Chapter two

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"Hey don't I know you" fuck what she remembers me I tried to play it dumb I mean I didn't what her to think that I think about her the past days "Mmmm I think I would remember you" WHAT I don't know why I tell her that, Aubrey notice my flirting and raise an eyebrow to me "Hahaha no really I saw you the other day isn't it in Starbucks you were there reading papers" she said looking at my whole face " Oh yeah you're the one that told me that it wasn't good to stare" she just nod an laugh then we stare until Aubrey break the moment " Well I was going to introduce you guys but it seem that you already know each other" " Oh no no we just saw each other the other day but we barely talk" I said to Aubrey " Oh well so Lizzie this hot dipshit it's Y/N Andrea Mancini, Y/N this one here it's Elizabeth Olsen" we were doing a handshake while I was saying " OMG you Aubrey Plaza are going to work with these amazing actress I can't believe it" Aubrey stop smiling and hit me on my back head "Really I told you were hot" Lizzie was laughing God her laugh it's just the most perfect thing in the world and her eyes fuck I'm staring " Oh I am, hahahaha you know I'm kidding I love you" she just roll her eyes " Yeah whatever" I just laugh

The three of us continued chatting until more Aubreys friends came to talk to her and the Aubrey left us there were a silence, it wasn't uncomfortable but I decided to break it " So this is the first time you work with Ms Plaza" she chuckle " Yeah but we already knew each other" " Oh really" "Yeah we have friends in common so we click very fast" I just nod "So you still stare at people" I laugh to her comment "Hahaha sorry about that, I bet you think that I'm a stalker now" I said embarrassed "Well I mean you knew who I was and you have seen my movies I think you're a stalker" she said "Oh actually when I saw you I didn't who you were I knew it when Aubrey told your name, but maybe I'm your stalker number one we would never know" I smirked, and she blushed "So you're not from here right" I chuckle " How did you know it was the name or my accent"
" Oh it was actually your last name Mancini, it's Italian right"
"Yeah It is I'm Mexican-Italian, my mom it's from Mexico and my dad from Italy" my smile fade when I mentioned my dad I saw she notice it but she didn't ask
"Oh that's why you're so beautiful,and your accent it's just I don't know but it's hard to know where's from" she told me with a confused face
"Oh that's because I born in Italy but I moved to England when I was 8 years old and then I moved to Mexico when I was 14 and when I was 19 I decided to move to LA and here I am" she has an amused look "You moved a lot" I just nod "What about you" I asked her "Oh I lived in NYU for a while and actually I studied in Russia" "Oh that's pretty cool" "So this new movie do you know the name or it's just like marvel and you can't tell anything" she laughed "The name it's Ingrid Goes West, I see you like Marvel" "Oh believe me I love marvel but I'm not a nerd or that's what I think"
"So have you seen my movies?" She asked me with her eyebrows raised "Yeah I have seen well the marvels one, also Godzilla" she sighed and it was a relief one I didn't tell her I have seen old boy it's just that I think it would be awkward "So what do you for living?" "Oh I'm a lawyer and I like to think I'm a good one" she just laughed we continue chatting but her phone rang she look at me and I just nod to her to know that it was okay if she wants to answer, she excuse herself and I was left in the kitchen with my thoughts about these beautiful woman.

Lizzies POV

I can't believe I see her again, we were chatting and wow I'm amused of how amazing she is, she's such a beautiful human being her soul it's so pour and you can tell how she loves to help people she was telling me about how she also helps kids with cancer and that just melt my heart, then my phone rang.
I was in the backyard and I answer my phone it was Robbie (A/N I don't know when they started dating  but in these story they met in 2015)
We have been dating for a year know
"Hey love"
"Hi Robbie what's up I'm a little busy"
"Where are you?, I'm home but you're not here"
"Robbie I told you I was going to Aubreys party"
"Oh, when will you come home? Who are you with?" I don't know why but he had been a little jealousy
"Robbie I don't know and I'm just with Aubrey and some of her friends"
He just sigh annoyed
"Well goodbye and don't you dare come home late" I was about to tell him something but he hanged up

I return to the house and look for Y/N but she wasn't in the kitchen I don't know why but I thought she would be waiting for me, then I saw Aubrey
"Hey Aubrey have you seen Y/N" I ask her while she was drinking a lot
"Oh I saw her with a girl but I don't remember where" of course she doesn't remember she is clearly drunk
I looked for her like hours and then I found her I smile I don't know why but here I am smiling then my smile fade away when I see a girl bringing her a drink, she was smiling and I just couldn't help it but feel sad

I was talking with people when I notice that the girl who Y/N was leaving, then I notice that Y/N was now with Aubrey so I went with them

When I arrived Y/N just smile at me and she was telling something to Aubrey
"What no you can't leave me here" she said and she was a little touchy with her, but WHAT why is she leaving
"Sorry Aubrey but tomorrow I have a meeting with some lawyers and it's an important one"
I don't know if that was true I mean it's a little suspicious that the girl who she was talking to already left and know she wants to go
"But I thought tonight we would have sex" she said like no one was listening and it was just Y/N,
"Hahaha you know that I wouldn't have sex with you now I have to go please Aubrey don't do anything stupid" she said in a serious tone "Hey it's going to be a month since- she was cut off from Y/N "Yeah I know Aubrey, I'm going to be okay you don't have to worry, now have fun but not too much and don't do anything I wouldn't" "Common you are as crazy as me" she just laughed "Goodbye Aubrey see ya"
Then she told me "Well I need to go but I hope you I see you around" she smile and she left I realized that I didn't give her my number I mean we wouldn't see each other or talk again so I ran outside and see that she was on her motorcycle, Wow so se- What no!

She saw me and told me "What already missing me" "Ha-ha-ha very funny I realized that you don't have my number and we'll I really want to see you again, I mean hang out and stuff" I got all nervous She smile and told me "Oh that's right if I want to see that pretty face again well I need your number" I blushed and I gave her my phone and she did the same "Here you go" she handed my phone and I did the same "Well it was a pleasure meeting you Olsen, I really want to hang out with you" she winked at me and left

I was there in shock I mean was she flirting with me, what no I don't think so and I don't care...

I look to my phone and see how she put her name

Stranger 🧐🇮🇹

I just laugh
So I realized that I didn't introduce the character well our name it's Y/N Andrea Mancini we're Mexican-Italian and we are 23
In this story Lizzie it's 29 and Aubrey it's 33
If you have questions just ask me😂

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now