Chapter 23

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I wake up and the first thing I think it's about Lizzie I turn to the couch but she's not there, I sighed sadly, I mean I knew this was going to happen she has a live and can't stay with me that long, then someone get in my room and I thought it was just a nurse "Why are you sad?" As soon I hear that voice I smile, she didn't leave me, she went to grabbed breakfast "I had to convince a lot of doctors to let me get you this food, you can't eat a lot of food but I think this taste good, I hope it does" she smiles at me "Thanks Lizzie" we started eating, it hurts me a little because of my ribs and I don't know why but if I move too fast my arm my ribs hurt, Lizzie offered to help me but I declined nicely "So are you going to tell me why yo were sad before I came in?" Lizzie asks me "I thought you were gone and I think that made me feel a little sad" I say but almost I'm a whisper, Lizzie put her hand on my cheek "I'm not leaving Y/N unless you tell me to" I smile at her "Y/N can I ask you something" she asks me "Sure Lizzie what's up" "What did Roger tell you yesterday that got you angry at him" I sigh I mean I don't want her to know but I don't want to lie her either "Well he's worried about my friendship with you" I say hoping she doesn't ask me more "How so?" "Well he told me you were married and I told him yo were engaged, I don't know but everybody thinks we have a thing going on and that I like you" "And you do" she asks me and I don't know what to tell her I mean yes I like her but I don't want her to know not until she leaves Robbie and I know that's not going to happen, then a Dr comes in the room "Hey Andy how you're feeling?" She asked me "I'm great I'm not in pain, but I would be better if I had real food" she laughed "You can't eat real food yet Andy" I sigh "Yeah I know that, well the good thing it's that I'm not in pain anymore and I can go home Yayyyyy!!" Lizzie laughs at me and Dr. Prim comes in the room "You're not in pain because we gave you painkillers at the morning you were sleeping so you didn't notice that, and Andy please don't start pushing me to let you go home that not going to happen until I say so" Dr. Prim tells me and I sigh annoyed "Yeah I know but this bed is not comfortable I would prefer being in my bed" "Andy that's not going to happen and don't try to leave this hospital okay, not again" he says and Lizzie looks at me confused "Did you sneak out the hospital?" She asks me "Well I did it once" "Twice Andy" Dr. Prim says "Well, the first one was when Leo had his motorcycle accident, and the idiot didn't want to be here so I helped him to sneaked out the hospital, then the second one it was me who needed to stay for 3 days, just because I had my arm broken, so Leo and I decided to sneaked out" I explain to her and she shakes her head but laughs "Yeah so Elizabeth please don't let her do that again" "I'm keeping an eye on her"

Lizzie and I are talking about a lot of shit things, I'm happy that's she's here, a few hours ago Scar and Aubrey came, Roger wanted to but I told him I needed time, so he didn't come, but now Max, J and Andrew are here, I don't know how J and A can be together in the same room but they haven't killed each other's, I think Lizzie doesn't like A "So now you're going to listen to me when I tell you not to take a case" Max says "Shut up" "Does it hurt, all your wounds" A asks me, and J rolled his eyes "Just a little bit" I smile at him and Lizzie scoffed "I'm going out to make a call okay, if you need something just shout my name and I'll be here okay?" Lizzie says to me and I nod and smile at her "So when are you going to present us to your girlfriend" J asks me "She's not her girlfriend" Andrew told J "I was not talking to you so shut up" and just like that they states shout, so Lizzie came "Get out of here, she has to recover herself and you bring here fighting and shouting to each other's is not gonna help her" Lizzie yell at them and kicked them out

I convinced Lizzie to laid on bed with me, so here we are, watching bad TV "Can I ask you what did they do to you?" Lizzie asks me "Nop you can't" I told her and she looked at me "I'm not gonna push you to tell me okay just tell me when you feel ready, I'm here and I'm helping you" she said while caressing my cheek, I nod at her and smile "Lizzie are you not going to be in trouble if you stay here with me" "No why" "Well you have a fiancé and believe me, if I were your fiancée I wouldn't like to be without you, and I would miss you so much, and I wouldn't like you to being with someone else" I told her but she didn't say anything

It's 7:00 pm and I have to shower but Lizzie is insisting me to let her help, but I told her no I mean I don't want her to see me naked not yet and not like this, I mean I have a lot of wounds so I tried to do it by myself, I couldn't though, so I call a nurse, yeah I prefer a nurse to see me naked than Lizzie, even though Lizzie didn't like my idea, she scoffed and rolled her eyes, I don't care if she's mad at me I'm not letting her help me in the shower

"You should have let me help you Y/N" "Nop you can't see me naked" "Oh but that nurse can right" she said in a jealous tone "Are you jealous Lizzie?" I asked while smirking "Of course not" "Well it seem like you are" "Well im not so shut up I want to see the TV" "Oh right because is so interesting the shit on the TV" I told her and she nod then the intern came in "Andy I convinced Dr. Prim and he's letting yo you tomorrow, it's not sure though but it's probably" "Wow thank you, how did you convince him?" I asked her "Well I told him you would have a very good person by your side that is going to help you, and that she's not letting anything happen to you" she told me "Oh well I would love to meet this person" I told her "You don't know?, it's Lizzie, she offered her help" I looked at Lizzie and she has a smirked "Oh I didn't know that but thank you very much" I told her and she leaves "It seems I have to see you naked" Lizzie told me, o god what I am going to do

A/N: Hey I know this is shorter than the others but I wanted to post something today, also I'm trying to post all the days even if it's just one, but if I can I will post more

Also as I said the chapters will have 2000 words or more but sometimes it will have less, just like in this one

If you have suggestions please tell meeeee

Good night

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