Chapter 85

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After telling Lizzie what happened with Nathaniel, we went to the Natural History Museum. I have never liked museums that much, I find them kind of boring, but with Lizzie is not boring at all. She looks so beautiful and happy. I love her so much. I keep taking photos of Lizzie of how she looks concentrated looking at all the surroundings, she looks so cute and beautiful, have I said that I'm in love with that amazing woman. She caught me taking her photos and walked toward me "What are you doing bug?" She asked me as she wrapped her arms around my neck "I'm taking pictures of my beautiful amazing talented girlfriend" I answered her truly making her smile grow bigger "Why you like to take me a lot of pictures?" She asked "Because I enjoy taking pictures of beautiful things and you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen" I told her and she chuckle "You are so charming" she said, taking my camera off from me "Let's take a picture together" she suggested taking pictures of us

Then she handed my camera and pulled out her phone to continue taking pictures. In some of them I made goofy faces making her laugh. She took one photo of me staring at her. I bet that one is pretty good. After taking a lot of pictures of us. Lizzie grabbed my camera again and start taking pictures of the museum

After being in the museum, we decided to go to the Buckingham Palace. Lucky us we could get tickets. We are getting there, there is a little bit of traffic but not too much. While we get there we are deciding where to go next. We don't want to take that long to the places we go, but just the good amount of time, to let us appreciate all the places. "We can go to see the Big Ben after this" Lizzie suggested "Yeah I like that, we should buy some souvenirs for our friends though" I agreed with her and she nod at me smiling "I like that, we should grab something to eat though I'm kinda hungry" she commented me "You are right, what you crave for?" I asked her. She thought for a minute before speaking "I think of something quick, then later we can go to a good restaurant" she suggested and I nod "Are you sure? You are not that hungry?" I asked her wanting to make sure she is not starving "Yeah I'm sure baby" she assured me

We bought some sandwiches, and after that we went straight to the Buckingham Palace. It didn't take long for us to be inside the building. Lizzie likes it here, but it became a little bit bored for me and I can see that for her too "After the Big Ben we should go and wander around there like knowing some places but not big places" she whispered to me and I agreed with her "Yeah like walking on the streets and if we see some little place we like we can get in" I whispered back and she nod smiling at me

After the Buckingham Palace we went to the Big Ben and took loads of pictures. Eventually we left to walk around the city. We saw things and small places that people don't know and they are literally amazing and beautiful. I guess people don't know about these places because these places aren't well recognized, and they are not like very important places from London. But Lizzie and I really liked them. We also ate weird things that tasted amazing. We tried not to eat a lot though because we wanted to go eat and have a good dinner, but we ended eating a lot so we don't want to spend money in a fancy restaurant and not eat good because we are not hungry at all

We are walking, thinking what we can do. It's not that late and we don't want to head back to the hotel room. Although we have to pack our things. "What do you think on going to a pub, and have a lot of fun?" Lizzie suggested. "I really like your idea, do you have any pub in mind? Or do you want me to suggest one. I have been in a lot of pubs" I told her making her giggle "I have one, is a really good one and a famous one here in London, let me search the name" she said taking out her phone

I hope is not one that I can go in. I had a lot of problems on pubs so I can't enter some of them because of that problems "Here, is this one, is not that far from here" she said as she shows me her phone. Fuck. I gave her a nervous smile "I uh uhm why do you want to go there, I mean there  are plenty of pubs that are way better than this one" I told her, trying to persuade her "Because is a very good one and a lot of people talk about it, and Aubrey told me it was a very good one she even said that it was the best here" Lizzie said. Of course Aubrey told her that "I have to tell you something, I can't enter that pub. I..I got in a fight a few years ago. And I am banned from the pub, I can't get in" I explained to her shyly I hate to be the one who ruined the plans

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