Chapter 63

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Lizzie's POV

I'm being waken up because Y/N is trying to sneak out of the bed, but I'm literally laying on top of her, so I can feel her trying to move, "Stooooop" I groan and she sighed "I need to stand up my love, I have to take a shower we smell like sex" she said but I snuggle more into her even if we can't get more closer, "How about we take that shower together" she propose trying to convince me "Noo" I told her and she starts kissing my head, "You knew eventually I was going to leave" she said and I looked at her with a pout "Yes but not that soon" I told her sadly "The time will fly" she said but still I'm not moving "You know that I can just stand up and leave you here on bed" she said and I lift my head a little and glare at her "You won't dare" I told her and she smirked kissing my lips

I got distracted by our passionate kiss that she could lift me and carry me to the bathroom "So you have two options you take a shower with me or you continue sleeping while I take a shower" she said and I rolled my eyes at her "I guess you are staying on bed" she said walking towards the bed "No no no stop, I will take that shower with you" I told her and she smiles at me "Is a PG shower though, so behave" she said and I huffed "You are not fun" I told her and she kiss away my pout

We are showering and I don't let go Y/N I'm attached to her, I'm hugging her for behind and my hands are resting on her stomach, "Baby I already finished to wash my hair is your turn so let me turn and face you" she said and I stop hugging her tightly, to let her turn around to face me, she starts washing my hair with her soft hands, I hum in response at how amazing it feels, I tried to put her closer to me and she laughed, "Baby if you put me closer I won't be able to wash your hair" Y/N said in a sweet tone. I stop trying to put her closer to me and she continue washing my hair, I love how careful she is and with how much love she washes my hair "I'm going to soap your body ok" Y/N said and I chuckle "I thought this was a PG shower" I told her and she rolled her eyes at me "You can soap yourself if you want to" she said stopping what she was doing "No no no I want you to do it please" I told her with a baby tone earning a laugh from her "You are such a baby" she said but she is soaping my body so I'm happy.

She was enrolling herself on a towel and she looked at me, seeing that I was not moving she enrolled me on a towel too, "Does this baby want me to carry her too" she tease but I nod, she glare at me and she saw that I was serious, she laughed and carried me to the bed "Please tell me you don't want me to dress you up too" she said and I shake my head no "I know if you do it you will not contain yourself" I told her and she laughed "Sure because I'm the horny one in this relationship" she said walking to my dresser "I'm going to take this" Y/N said and I nod "Can you grab me clothes too please" I requested and she throw at me some clothes "Rude" I said and she get out of my dresser full clothed "I'm sorry my love" she said tackling me with a hug making me fall on the bed, I laughed and she lift her head and kiss my lips "Did I hurt you" she asked me and I shake my head no "C'mon let's eat something before I leave" she said and I pout that she reminded me that she is leaving today "Don't pout" she said kissing my pout again "I am not carrying you my love so hurry up" she said leaving me here in my bedroom

I went downstairs and I can smell she is already cooking breakfast, I hugged her for behind making her jump a little, "Did I scare you" I asked her and she nod "Yeah just a little I didn't hear you come" she said chuckling and I hum, "You are being a little clingy today princess" she said and I nod kissing her clothed back "Does it bother you?" I asked worried that she is feeling like I'm not giving her space "Nop I love it, I like to be this close to you" she said and I smile "Good because me too" I told her. She finished cooking our breakfast and we ate them

Y/N starts putting her luggage on the trunk of the car, "You are going with my sisters right?" I asked her and she nods while walking inside the house "What if I come with you, and then I return here to film" I asked her and she looked  at me with those beautiful eyes "You know you can't come with me baby, if you keep working you will be able to go home sooner" she reminds me and I nod sadly, I know she is right but I do not want her to leve. I know she will hang out with Stefania, and if I'm honest I do not trust Stefania, it's obviously that she wants to be something more than just friends with my girlfriend "I need to go know, are you coming with me to the airport" she said and I nod

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now