Chapter 72

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Lizzie's POV

Y/N got out of the shower and walked directly to the dresser she didn't even look at me, I sighed sadly "Y/N" I called her name but got no response, I'm not going to wait sitting here, I want her to know that it matters to me the fact that she is mad so I walked towards the dresser, "Lizzie I'm getting dressed" she said and I scoffed "I don't care I have seen million of times your body" I told her but she ignore me, "Can you look at me" I request but nothing, so I put my hand on her shoulder to make her stop dressing, finally she looked at me "Look I'm sorry I just can't help it ok, I'm a very jealous person and" before I could finish she cut me off "No really, if you wouldn't tell me, I would have never known" she said sarcastically, "Look I know you are mad but I'm like that, I love you in a way I have never loved, you became the most important person to me, and I'm so fucking afraid that you will go away because I'm not enough for you, I will try to change I promise" I told her and she shake her head cupping my face with her hands, "I don't want you to change, I love you the way you are, the only thing I want you to do is to trust me, you can get jealous because I kinda like that part of you but you need to know that I will never hurt you ok" she said wiping away my tears with her thumbs

I looked down to see she is very naked, "Have I told you how sexy you are" I told her making her laugh "I can't remember I think no you haven't" she said trying to hide her smirk, "Oh well how about if I show you" I told her biting my bottom lip, she picked me up and walked towards the bed making me giggling

After the fantastic events we had, we saw that it was pretty late and we need to pick up Rose, "I wasn't late" Y/N said making me laugh "So now you are late because of me" I told her and she nods "Yeah you distracted me" she said "Well honey you didn't seem to mind when you were screaming my name" I told her and she blushed, "Hahaha let's go dork" I told her walking toward her car

When we were on our way Y/N got a call, her phone is connected to her car so I can hear the conversation between her mom and she

S: Hey Y/N are you busy?

Y/N: No mom I'm driving but my phone is connected to the car so don't worry, what's up? Everything ok? Are you crying?

Y/N and I looked at each other confused, it sounds like she was crying and I wonder why

S: Can Luca stay with you for a while and tomorrow I can pick him up

Sofia said ignoring Y/N's questions

Y/N: Mom what's wrong? What happened?

S: Nothing, please Andy no quiero hablar de eso

Y/N: Mom I don't care if you want to talk about it or not so please tell me what's wrong

Y/N told her but Sofia is not answering anything, she just stayed in silence

S: Can you do it or not

Y/N: I'm on my way

Y/N said and before Sofia could tell her something Y/N hung up, she sighed sadly, I put my hand on her thigh trying to make her feel better, but Y/N doesn't look at me, "Baby" she need a minute I know but I hate when she has this look on her eyes, it hurts me seeing her like this

After a couple of minutes Y/N talked again, "What time is it?" She asked me "It's 1:00" I told her and she nods "Rose gets out of school at 2:00 right?" She asked me and I nod "Yes my love, why?" I asked her hoping she would tell me "I need to go for Luca first" she said and I nod

As soon as we arrived Y/N got out of the car first and when I was about to open my door, she did it for me I smile at her and kissed her cheek, even when a lot of stuff is going through her mind she doesn't forget to be a gentlewoman

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now