Chapter 71

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I was on a meeting when I got a call from Lizzie, is weird she never calls at this time, and she knew I had a meeting, I told her yesterday, maybe is something important, "Sorry is an important call" I excuse myself and answer Lizzie's call, before she could say anything I talk

Me: Lizzie are you ok?

L: Yeah I'm fine why?

Me: Because you are calling and I told you I was going to be on a meeting

L: OMG you are right I totally forgot, do you want me to call later?

Me: No is ok love tell me

L: Ok, I wanted to tell you that I won't be able to have dinner with you, I have a meeting with the producers of the new series

Me: Oh uhm that's ok, are you going to come at night?

L: Yeah I will try but if it's too late please go to sleep I would not feel bad

Me: Yes my love be careful I love you

L: Love you too sweetheart

I sighed happily, I'm really happy right now. Lizzie and I have spend a lot of time together, I love having her here with me, I think since our fight our relationship grew stronger, and I'm glad for that. Lizzie has stayed with me almost all nights, it seems that she lives with me, we sleep together, and sometimes she makes breakfast for me or vise versa, I don't know if she wants to move in with me, I haven't asked her because I'm afraid maybe I'm going too fast and I'm not sure if she wants that with me yet, I mean she still goes to her house and take care of her garden, also she goes there to grab some clothes even though she ends putting on my clothes, I think I will ask her soon, if I don't take the risk I would never know, and life is short so I will take the risk

In five days is Lizzie's birthday, I already have her gifts, and I hope she likes them, I just need to get back my hut. I'm working more because I'm going to take some days off, I want to spend them with Lizzie and not be worried about work, I need to tell her though, because she is filming, I need to find a way to tell her and that she can't find out my surprise. I really need to think what I'm going to do

Lizzie's POV

I got in the house and I can hear that the TV is on, I guess Y/N is still awake, I walked to the living room and see her there, I smile at how cute she looks, she is asleep with one blanket on her. I walked towards her and kissed her forehead, she jumps a little and open her eyes fast, "Hey" she said with her raspy voice "Hi love bug, didn't I tell you to go sleep if I didn't arrive early" I told her but she is too sleepy to process what I just told her "C'mon, let's go bed" I told her helping her to stand up

As soon as we entered the room she let herself fall on the bed making me laugh, "Let me tuck you in" I told her and she moves a little and I tucked her in and kiss her forehead. I was about to go to the bathroom and change my clothes, but Y/N took my hand "Don't leave" she mumbled and I kiss her hand "I'm not leaving, I just going to the bathroom and to change my clothes" I told her, "Are you coming back?" She whispered that I barely heard her "Yes baby" I told her and she let go off my hand

When I returned she wasn't there, "Y/N" I called her name but I got no response, when I was about to walked toward the door, Y/N came with a grumpy face, I chuckle and walked toward her "What's wrong, baby?" I asked her as I wrap my arms around her neck, "I got a call and it woke me up" she said making me chuckle "But I woke you up and you weren't grumpy about it" I commented "But is different" she mumbled and walked to the bed undressing herself, I raised an eyebrow at her, "Are you sleeping half naked?" I asked her "Yeah I'm too tired to get changed" she said and laid in the bed, I laugh at how lazy she is but laid in bed with her too, she wrapped one arm around my waist and she hide her face on the crock of my neck, "Good night love bug" I whispered to her while kissing her hand, "Goodnight" she mumbled tired

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now