Chapter 4

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I don't know why I'm so nervous I mean it's just a breakfast and it's with a friend, I have a lot of friends why would I be nervous.
Anyways I take a shower and I know that it took me a lot of time because I wake up at 8:00 am but I mean Lizzie didn't send me a message maybe she change her mind, then in received a text, I smile when I saw her name

Hey sorry I was so busy that I couldn't send you the address
See you at 9:30?

Don't worry, it's okay see you at 9:30😉

God I really thought she changed her mind I decided to wear this:

 God I really thought she changed her mind I decided to wear this:

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I wasn't sure of the hat but it's cold so

I arrived 9:30 to the place, God I wanted to make a good impression and came earlier I hope she wasn't waiting too much

I enter and I saw her god she looks gorgeous

"I'm sorry if I made you wait it's just that I have this bad habit of never being earlier believe me if once I'm early It's because I want to impress someone or no make them wait but it's just that I can't I always try but-" I sighed, she was laug...

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"I'm sorry if I made you wait it's just that I have this bad habit of never being earlier believe me if once I'm early It's because I want to impress someone or no make them wait but it's just that I can't I always try but-" I sighed, she was laughing, oh so she's not mad
"Don't worry Y/N I arrived just a few minutes before you" I can feel that I can breathe again
"Oh that's good, So how are you"
"I'm good thank u, I have a lot of work but I can handle it, you?"
"That's good, I'm a little bit stress but I always try to people not notice, When do you start doing the movie?"
"I think next week, we're just reading the script and then we're going to start"
I was going to say something but then the waitress came
"Hey are you ready to order" fuck I didn't read the menu
"Yes can i have the eggs with bacon and an ice coffee please" Lizzie said
"Yeah I'm going to have the same" the waitress was smiling me
"Oh and Lucy can you bring me those little pancakes please?" I asked nicely
"Sure" she winked at me

"Do you know her" Lizzie asked
"Who?" "The waitress" "Oh no why?"
"Oh it's just that you knew her name"
"Oh yeah she has a little tag with her name on her chest" she chuckle and said "Right, Have you been here before" she asked "No, I just have heard about those little pancakes I mean those are super cute so I wanted to see them"
She laugh a little, we continue chatting and our food came

We finished eating and we have to go, but I really didn't want to go, then Max appeared and saw me
"So you are here having breakfast while I'm working on the stuff that you were supposed to do yesterday" she told me very angry
"Could you lower your voice where in a restaurant, with people, and I'm with someone"
"Bitch you told me to shut up when I'm doing your fucking work because you disappeared yesterday with who knows" Lizzie has her eyebrows raised
"Calm down, I was on my way to the office"
"Yeah sure, I saw you were flirting with her, oh how rude of me hi my name is Max nice to meet you" she said the last sentence nicely
"Oh hi I'm Lizzie"
"Now give me money I have to pay"
"Bitch I'm not going to pay your food" she gave me a glare so I handle her the money
"Thank you, if the boss knows that you're here he's going to be mad"
"Oh he loves me, he would never fire me, and now go" she's gone
"I'm so sorry Lizzie" I said embarrassed
"Oh no it's okay I get it you have to go" I smile sadly "Yeah, I mean he can really get mad because I was going to tell him but I forgot and I'm tired that I always have to tell him the things I do or where I go" she nod confused,
"I loved being here with you I hope I see you soon Lizzie" she smiles "I hope so too" she smiles gladly and then I hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek

Lizzie's POV

God y feel my cheeks red, I'm so confused is she gay or maybe she's bi, first I thought she was flirting whit the waitress, but then her friend came and said the boss thing and Y/N said she was tired of always tell him where's she's going and what's she's doing, does she has a boyfriend and her boyfriend it's her boss, Why I'm thinking about this it's not my business. God why she always looks good when she's on her motorcycle, Lizzie you have a boyfriend who loves you and you love him

I arrived to set and saw Aubrey
"Hey why are you late, you're never late"
"Yeah, sorry I was having breakfast with Y/N and we lost track of time" she was surprised
"WHAT like Y/N, the sexy Italian I presented to you?" She asked very loud I laughed "Yeah she" "Do you guys are now friends?" She asked wow I really don't know I would hope we are but we just hang out once, so I don't know
"Yeah I think we are" I told her unsure
"Do you like her" she asked out of nowhere she can tell that I wasn't expecting that
"What Aubrey why would I like her I barely knows her and I have Robbie, he's my boyfriend" I defend "Geez Liz calm down I was just asking" "Sorry it's just that why would I like her?" " It's just that she's hot and you can't deny it"
I wanted to ask Aubrey about this boss of her but she would tease me about that and she would start thinking that I'm interested in her, and I'm not or am I?... God I'm so confused

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