Chapter three

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I woke up and did my morning routine I took a shower,and get change I have to wear something formal so:

Y/N POVI woke up and did my morning routine I took a shower,and get change I have to wear something formal so:

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Oh and I have my black watch

And now I'm having breakfast, I get a call.
"Hey are you hangover?" I laugh
"Shut up" she said annoyed
"WHAT, dude you called me"
"Oh yeah, so what happened with you and Lizzie" she ask and I know she has a smirk
"Bitch get your head out of the gutter, we just talk"
"Oh common you were flirting with her I knows you"
"No I wasn't, and now if you don't mind I have work to do and I need to go"
"Hey could you bring me coffee to set please?"
"I can't I have a meeting, but as soon as I can I will bring it to you okay bye love you"
"You're the best love you"
I cant drive my motorcycle so I decided to grab my car

I arrived to the Law Firm "Hey Y/N" Max said "Oh hey Max I'm not late, am I?" I asked worried "How would you be late if you're the boss""Shsh it's a secret no one can know that I own the Law Firm""I still don't get it why you decided to give him t...

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I arrived to the Law Firm
"Hey Y/N" Max said
"Oh hey Max I'm not late, am I?" I asked worried
"How would you be late if you're the boss"
"Shsh it's a secret no one can know that I own the Law Firm"
"I still don't get it why you decided to give him the job"
"Dude he's good and you know that I'm not as responsible as him"
"Whatever" she sighed
Then he entered
"Okay so we are going to discuss the custody of the smith twins who has the case?, Max, Scott and Y/N right" he ask we just nod
"So do we have something new"
Max and Scott didn't said anything they just look at me
"Mmm no that i know I been busy with the Williams case so" and now he was mad
"So no one knows anything, you know that if the twins go with their father they wouldn't have a good life, no one go to home until you give me something" and he leaves
"I don't know how you manage to live him" Scott said
"He's a good person, yeah he's sometimes in a bad mood but who isn't"
"Dude sometimes, he always is in a bad mood, I mean if we compare him with you" Max said
"I'm going to talk with him"

"You know that you don't have to be rude with all the people"  "I know it's just, that how im going to make justice to those people if I couldn't-" I cut him off "Don't blame yourself, we know it wasn't your fault" he just lol down and sigh  "Anyways how you doing little sis, I mean it's going to be a month since you know" "I'm fine, I'm going to be fine" "still I don't agree you being here, and working so soon"
"Look I know your my big brother but if I tell you that I'm okay, I am" "Just if any case it's hard for you, you tell me okay" "Yeah yeah whatever, so I need to go I can right" I made him my puppy eyes " didn't you hear what I told you, I was serious I need these case to success" "I promise that I'm going to work in the case, and it's going to be a quick exit, you won't notice that I left I promise" he huff " okay but be safe and don't do anything stupid"
" i won't, love you"

"Here you go" I hand her, her coffee
"You're the best" she blow me a kiss
"What're you doing?" I ask
"Oh we are just reading the script but we are on a break right now"
Then I saw her, she was with comfy clothes, she saw me and I can tell that she smiled but maybe I'm just seeing things, the next thing I see it's that she was next to us
"Hi Y/N, what're you doing here?"
"Oh I just bring Aubrey some stuff" she was going to say something but Aubrey cut her off
"Why the fuck you're dressed like that"
I raised my eyebrows
"Why is something wrong?"
"No it's just that why you're so formal"
"Oh I had a meeting with the boss you know and I have to go to court so"
"You really need to stop being hot I can't handle it" I blushed and laughed
"Anyways I have to go see you guys"

I was unlocking my car when I heard my name being called so I turn around
"Oh I thought you were already gone" she said while she catches her breath I just smile at her
"I wanted to know if you would like to have breakfast tomorrow with me obviously if you don't have something important to do" she ramble "Yeah I have to check my schedule you know I'm a busy woman" I joke but I think she thinks I'm serious "haha I'm kidding, I would live to go" I smile "but I really need to go because if I'm not working right now the boss wouldn't let me go out" she laughs "So I texted you okay" I nod "I would be waiting" and then I enter to my car and leave

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now