Chapter 41

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Lizzie's POV

I don't know how I'm going to tell Y/N that I have to go to Atlanta, Marvel called me and told me they need me there, I know she would understand but that doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt her, also she's still a little mad with me, because I had to go and see Robbie and let's say she didn't like that at all, and I don't blame her, a lot of people has hurt her and I'm included 


"But why you have to go" she said once again and I groan "I already told you, I need to fix things with him" I told her but she still looks upset "I need to let him the things clear" I told her "But what things you need to let him clear?" She asked and raise her voice "What is happening with you, don't you trust me" I told her raising my voice too "I do trust you but I don't trust him, you need to understand Lizzie you were his fucking fiancée" I groan in response, "But I let him because I want to be with you" she scoffed "You literally told me that you were going to choose me and then you disappeared, and I knew a shit about you" she said and I'm feeling we are taking steps back "I already told you why" I told her groaning "Why don't you call him?" She asked and I'm getting really tired of this fucking discussion "Because he has been messaging me, and telling me he loves me and that he fucked up and he wants to fix the things between us" I scream to her and know she looks more upset, I think I didn't explain myself "What I meant was that-" she cut me off even I was talking to her calmly "I don't care, if you want to fix things with him, then you should fucking go, I don't give a shit" she said and got outside the house shuting hard the door

End of Flashback

Yeah our fight ended too bad, lucky me I could fix things with Y/N and explain all to her, she got it but she still was upset about me seeing Robbie, she thought he would make a move on me, and well he tried to but I stopped him

Another thing I'm afraid to tell Y/N is that I might not be able to be on Christmas with her, I told her that we could spend Christmas here in LA and after Christmas go to New York with my family, my family really want to meet her, but I would not be able to take her with me because on Christmas I have to be in New York because my sisters  want some shit I can't remember, I want her to go with me, but I know her family will come to LA to be with her on this holidays, I don't know what to do

While I'm thinking what to do I got a text and I smile

Love bug♥️🥰:
Hey baby I'm going to see Rose and Scar, I haven't seen them in a while, so just to let you know that I can't go with you tonight😕

I smile because that looks like if she is asking me for permission

It's okay bubs I get it, but I miss you though🥺

Love bug♥️🥰:
I miss you too, if you want I can stay with you, you just need to say it😏

Nope, Scar is your friend and it's true, you haven't seen them in a while I don't want Rose to be mad with me

Love bug♥️🥰:
Yeah I know but you always can come with me you know😁

No, you need to have time with your friends it's okay, I have you must of the time so I'm not mad about sharing you, obviously just a little and don't do things you would do to me😉🙃

Love bug♥️🥰:
I would never
How has been your day?

It has been good, yours?
Although I need to tell you something important

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now