Chapter 68

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Lizzie's POV

Scarlett just stood there looking at me with sad eyes but also with anger I don't know how to describe the look she is giving me, "Oh Lizzie" she said sighing sadly "I really fucked it didn't I" I told her and she took my hand "You know I love you, but yesterday when I saw Y/N like that I really really hate you" she told me and I nod with tears on my eyes "Did she tell you everything" I asked her shyly "Yeah, well she tried because she was sobbing and I couldn't quite understand her" she said and just the thought of Y/N crying because of me, breaks my heart "Do you think she would forgive me, eventually?" I asked her wiping my tears away "Yeah, she loves you that much that I know for sure she will, but you will have to fight and if she push you away you don't have to let her, even if she tells you to leave her alone, you don't have to leave her" she said and I nod knowing exactly what I have to do "My daughter is here so try to not shout that loud" she told me and got in the house

I did just what Scarlett told me, I got in her house, I'm going to fight. I got in the house and I can hear laughs, I know is Rosie and Luca, I would recognize that laughs everywhere. I entered the kitchen and I saw her standing there cooking something, I approached to her and cleared my throat, she turned and she looked at me not for too long because as soon she saw it was me, she continued doing what she was doing, then Scarlett came and start helping Y/N, she whispered something to her that I couldn't hear "Just remember Rose and Luca are here" Scarlett said and I frown, I don't know what does that mean, suddenly Y/N walked away, Scarlett nod at me to tell me to follow Y/N

I got in her room, and saw her there laying on the floor, I sit on her bed, "I'm so sorry Y/N" I told her but she is not looking at me "What are you doing here, are you going to yell at me a lot of shit and tell me that I'm literally no one" she said and I can hear how hurt she is, I sit on the floor next to her "You are someone you are an excellent, beautiful, smart, kind, talented woman and I can continue but I would never end because you are a lot of things" I told her and I try to grab her hand but she pulled away "You forgot that I'm a liar and a simple woman" she said making me cry "You are nothing of what I told you yesterday, I let the jealousy consume me, and I'm so so sorry I shouldn't have told you all of that shit, I should have heard you, I should have trust you, is just I really think Stefania has a crush on you and I don't want to lose you" I told her crying she finally looked at me and I see that she is also crying "A lot of people has a crush on you and I don't mind at all because at the end of the day is me who lays on bed, is me who is your girlfriend, is me who you love, and even if Stefania has a crush on me I would never let her make a move on me, because she is not the woman I love" she said "I'm so sorry please believe me I love you so much, you are the most important person to me, even though we just have been dating for a couple of months I feel like it has been more, I can't describe how much you mean to me, I know I hurt you and I hate myself for that because I know you don't hurt the people you love, and I know I should have trust you, and I do, I trust you but I don't trust Stefania" I told her and she sighed sadly "You really hurt me, I never thought you were going to say that things to me, I thought you know how the words affect me" she said "I'm sorry, please forgive me, I don't know what I would do without you" I told her grabbing her hand, this time she didn't pull away. Scarlett got in the room and I wiped my tears "Dinner is ready if you guys want to come" she said and Y/N stood up not saying anything to me, I sighed "You can join us" Scar told me "She doesn't want me near to her" I told her "You should try" she said and I followed her

Rose saw me and she run toward me I hug her "Did you and Y/N are good now?" She asked me and I looked at Scar confused "Rosie why don't you go and get Luca" Scar told her and she nod "She knows?" I asked her "She just knows that you and Y/N had a fight about adult stuff" she told me and I nod. Luca saw me and smile at me "Hi Lizzie I'm Luca do you remember me?" He asked me cutely and I smile at him "Of course I remember you, how could I forget that pretty face of you" I told him and he smile "I'm happy that you are here, you should go and say hi to Y/N she was sad when I saw her it might be because she misses you, but now that you are here she is not going to be sad anymore" he said and I smile at him "I will go" I told him and he went to sit on the table

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