Chapter 54

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This days have been amazing, I'm glad Lizzie's family like me, and I really like them too, the twins are so fun to be with, and I'm now working with them, I'm part of the photography team, they understood that I can't constantly come to New York, because I have my job in LA and I really like my job, I like help people, and I have a lot of pending cases, and I really want to help these people

I really loved these holidays, but they ended, that means Lizzie needs to fly out to Atalanta and I have to stay, Fortunately Lizzie and I have one day left, she is leaving tomorrow, and this time I will not see her until February, I think she said until February 4th, I want to think everything is going to be alright, but I'm not sure, I mean she already left once, but It was just for a day and a half and we were so dramatic about it, and now we are not that dramatic but I'm worried about what could happen when she is there and I'm here, I guess we need to have communication, and trust each other, I guess we will be okay or well I hope so

We arrive to LA, and we are on baggage claim "Ugh there are a lot of people" Lizzie groan in annoyance I hugged her, "Is going to be okay, just stay with me and hide your face" I told her kissing her head but she is still uncomfortable

After baggage claiming, we went outside, to get in my car, we were walking and as soon we exited the airport, there are bunches of paparazzis, Lizzie grabbed my arm tightly and hide her face, I am carrying our baggage so I can't hug her, to make her feel protected, I tried to walk but there are a lot of people, I start walking faster, pushing them with my other shoulder and shouting at them to Move, they are asking a lot of questions to her, some of them are about Robbie and their engagement, also they are shouting shit about me, but I don't really care, all I care is to get Lizzie out of here. When I was about to get Lizzie on the car a man stands in front of us "Dude you really need to move" I told him "Why are you with her Lizzie?, Do you have new projects?, What happened between you and Robbie?" He starts asking her a lot of questions and I start to get mad "If you don't move I will move you" I shout at him and I can feel Lizzie squeeze my arm to calm down, the dude is not moving so I move to the trunk, to put the baggage on the trunk and as I was expecting the man followed us, I took advantage and walked fast to the door, I help Lizzie to get in the car. Once Lizzie is secure I calmed down a little, even though the paparazzis don't stop shouting and taking photos. After a lot of struggle, and pushes, I could make it to the drivers door. As soon as I got in I started driving

After driving for a couple of minutes I looked at Lizzie for a couple of seconds "Are you okay my love?" I asked her while putting my hand on her thigh "Yeah I think so" she said in almost a whisper "You don't sound okay" I told her and we are in a red light, so I decided to looked at her "I know that was overwhelming, put is over okay" I told her but she is not looking at me "I'm so sorry" she said and I looked at her confused "For what, that was not your fault" I told her but the red light change and I have to look at the road again. She is not talking, and I think we really need to talk about what is she sorry about, I decided to park the car, she looked at me confused "Why are you sorry sweetheart?" I asked her softly and she sighed "They shouted a lot of shit about you out there" she said and I'm still confused "Yeah I know that but I still don't get why you are sorry?" I told her trying to understand "Because is my fault, is my fault that they are talking shit about you without knowing you, because every person that is with me, they criticize them" she explained to me and now I get why she is feeling like is her fault "Well just to let you know I don't think is your fault" I told her but she is still avoiding my gaze, I put my fingers on her chin and turn her face to make her look at me "I don't care what they say or think about me, the only opinion I care is yours, and you don't have to worry about me, I really don't feel bad, I mean I am used to it" I told her and peck her lips "I can't stop thinking is my fault" she said and I shake my head "It is not, I need you to not let their comments affect you, even if they are about me, they don't hurt me, because as you know I give a fuck for people opinions when is about me" I told her and she smile at me "Thank you for protected me out there" she said and I smile "I will always protect you, no matter what" I told her and lean in for a kiss

While I'm driving I realized I don't know where to go, "Uhm baby where do you want to go?" I asked her "I don't feel like going somewhere" she said and I shake my head "Yeah me neither but what I meant was to which house?" I asked her again and she looked at me thinking about it "I think mine if you don't mind, I mean I need to pack somethings, but I want you with me so if you are up to, maybe you can stay with me at my place" she said and I smile at her nodding "Of course, I mean I think we need to enjoy our last day together, since we won't see each other for a month" I told her and she nods while kissing my cheek

We arrived to her house, and I carried our bags. Once I put them on Lizzie's room, I let myself fall in Lizzie's bed, she laughed at me "Tired?" She asked me and I nod "Yes, do you mind if we take a nap" I said to Lizzie who nods smiling at my idea "But first we need to change these clothes" she said and I groan, I sit up on her bed, and Lizzie throw at me some of her clothes I smile at her like a thank you. I started undressing and I feel Lizzie stare "Stop staring Olsen" I told her and she scoffed while walking towards me "Why?, I have the right to stare at what is mine" she said and I lifted my eyebrows "Oh so all of these is yours?" I asked her pointing to my body, she nods biting her bottom lip, she lean in for a kiss and when I was about to kiss her she pulled away, I scoffed "You're such a tease" I told her and she gets in the bathroom giggling

I changed myself, and I'm now laying on Lizzie's bed, Lizzie gets out the bathroom, and I open my arms for her to cuddle with me, she literally lays on top of me, I start rubbing up and down her back "I really loved these couple of days" Lizzie whispered and I hummed in agreement "Me too, I always love spend time with you" I told her and kiss her head, "I really love you Y/N Andrea Mancini" she said and I smile, she never call me Andrea, "I really love you too Elizabeth Chase Olsen" I told her back earning a giggle from Lizzie

Wow I really needed that nap, I thought we just sleep a little bit, but we slept for a while, I opened my eyes and to my surprise Lizzie is already awake "Good... What time is it?" I asked Lizzie, "I don't know my love, she said while kissing my chin "How long have you been awake?" I asked Lizzie while rubbing her back "Not that much I think like 20 or 10 minutes, but I am too comfortable, so I didn't want to stand up" Lizzie said and I chuckle "Well I'm glad you didn't because I love waking up with you by my side, well in this case is on top of me" I told her and that makes her laugh, I stare at her so deeply "What?" She asked through laughs "I really love your laugh, your smile, your eyes, I love everything about you and I love you" I complimented her sweetly making her blush

We stayed cuddled for a while, until we got hungry, we didn't feel like cooking something so we order some food, we are eating and Lizzie told me all of her plans about this month and also said that I might not be able to go visit her, that made me sad, so she told me she would see if I can go even though maybe I will be on set waiting for her, I really don't care as long as I'm with Lizzie

Hi guys I know this is shorter but I'm not feeling good, but I wanted to update anyways, I hope tomorrow I feel better but if I don't update tomorrow I apologize

If you have ideas for the story let me know

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