Chapter 39

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I feel kisses on my whole face, I really like this, but that also means I have to wake up and I don't want "Baby I know you're awake, please open your eyes" Lizzie said and I groan and pull her on top of me wrapping my arms around her back "I don't want to, we should stay here" I told her and I'm falling asleep again "Babe I really need you today" she said and I open my eyes "There are those beautiful eyes" she said while kissing me softly "What time is it?" I ask Lizzie, trying to keep my eyes open, Lizzie tried to grab her phone but she failed, I laughed "Maybe you could stop hugging me so tight, for me to grab my phone and tell you the time" Lizzie said and I let her go, just a little, I'm still hugging her "It's 8:00am" Lizzie said and I groan "Please baby I know it's early, but we need to be there at 5:00 pm and we need to be ready" she said and I stand up and go to the bathroom "Something is wrong, What's wrong?" Lizzie said while going with me to the bathroom, "Love I need to pee" I told her and she shrug "I don't care" I glare at her and see that she's is not moving I shrug and pee in front of her "Please Y/N talk to me, if you don't talk to me I can't help" Lizzie said and I sighed while walking to her bed again "It's just that I don't like the idea of you matching outfit with Aubrey" I told her and she smile at me, I hid my face on her pillow "Baby look at me" Lizzie said but I ignore her, she put her face next to me and I can feel her breathing on my ear "Are you jealous?" She said and I nod, my face is still on her pillow "But Aubrey is our friend, yours before mine" she said and I move my face to face her "But she's so flirty and sometimes I become jealous and I don't like the fact that you will match with her and they would think she's your girlfriend and people don't know about us" I told her and she cup my face and rub my cheek "Do you want to people know" she ask "I really don't know I mean I would love to people know that you are mine, but also I know we have to think about you and your career, I mean you were engaged with a man and now you are with me, it's just I really don't know Lizzie" I ramble and Lizzie kiss me "Relax baby we can say to Aubrey to not flirt with me if that's makes you feel better" Lizzie said and I nod and kiss her, she put her arms around my neck playing with the baby hairs of my back head and I have my arms around her "I thought we have to be ready" I told her and she snuggle more into my neck "We can wait a few minutes

We stayed like that for a few minutes more but Lizzie's phone rang and it was her manager telling her that her team was outside her house that she needs to let them in, she hit my arm "Ouch why was that for?" I told her laughing "You are laughing at me, and my team is outside, and I'm not even showered" she said and I kiss her "Go take a shower and I would let them in and make them breakfast and if they already had breakfast I will make some shit conversation okay" I told her while rubbing her cheeks "Why you always know what to do, thank you love" she said and kiss me, I went to make breakfast

Lizzie's POV

Y/N is so sweet when she's jealous, I mean I will just match with Aubrey that doesn't mean I have to flirt with her nor pretend that we are a couple or that we like each other, when I asked her if she wants people know about us, she doesn't know yet, and me I think I do want people know that I'm with her and that she's with me, the best thing is that she sienta have social media so she wouldn't get hate on the other hand I would have hate and that's what worries me

I took my shower and I'm going downstairs to see what my beautiful girlfriend cooked for us, I can tell she cooked something delicious because it smells so fucking good, when I walking towards my kitchen I see that one member of my make up team is staring with love eyes at my girlfriend, I'm trying to play it cool but a lot of members are staring at her and smiling at something she's talking, I know that my girlfriend is a lovely, kind person but she's mine so when I saw that one girl grabbed her arm around   Y/N's arm I couldn't take it anymore, I can see that Y/N is trying to put off the arm of the girl off her arm "Hey guys sorry for the waiting" I shout loudly but that girl doesn't put off her arm "I see that you met my girlfriend" I told them waking towards my girlfriend, when I said that the girl put off her arm and I smile proud

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