Chapter 59

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Lizzie's POV

We got in the trailer and we sat on the couch still holding hands, I just don't want to let go of her hand, I guess I feel if I let go of her hand I'm letting go of her and I don't want that. I turned to face her and I see she is staring at me "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked her, "Like what?" She asked me and I shrugged "I don't know how, but you have this look on your eyes that I can't describe" I explained to her and she let out a little chuckle "I just missed looking at you, that's all" she explained and I nod, "So what do you want to talk about, I mean I know what, but I mean where do you want to start" I ramble and she rubbed her thumb on the back of my hand "Relax, I will just talk ok" she said and I nod taking a big breath, not knowing what is coming

"So all the things that Stefania told me, made me think about our relationship and if that could happen, then you said that not it would never happen, but you really can't tell me that, you don't know what could happen in the future, and you might see that the love of your life is Robbie" she said and before she finished I cut her off, "No I know you have a point and I know I can't assure you that we will be together forever, and even if I do we never know if that could happen because we don't know our future but I really hope my future is with you. I swore to Robbie that I was so madly in love with him, and look at us, we are not longer together, and I know I was wrong because I know you are the one for me, I just have this feeling that I have never feel before, and I can't show you that with words because words can't describe what I'm feeling and I'm trying my best to show you that you are the one meant for me, there is no one else like you" I told hear with tears on my eyes falling down my cheeks. She cupped my face and wipe my tears away "What I was about to say is that you could see that Robbie is the one for you, but I would never let happen that,  because I'm going to make you feel all the love I feel, and I would never let you go that easy, if he comes to get you back I will not let him, I will fight for you, and believe me all of these things that you told me make me feel more secure, and I'm 100% sure that you are the one for me, you make me want to be a better person, there is no one else like you Elizabeth Chase Olsen" she said and I smile at her. I lean in for a kiss, our lips danced together and it is a different kiss, it is like she is showing me her full love, and she is letting all the walls down to let me in

Our kiss became a make out session, that is interrupted by a knock on my trailer door, I huffed in annoyance, and pulled apart from her lips, but she starts kissing my neck, I'm feeling so good that I don't want to stand up and open the door "Who is it?" I asked trying to hide my moans, "Is me Scarlett" she shout back and I know if I don't open the door she will know what Y/N and I are doing "I need to open the door" I whisper to Y/N trying to pull out her face of my neck "No, let her leave" she said making me laugh "No, she will know what we are doing" I told her giggling "I don't care" she said but Scarlett knock again "Are you going to let me in? Is Y/N with you?" She asked but I can't answer her, I can't concentrate, my mind is thinking in all the pleasure Y/N is giving me with just kisses on my neck "OMG she is there, and you guys are having sex" she literally shout and I'm afraid someone heard her, so I stand up so fast, and open the door "Yes she is here and no we are not having sex" I told Scarlett and she laughed "Yeah tell that to your red face and your neck" she said and I looked at her confused then I look to Y/N who is smirking proudly "What did you do?" I asked my horny girlfriend who just shrugged

I walked to the mirror to see what Scarlett is talking about. Scarlett came in an sat next to Y/N. I saw the red marks all over my neck, I know this will become hickeys tomorrow. I glare to Y/N and she just gave me her cheesy smile I shake my head walking towards her, before I could tell her anything she grabbed me by my waist and pull me on her lap, I  wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her forehead, she kissed my temple in response "I see that you two are good now" Scarlett said and Y/N frown "We never stopped being good" she argued "You weren't answering your phone nor texts" Scarlett said "Because I was on a plane" Y/N told her in a duh tone

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now