Chapter 77

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I let Lizzie have a minute, I'm sure she didn't have a good day on work so that's why she is acting like this, I let her think by herself. I walked directly to the office to put the papers I brought from the Law Firm. Then I go to the backyard and sat there, admiring the night

I got a text from Seb, he is on his way to the house. We concluded that we will decide here where to go. I heard the back door open but I didn't turn around, already knowing that is Lizzie. She sat next to me but she is not talking. I will not start talking I think she is the one who need to start talking , it's not my fault about she having a rough day

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes until she decided to start talking. "I'm sorry" Lizzie said and I nod not turning to face her "I know is not your fault that I didn't have a good day, and I'm not trying to justify how I talked to you but I'm really worried that something bad could happen to you anytime, I don't want anything bad happen to you. And I have been thinking in a lot of stuff and I'm just so stressed. Please I'm sorry I shouldn't have treated you like that" she apologized "Is ok Liz I get it" I just told her. Then I can hear that she is crying so I pulled her in a hug "I'm sorry" she mumbled "Is ok Lizzie, I know somedays we can have tough days and that's fine but we need to not taking out the stress by being mean with the other" I told her before kissing her forehead

We stayed like that in silence but it's an uncomfortable silence, I know that Lizzie wants to talk but she doesn't say anything. I am not mad, I could never be mad at her, I know that she had a tough day and that's fine everyone have. "Y/N" she called my name and I hummed in return "Are you angry?" She asked me and I shake my head "No I am not, I understand that you didn't have a good day, but the next time instead of shouting at me and scolding me for things I forgot, talk to me I will always hear you" I informed her and she nod her head yes "I'm sorry" she said once again and I sighed "Lizzie please stop apologizing, I already forgave you" I told her and knowing exactly she was going to say I'm sorry again, I cut her off before she could, by a kiss on her lips "I'm not mad ok so now let's go I'm hungry" I told her and she finally smile. I guess she now believes that I'm not angry at all

We were waiting Sebastian, and he is taking so long "Why is he taking so long?" Lizzie asked clearly desperate "I don't know. Oh I forgot to tell you that he is afraid of you" I told her, giggling and she frown "Why?" She questioned "Well he knows that you know about the affair Seb and I had, and he says that you hate him, and you changed with he since I'm dating you. I told him that you are a little jealous, and basically he is afraid" I explained to her and she laughed "Well he should be, if he continues flirting with you he would not like what I'm going to do" she threatened and I laughed. "Do you know there are a lot of people that flirt with you and that are in love with you" I told her and she shake her head "That's different because I just have eyes for you" she said "So do I my love I have told you that many of times" I told her and before she could say anything someone knock the door, I guess is Sebastian

I walked to open the door, and I was right is he, "Hey Y/N" he said with that big smile "Hey come in" I told him. After closing the door he turn and I can see that he is nervous "What's up with your ass?" I frown while looking at him "I'm so nervous, is Lizzie in a good mood?, I don't want her to hate me, she needs to know that I don't love you. Well I do love you but you are like a sister to me. Of course if I had the opportunity to kiss you I will do it, but just if you weren't with Lizzie. I respect Lizzie too much. She has to understand that I'm just your friend and I don't intend on making a move with you. Why is she has to be so fucking scary?" He rambles and I laughed he is a dork "You know that Lizzie lives here in the same house with me right?" I asked him and he nods "Oh well, I'm going to tell you something please don't shit your pants but my beautiful scary girlfriend is standing behind you and I'm sure she heard everything you just said" I told him, his face got pale and he slowly turn around

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