Chapter 9

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I arrived to my house, and I cleaned it completely, my house it's not big but I think it's okay, on the first floor it's the kitchen, I have a little office, the living room, and the garden, first thing you see when you enter my house it's the living room then you have to walk in on the right side there's my kitchen it's a big kitchen or well I like to think that, then on the kitchen it's a big crystal door that takes you to the backyard and then in front of the kitchen are the stairs, and at the end of the first floor it's my office and next to my office it's a bathroom.
On the second floor I have my TV room, I have a guest room, a little gym and my room

I finished, everything I have to do and I think my house doesn't look bad, well I hope it doesn't, I saw my watch and it's already 7:00
Well I have to take a shower

I take a shower and I change to something like this:

This hoodie, with jeans, and some sneakers But then I realize that maybe it's was something formal or I don't know so I decided to ask Lizzie

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This hoodie, with jeans, and some sneakers
But then I realize that maybe it's was something formal or I don't know so I decided to ask Lizzie

Do I have to wear something formal or I can be with comfy clothes🙃

No, it's nothing formal, you can use comfy clothes

So can I wear a hoodie🥺

Yes dork, you can wear whatever you want😂

Good because I wasn't planning to change my clothes

Okays so it's something comfy, I bet you she's going to look gorgeous even though we're with comfy clothes

Lizzie's POV

Yes dork, you can wear whatever you want😂

Good because I wasn't planning to change my clothes

What a dork, I'm sure she's gonna look stunning in whatever she wear, okay so she's ready and I'm still in my house I have to be fast

I was on my way to her house, I knocked at her door and she opened and I was right she looks beautiful and comfy
"Hi welcome to my humble home" she said, and let me in, her house looks cozy
"You have a beautiful home" she just smiles at me "Let me help you with the bags" "Thanks"
"Lizzie did you bring the whole store" I just laugh "I'm going to need all of this" "I'm just going to tell you that I'm not a great cooker so I can't help that much, but you just tell me what to do and I would comply" I just laugh "We have time are you going to give me a tour or what" "Well as you can see my house it's not big" "You already saw the living room and the kitchen, if we come here there is my office and next to it's a bathroom" she showed me her office and it was a disaster "You have a disaster here, i thought the lawyers were well organized" she chuckle "Well I'm a different lawyer and a very special one, I tried to organize it earlier but it's easier for me to think If I know where my things are" "And you know where your things are in this whole disaster"
"Hahaha not really but If I keep it in a place then I forget where I keep it" I laughed "Good point" then we were upstairs "If you think my office it's disorganized, well I tried my best to fix my room" then we enter and well it really looks like her personality, she has a big bed and in a corner she has a like a little couch and  next to the couch she has a window "When I'm overwhelmed I sit there because I like to think there's a beautiful view" she explained and I sit and she was right you feel relaxed and comfortable, her room have a big bathroom and a big dresser I notice that there was a pillow on the floor and a blanket I looked at her confused "Oh that's because sometimes I can't sleep because my brain tell all the mistakes I have done so I lay down there" "And you can sleep there?" "Not really but I like to lay there, anyways I'm starving so maybe you should start doing the food" She said and I laugh "You're going to help me, I don't believe you can't cook" "Hahaha well I swear you I'm not lying Cmon I'm starving" she drag me by my hand

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