Chapter 46

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Lizzie's POV

I miss Y/N as hell, I know It was just a day that we didn't touch each other, because we saw our faces even though it was for FaceTime, I know she's nervous about meeting my family, she thinks they would not like her because she said she is not good with families, I think that's not true because I see how much she care about her family even Guido, I know he hurt her but Y/N still care about him, even if she says otherwise, I really think Guido should apologize with her but he needs his apology to be honest, I'm sure if his apology is honest Y/N would forgive him

I'm on set doing some reshoots before going to the airport, I was watching some of the cast doing their scenes when Scarlett walks towards me "Hi Scar did you finish?" I asked her and she nod "Yes, I will go home earlier" she said and I smile, then Rose come running towards us "Hi Aunt Lizzie" the little girl said "Hi Rosie" I told her with the same energy "Are you going with Y/N?" She asked me and I nod smiling "Can I come with you, I really miss her" she said sadly "Rosie, Lizzie and Y/N are not coming to LA they are going to New York" Scarlett said and Rosie looked happy I don't know why "Mommy we are going to New York too" the little girl said and I looked at Scarlett confused "We are going to visit my mom, so we are going to New York" she said smiling at the kid "So we can go with Lizzie right?" Rose ask her mom and Scarlett chuckle "We already have our flight and I'm sure Lizzie has hers too" Scar said looking at me and I nod to the little girl "When is your flight?" I ask Scar "Is in 2 hours, we have to start going though" she said and I nod "We can visit Aunt Y/N when we are there mommy" Rose said and Scarlett nod "We have to ask her first" she said and Chris came "Hey are you guys ready?" He asked them and they nod "Okay, Lizzie if they asked where I went, please tell them I will come back, that I just took Scar and Rosie to the airport" he said and I nod at him

I saw the time and I hope Y/N is ready, I decided to call her

Me: Hi love bug, are you ready?
Y/N: Yes, I'm just going to change myself
She said and I notice she is just in a towel, I smirked
Me: Did you take a shower?
Y/N: Haha yes you horny, you need to stop smirking like that
Me: I can't help, you are very hot, and I miss your body, and your lips, your touch and ugh I miss all of you
Y/N: I miss all of you too my love, but today we will see us
Me: Yeah I know, I let you change, because I don't want you to lose the flight, text me when you are on the plane
Y/N: I will, love you

I smile, I really miss her, oh fuck, I forgot to tell her about Rosie, I guess I will tell her in New York

I finished doing my daily reshoots, so I head to my place, and start packing my things, I got a text of    Y/N

Love bug♥️🥰:
I'm on the plane now, see you in 5 hours my love

I smile at my phone, It's less time to see her and I'm excited for that, I continue doing my things, because I still have enough time

When I was laying on my couch, I realized that I haven't buy Y/N's Christmas present, I don't know what to give her, I check the time, and see that I still have time, so I'm going shopping to see what can I buy her

Before leaving my house I got everything ready, because I don't know how long It would take me to find the perfect present for her

I arrived to the first shop and nothing have caught my eye yet, I decided to go to a friend's store "Hey Liz" my friend told me very happy "Hey, I'm here because I need a favor, could you help me" I said nicely and I really hope they can help me "Okay tell us, and we can see if we can help" I told them everything that I need and they told me they were going to do everything for me to have the things on Christmas and in New York, I thanked them and paid for all the things

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now