Chapter 8

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Lizzie's POV
I was on set with Aubrey and I'm going to ask her who is Roger, yesterday I couldn't sleep I mean she was flirting with me and then that she has to go home because of Roger I don't know why I'm feeling are they jealous, no I'm with Robbie and I love him

"Hey Lizzie" Aubrey cut me off my thoughts
"Hey Aubrey, I want to ask you something, but promise me you're not going to tell anyone and you're not going to tease me about it okay I'm just curious"
"Cmon Lizzie just ask"
"It's something about Y/N"
"Look Lizzie if it's something about a month ago it's not my place and if you want to know just ask her I mean if you guys are friends, I'm sure she's going to tell you but it's something tough for her"
"No, Aubrey it's not that I mean I know she's going to tell me when she's ready, it's about someone called Roger, do you know who is he?"
"Oh Roger, yeah he's her big brother, why?"
I sighed relieved
"Oh it's just that I thought it was something else, so her brother it's her boss?"
"Well yeah Y/N was the boss but then something bad  happened and she and her father parted and Roger wanted to reunite them but for that he lost his job in Italy so Y/N felt guilty so she decided to let him in charge"
"So she made the Law Firm, and the she gave it to her brother"
"Well yeah, but it was also because she wasn't good, look Lizzie I would love to explain you but it's just she has had a hard life and she's just 26"
"Yeah I'm going to ask her when I see her"
"Okay but don't ask her all in one, I mean those themes are hard for her"
I just nod and she looked at me confused
"Why is this important to you I mean why at estoy interested in her?" She finally asked
"It's just that she's is kind, and I think we are friends and I really want to know her"
"Look Lizzie you know that I love you but please don't hurt her, I don't know if you have other intentions with her"
"What do you mean by other intentions"
"I know she's a very lovely woman, and she's hot, so if you like her you have to end things with Robbie"
"I'm not going to end things with him because I love him"
"Okay okay I was just saying, she knows about Robbie right, does she already met him?" I just look at her I don't know what to tell her
"Okay, I think you haven't told her about him"
"Why would I"
"So you want to know about her life, but she can't know about yours okay Lizzie, just let me tell you something If you hurt her so badly she would never talk with you, I'm telling you this because I know people that used to be her friends and now they are just strangers"
We get called back


It has been a week since I last see Lizzie we have texted each other but she's busy with her movie and I'm busy with the Smiths case

Now I'm in a meeting to see what we can do with the twins

"Look Mrs Smith it's the best if the twins stay with their mom, you know well that her job is more accessible than yours and she can spend more time with them, and she can be more aware of them"
"Look Ms. Mancini-" I cut him off
"Please call me Y/N or Andrea"
"Look Y/N they are my sons I want to spend time with them I'm their father"
"We know that you are their father, but do you know what do they want"
"Of course they want to be with me"
"Did they tell you that, because I talk with them and they are afraid of you, we have proofs that you haven't been a good father so if you don't want to lose your kids and also go to jail for your children's carelessness, for not to calling it worst you better accept our deal"
He looked at his lawyer and Mrs. Smith nod so this motherfucker has hurt them
"So this is our deal"
We explained to him and they accepted and tomorrow we will go to the court to see the judge and we are going to end the deal

"Thank you so much Andy" Sandy said
"Don't thank me yet, we have to see if they don't change their mind tomorrow"
"But really-"she was cut off by the twins
"Hey Andy" the twins said
"Hey twins how are you"
"We're fine, we are going to be with mom right"
"Well we have to wait till tomorrow, but I think we got a deal with your father"
"Thank you so much" the girl said
"Hey! I was going to said that"
"Sorry brother" and they continue playing
"Hahah he always acts like he's older than her, but actually she's older than him"
"How much" I asked her
"2 minutes" I smile at her

"Hey are you okay" Max asked me
"Yeah it's just that they remind me of my brother and me" I sighed sadly
"It's almost 2 years right"
"Yeah the next month, I miss him everyday" I told her with tears on my eyes
"I have to go" I told her

I was on my way to the parking lot, when I got a text I saw who was it and I smile, literally she makes me smile and forget all the bad things

Hey, what're you doing?
Are you busy?

I was making a deal with a case that I have but I just ended it

Oh did it end well?

Actually it did

I'm glad to know
I was wondering if we can have that dinner today, I mean I really want to know your story

Stranger 🧐🇮🇹:
I wouldn't call it story but sure I'm down

Yeah sorry it's just that I didn't know how to ask you

Haha it's okay so where are we going to have this dinner, I remind you that you have to cook I mean if you want the "story"

Well it can't be at my place but maybe at yours?🥺

I'm not going to ask why, but yes it can be at my place, just tell me what are you planning to cook, because I need to go to the grocery

Oh no it's okay I will get everything
At 8:00 sounds good to you

I look my watch It was 5:00

Sure see you at 8:00

I smile and I was putting on my helmet and I got another text

You have to send me your address dork, I don't know where you live

O sure I forgot 😅
Here you go Angel

Thanks see you 😊

I smile and turn on my motorcycle and I went to my house I mean I have to clean it because I'm going to have a visitor, a very beautiful visitor

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now