Chapter 34

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It has been almost 2 weeks since we went to Italy, Lizzie and I have become closer and closer, I think it's time to ask her to be my girlfriend, Lizzie has been telling me indirects, that I should ask her to be my girlfriend, but I thought it wasn't a good idea, but now I think it is, even though is not that long since her and Robbie broke up, but she has show me that she really likes me, she sometimes steal kisses from me, and I do the same, just when I can't contain me, but she doesn't seem to mind, I can tell she likes when I do that, we also went to a lot of dates, of course when Lizzie didn't have a lot of work we went out but when she was tired, and she wanted to see me, we stayed at her house and sometimes at mine, we haven't have sex and I don't mind at all, It would happen when she wants, I want her to feel safe and don't do anything she doesn't want, I have planned our date where I will ask her to be my girlfriend, finally, I'm excited but also nervous, what if she doesn't like the place where I will take her, I mean it's not fancy at all but I really think it's an important place, because in that place I confirmed my feelings for her

Rachel's case it's still in progress, fortunately, they give her security and the asshole she had for husband can't hurt her, I think we will win the case, I really hope so, because this motherfucker deserves go to jail, but just the judge can decide that

Luca miss me so much, so do I, but mom told him that soon he can come visit to LA, he loves being here because he knows this is the place I live, but Guido doesn't want him to come, he just loves too much Italy that he wants Luca to grown up there and never leave, my mom in another hand she wants Luca to travel and know the world but of course my dad manipulate her and tell her it's not a good idea

I'm in the office right now, but I'm nervous about tonight, I'm overthinking things and thinking about all the what if's, J got in my office but I didn't notice him until he cleared her throat "You look stressed" J told me and I shake my head "No I'm just nervous" I told him "About what?" I haven't tell her about Lizzie, just that I met someone and that she makes me very happy, he's intrigued about who this woman is, but I just don't want to tell him, because if I tell him he would tell Max and Max would tell everyone and I'm not sure if Lizzie wants everyone to know about us, I have to ask her that too, but that would be after, this night it would be just about us, if she says yes of course "I'm asking the girl to be my girlfriend" I told him and he looked at me surprised "I still don't get why you don't want to tell me, I'm your best friend" he said and I scoffed "J you have literally spend no time with me since you came back, you just want to be with Max" he rolled her eyes "Really Y/N this again, I have told you that Max is different, I want her to be my girlfriend not my best friend" "Yeah well you shouldn't have changed me" he scoffed "Why do you care so much I mean don't you go out with Andrew, and you know that I have never liked him and you keep doing it" he said and I'm surprised but in the bad way "You will not tell me with who I should talk and who shouldn't okay, and now leave my office I don't want to fight with you" I told him and he left my office, I decided to text the person who would make me happy

Hey your busy?

For you never😙

I wanted to see how is going your day

It's going great, but I miss you 😔

I miss you too, but tonight we will see each other for your surprise

Are you going to tell me what it is?

Nop, you will have to wait
Also wear something comfy and maybe bring a jacket it could be cold

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now