Chapter 80

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I'm in bed texting with the twins, while Lizzie is somewhere in the house. The twins need me to go today to New York but today Lizzie and I are leaving to London. I want to help them but I want to go with Lizzie

Hottie Girl🥵:
Guys, is it very necessary for me to be there?

Yes we want to see you

You can't come?

Hottie Girl🥵:
I want to see you two as well but I don't know if you know but Lizzie and I are going to London today

Oh fuck, we forgot about that
Is for the avengers movie right?

Hottie Girl🥵:
Yeah and we will be gone for two weeks maybe three

Yeah sorry Y/N we forgot about it
You can go to London we will tell Matt to help us
Don't worry about it you have fun with Lizzie

We told you because well if we are honest with you, you are better than Matt

Hottie Girl🥵:
I feel bad of not being able to help you guys I'm sorry

Don't worry Y/N
And as Ash said you are better that Matt, but Matt is good not as you but we understand

Hottie Girl🥵:
Are you sure guys?
I mean I can go and when I'm done I fly to London

If we let you do that our sister will kill us
Is ok Y/N, don't worry about it

Yeah but call us when you come back

Yes please call us
And have fun with our sister

Hottie Girl🥵:
Yeah I will
Thank you guys

I feel bad for not being able to go, I mean I always want to help people and they needed me and I had to tell them I can't. I'm happy about going with Lizzie to London, but I just hate not being able to help. "Penny for your thoughts" Lizzie entered the room and I gave her a half smile, she looked that something was on my mind so she approached to me and sat on the bed, next to me. "What's wrong?" She asked, cupping my face with both of her hands "I was texting with your sisters and-" "Wait wait wait, you and my sisters still text each other" she asked me surprised making me chuckle "Yes baby, they are my bosses so I need to text them also they are your sisters I want to have a good relationship with them" I told her and she bite her bottom lip in thought, "But they already like you and I can assure you that they like you a little too much especially Ashley" she said and I laughed "Baby I just like one Olsen and her name starts with and E" I told her and she smile at me before kissing me

After kissing each other's lips, we pulled apart "Sorry, now you can tell me why you were so upset" she said and I nod my head slowly "They needed me and I told them I couldn't help them because we are going to London" I told her and her smile fade away, before she could say something I started talking again "l mean I am so happy to go with you to London, but you know me it upsets me when I'm not able to help people. That's all" I explained to her before she gets conclusions that are wrong "Yeah I know but they get it baby, but if you want to go feel free I mean I can see you in London tomorrow, but I would love if you come with me" she said shyly and I smile, rarely she say what she wants, "Well I would love to go with you and if I want to go with you and you want it too then is arranged we are going to London today and together" I told her earning the biggest smile, "Did you already pack?" She asked me and I nod "Yeah but I didn't pack a lot of things I don't know the places we are going to, so I don't know if I need to bring formal clothes" I told her "Oh right I forgot to tell you where are we going. But yes baby you will need formal clothes I will help you" she decided standing up. I guess we are doing it now

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