Chapter 92

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Lizzie's POV

"Please tell me you aren't dead, tell me someone will bring you back" Y/N said as we finished the movie I laugh at her face "Baby you told me to not tell you, I'm not telling you" I told her and she groans "Are we going to the party?" She asked me "Do you want to go?" I asked her instead of responding her "Well juts for a little bit I'm kind of tired I want to sleep, besides tomorrow is my last day of freedom" she said so dramatically that made me laugh "You are free baby, the fact that you will start working doesn't mean that you will stop being free" I told her and she glare at me "I think is the same thing" she said "Anyways let's go" she takes my hand and we walked to the car

Scarlett saw us and approached us "Y/N I" she stopped talking and looked at me, ok weird, this is the second time she does that "What's wrong?" Y/N asked her "Uhm I I can I go with you guys to the party?" She asked us and we both nod "Sure let's go" Y/N told her as she opens the door for us "Where is Rose?" I asked Scar "She is with her grandma, my mom came and Rose is with her, I'm glad because I don't know how would have felt Rose if I let her with a nanny" she said and Y/N took her hand "Rose will be ok, I'm sure she will understand that sometimes you have to do things without her and that doesn't mean you don't love her or that you abandon her" Y/N explained her and she smile at her "I hope that"

We arrived to the party, and as always there are a lot of people, I don't know how a lot of people come to the party, I mean I'm sure they are not family of the cast members and crew, so how are they here. Anyways I shouldn't worry about it, I'm sure they must be friends of some of the people here, I know this is a private party so no paparazzi will be here that's a very good thing.

We spotted some of our friends and we walked to them "Hey girls I thought you weren't coming" Evans greeted us with hugs "Well we will be here just a couple of hours" Scarlett told him and he hummed "Yeah I get it" he said and then we started talking with Chris Hemsworth and his wife, I didn't know that his wife knew Y/N, it amazes me how many people Y/N knows and it makes me wonder if we could have seen each other before we met, I mean is obviously that we have friends in common, maybe we did see each other but we never talked, and I don't remember having seeing her

Scarlett keeps making faces to Y/N but my girlfriend is clueless about it, I don't know why Scarlett keeps acting weird I mean what does she want to tell Y/N that she can't tell her when I'm with her. Tom Holland approached to us and Sebastian and Mackie started mocking him as always "Tommy?" Y/N said and when Tom saw her, his face lighted up. Don't tell me she also knew Tom "Omg what are you doing here?" He asked her as he embrace her "I was hoping to see you I mean I didn't see you at London and neither when I was watching the movie but you are in the movie" she told him and he smile as they pulled apart from the hug "Yeah I couldn't make it at London. I was filming here in LA, but I really wanted to go home you know" he said and she nods "I was hoping to see you here too you know, because all the rumors about you and Lizzie I didn't want to believe them and get excited to see you" oh god why he didn't want to believe them

I leaned a little to Scarlett "Tell me they didn't have something" I whispered to her "No, they are friends, they met in London when Y/N was like a teenager I think" she said "But they are not the same age" I whispered her "Yeah she is three years older than him, he is 21 but in June 1 he will be 22" she explained to me but I don't get it "But she is 23, oh her birthday is on June 14 oh I get it now" I told her, they still are catching up "Hi Lizzie sorry I didn't say hi before I just got excited I haven't seen her in a while" Tom apologized as she gave me a cheek kiss and a hug "Don't worry" I told him smiling "We haven't seen each other because you are too busy" Y/N said and he laughed "Well you are busy too so is not just my fault" he said "I missed you Tommy" Y/N told him in a more serious tone "I missed you too, I'm sorry for not being able to come when L" she cut him off "Hey is ok, you have nothing to apologize for, that's why you never called right?" She asked Tom and he put a sad face "I knew that was the reason when you didn't reach me out after and we lost contact" she told him

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now