Chapter 44

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Lizzie's POV

I wake up for my alarm is 6:00 am I groan, and hugged Y/N's naked body, I smile at the memory of last night, I start kissing Y/N's chest but she doesn't open her eyes "Baby I need to get ready, because I could miss my flight" I told her "Well it would be better if you miss it" she said and I sighed "You know I can't" I told her and she cup my face and kiss me softly "I know but still I don't want you to go, why the time go so fast" she groans and I shrug "I don't know but please don't be sad we will see each other soon, at If the time goes fast we would see us faster than we expect to", I told her and she is smirking "You look so hot naked" she said and I blushed and put my hand on her eyes "Baby I have seen every inch of your body, also I have kissed them" she said and I feel my cheeks hot "Stop seducing me, we have not time, are you going to take me to the airport?" I asked her and she nod "Of course my love" she said "We have time for a shower, care to join me" I told her standing up, and walking naked to the bathroom I can feel her staring, she ran and wrapped her arms around mi waist, my back is pressed on her front "I love you" she whispered in my ear and I smile

After our PG shower, we got ready Y/N looks upset, and I'm trying to make her feel better and she tries to smile but I know she is trying to hide her feelings, I change myself into jeans and a t-shirt

I'm trying to find Y/N I thought she was on bed but she's not here, I got out my room and it smells good, I guess Y/N is making breakfast, I got downstairs and indeed, Y/N is making breakfast I walk towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist...

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I'm trying to find Y/N I thought she was on bed but she's not here, I got out my room and it smells good, I guess Y/N is making breakfast, I got downstairs and indeed, Y/N is making breakfast I walk towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist, "Hi love" she said "I'm going to miss you" I told her and she turn to face and cupped my face "Me too, but is just one day my love, we can think that you are on set and have a lot of work, okay" she said and I smile nodding at her idea, I mean she is not wrong there had been days where the two of us have a lot of work and we can't see us, just the difference this time is that I'm going to be In Atalanta

We are having breakfast and both of us are eating slower than we used, neither of us want to go "Are you ready my love" Y/N asked me and I nod "Yes baby, I just need to put my luggage on the trunk" I told her  and I was about to grab my luggage but Y/N stop me "Let me do it, you see if there is anything you are forgetting" Y/N said and I grin "Thanks love bug" I told her pecking her lips

I'm watching Y/N putting all the luggage on the trunk, after staring I did what she told me and see if I forgot anything

We are on our way to the airport and there is silence, but Y/N has her hand on my thigh and out fingers are  intertwined, we arrive and she goes with me until she can't walk with me anymore "I will wait here with you for a little longer" I told her but she shake her head "No baby, is more probably the paparazzis being here than in the gate" she said but I really don't want to leave her "But I don't care, if I'm able to be with you for more time I don't give a shit about the paparazzis" I told her and she smile at me sadly but give in, we sat and I'm hugging her so tight, I know is just a day, but still I will miss her

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now