Chapter 26

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I'm working at home, because Roger doesn't want me to go to the Law Firm even though I'm completely fine, well almost because I have a little pain on my ribs but I think I can handle it
Lizzie hasn't talked to me yet, she just sent me a message telling me she was okay and she need to fix things and to clear up her mind, I don't know if those are good news to me or bad news but anyway, I'm starting playing instruments again, I started when I have nothing to do and when Lizzie needed to go, I decided to go and make me a tattoo, I made an appointment and I'm going when the doctor tell me I can, I'm going to make me a flower tattoo, I have always like the flowers, and Leo always said this would look good on me

I think I'm going to Italy I mean if Lizzie is taking her time to think things, this is a good opportunity to go, I miss Italy though but I'm afraid to go I haven't go since Leo and the last time, I went with him and we had so much fun, so I know it would be hard for me, but also I miss Luca he's the best little brother and he has a lot in common with Leo, I really need to think about it

I heard a knock, so I went to open the door "Hey A come in" he smile at me "How are you doing?" "I'm doing great, I can go back to normal, but of course I have to do baby steps because I can still hurt myself" "So we can't go to a club?" He asked me and I laughed "I can't drink alcohol as much as I want, the doctor said not to mix the meds with alcohol so I'm sorry" he pout "Oh that's bad, well I'm not a bad influence so I'm not telling you to drink alcohol but maybe you can go and don't drink?" "Andrew I'm not going, please don't insist" "Okay okay I can stay here" "Actually j have a lot of work and a lot of stuff going on so I really want to be alone" "Oh yeah I get it so see you soon" I nod "See you Andrew"

I'm working in the case of Rachel, the woman that is beaten by her husband, it's been a while but I keep contact with her and his husband has beat her twice, so I compromised to put that motherfucker in jail, and he would never beat her again, when I was planning and I got a text

Hey Y/N sorry if I haven't talk to you, I've been busy

It's okay Lizzie

I just wanted you to know that I'm not mad at you or I'm ignoring you

Okay good to know🙃

Are you okay? Your texts are cold

Oh yeah don't worry just a rough day that's all

Can I ask why?

A was here and he invited me to a club but the doctor said I can't drink so I didn't go, and the alcohol would really help me right now, and I was working too and my head is starting to hurt

I'm glad you didn't go, and please don't eat alcohol
Also Y/N are you trying to kill yourself, you have to do baby steps and you're working right now I can't believe you

Lizzie really my head hurts the last thing I want Is to be scolding

Yeah sorry, do you want me to go to your place?

No, it's okay
I have to go Lizzie see you

1 week later

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now