Chapter 45

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The day is seem to go faster than I expected, Lizzie and I FaceTime earlier and she's happy, I can see how she loves acting, she's just a wonderful actress, and I'm so in love with that woman, I'm working on the case that Roger have me yesterday, I want to do as much as I can before I leave, because I don't want Roger to scolding me because I didn't do anything and I'm leaving work, so if I make as much as I can, he could not scolding me

I'm having lunch in my office and I think it's time for me to call my mom

Me: Hi mom I told her excited
Sofia: Hi sweetheart, how are you?, how is Lizzie? My mom answered very lovely
Me: We are good mom thank you, how have you been? Everything okay between Luca and Guido?
Sofia: Yes hun everything is alright, but Luca misses you
Me: Aww I miss him too, are you with him?
Sofia: No he went with your father
Me: Oh okay, mom I'm calling you because I need to tell you something
Sofia: Oh is it something bad?
Me: well it depends of how you see it, the thing is that I would not be able to spend this Christmas with the family, Lizzie invited me to come New York and meet her family, and I really want to go
Sofia: Oh is that, well that's okay my love, as soon as you visit me while I'm in LA
Me: Oh yeah of course
Sofia: When are you leaving?
Me: Tomorrow I will fly to New York
Sofia: Oh so I won't be able to see you
Me: Well it depends if you came early I think you could but I have to ask Lizzie when I have to fly to New York
Sofia: Oh is she not with you?
Me: Oh shit I forgot to tell you, Lizzie is in Atlanta doing reshoots for her movie
Sofia: Mhm well don't worry, is okay if you want to spend the holidays with her, and don't let your brother scold you
Me: Hahaha of course no mom, Thanks mom, love you

We hang up and I'm happy my mom didn't get mad, I'm mean I already knew she would understand but still, I know how much she misses me, and that she wants to see me, I want to see her too also I want to see Luca but I really want to spend this holidays with Lizzie

I was working on the case but I have a few questions, and I don't want to ask the boss so I will ask Clary to see if she knows more than me "Hey Clary, I have a few questions about the case" I told her and she nod at me for me to continue "Okay, so I see that all the places they have, have the name of Kevin, I suppose that's the name of the husband right?" I told her and she nod in response "So my question is , Does Leslie, has proofs that she gave money to build those places?" I asked her "Well she told Roger that she has tickets that say that she gave money, but she hasn't bring them yet" she told me and I hummed in response "Okay, I need you to tell her to bring those tickets and when she brings them I need to talk to her" I told Clary and she nod in response "Thank you Clary" I told her and walk to my office, I need to see what can I do if those tickets don't help us

I was waiting for my printer, to print the stuff but this fucking machine never work when I need it, I groan, I got a call and I thought it was going to be Lizzie but is not her

Me: Hi Scar, how you been?
Scarlett: Hi Y/N I've been good thanks, with a lot of work but nothing I can't handle
Me: I'm glad; not for the work but that you are fine, where is Rose?
Scarlett: Oh she's here in Atlanta with me, she's on set with me though
Me: Oh that's good, but doesn't she get bored there?
Scarlett: Sometimes, but she always plays  with the cast when they are not filming
Me: Oh and where is she?
Scarlett: I think she's eating with Evans, but I was calling to see how you doing? With the all long distance relationship
Me: Well Lizzie and I are good, and we'll is just a day, I mean tomorrow we will see us in New York
Scarlett: I'm happy for you two, but why in New York, Aren't you going to spend Christmas in LA?
Me: Nop, I'm going with Lizzie, I will meet Lizzie's family
Scarlett: Oh uhm that's good, Uhm are you nervous
Me: Yes I'm nervous as fuck, but anyways I love Lizzie so everything will be fine
Scarlett: Did you already tell her that you love her?
Me: Yes and for my luck she loves me back, I'm so happy right now Scar, but I have to go, I really miss you a lot Scar, and I miss Rosie, please tell her I love her and take care please

We hang up, I really miss Scarlett even though she has been acting weird about Lizzie and I, I actually thought that Scarlett was in love with Lizzie or something, but that can't be, she would have told me, I think I will talk to her when I see her

I want to make me another tattoo, but I don't really know what, I think a tattoo on my arm would see hot, but still I don't know what to make me, Lizzie loves my tattoos, I can tell that because, well I know why and that's all matter

I'm so fucking tired so I decided to go home when I was on the parking lot Roger shout my name, I roll my eyes because I know he's going to scolding me for whatever shit, "Clary showed me the things you advanced on the case, I was here because well I uhm, I want to say thank you" he said as I'm surprised like I'm really in awe, he never have apologized to me, "What?" I asked him to see if I heard well, "Oh C'mon Andy don't make me say it again" he said and I really don't know what else to tell him so I just nod "Are you leaving tomorrow?" He asked me "Yes I am leaving tomorrow, my mom already knows so" I shrug and got in my car, I know I was rude to him, but I know if I let him manipulate me, he would say to me that I should stay and the he would make me feel bad

I drove home, and I started to do pack all the stuff I need, I realized that I don't know how much days we are going to stay there, so I don't know how many clothes I will need, is like Lizzie was thinking about me too, because she is FaceTiming now I smile at my phone and answer

Me: Hi my love I told her with a big smile
Lizzie: Hi love bug, are you already home?
Me: Yes, I decided to go home earlier because I want to make my suitcases but I have a question, how long are we going to be out?
Lizzie: Well I don't know my love, I mean I don't know where you want to spend the New Year
Me: Mmmmm well I don't know, whatever you want to is good for me as long as we are together, Do you have to return to Atlanta?
Lizzie: Uhm yes, I need to continue doing reshoots until the last days of January
Lizzie said that and my face literally changed
Me: And when do you have to return?
Lizzie: Well they just give us until January 2nd
Me: Oh
Lizzie: We will be okay my love, we will continue talking and made our routine, I mean the good morning texts and stuff, we will be fine, okay?
Me: Yes I think you are right
Lizzie: I love you
Me: I love you too, so I think you want to spend New Year with your family, right, I mean also it would be less stressful for you, because you wouldn't have to take another plane
Lizzie: Yes, I mean is less stressful, but I know you want to see your mom
Me: Well we are look that my mom will staying for a while
Lizzie: So you want to stay with my family?
Me: Well yes if you want to I would be glad to be with your family, even if I'm nervous as hell
Lizzie: Okay we will be staying there, my mom would be happy to know this, also, you don't have to be nervous they will love you as much as I do
Me: Well I really hope so, anyways I will pack my stuff love you bella, text you later
Lizzie: Love you too, Can't wait to see you tomorrow, and please don't be late or you will lose the flight
Me: Yes I will be super early, good night my love

I packed all my stuff and put the things downstairs, I ended up fucking tired, I'm going to sleep now, I'm so fucking nervous about the fact that I'm meeting Lizzie's family, I mean I will meet the family of the super famous, wonderful and sexy as hell Elizabeth Olsen, how am I supposed to not be nervous, I really hope everything goes well, because family don't like me, that's why I don't like to meet the family of the people I date, but Lizzie is different, I know she is, I will try my best to not fuck up the things

After sleep I remember that I didn't check the flight things, I groan and stand up from my bed to grab my laptop, once I grabbed it I sit on my bed, I start watching the time of my flight and all the stuff, I print my ticket, the good thing about buying the flights online is that you can arrive later to the airport, I will not to that because Lizzie will be earlier than me because she is closer, My flight is going to be of 5 hrs 20 minutes approx and Lizzie's is going to be of 2 hrs 10 minutes approx, also Lizzie's flight is later than mine, because of that, I'm glad that Lizzie will be the one to picked me up from the airport

I can't wait to see her, and kiss her, I think this holidays are going to be greats because I spend them with the love of my life

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now