to ignore you, the worst decision by the way" she didn't say anything "It's just that there are things you don't know about me and I'm a mess right now, and I don't want to hurt you, and I feel guilty because you're suffering a lot, and I left you and I I-" she kissed me and now we're kissing, it's a very lovely kiss, I didn't know but I know that, I missed her lips we pull apart to catch our breaths and she said "I'm sorry it's just that you were rambling so I wanted you to stop but didn't know how so I decided to kiss you may be I shouldn't have" I cut her off by kissing her too "Now you were the one rambling" she laughed and we hugged

We're on her bed cuddling and I look up to see her "Y/N" she hummed in response "Do you want to talk about your brother" "Not really" she said while playing with my hair "I think you should let out what you feel" "I'm going to therapy so I think I'm going to be okay" I got up and put my hand on her cheeks "But I want you to tell me what you feel, please" she sighed sadly "I already told you I miss my brother and I still feel that it was my fault he's dead and that it should have been me" I wiped her tears and tell her "Don't say that you know it wasn't your fault, and pleas never ever said that again, if it had been you, I would never have met you" I hugged her and kissed her one last time until we fell asleep

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