Chapter 98

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I have been sleeping on the guests room, it's not as comfy as my bed but Lizzie keeps lying to me, now I'm the one who leaves early to work and return late, surprisingly Lizzie has coming to sleep at home since the night of the fight, I hate this, every night I sleep crying, and sometimes I hear Lizzie cry. I know I need to talk with Lizzie but how can I talk to her if she just keeps lying to me, she is not telling me the truth, and I don't know what to do, I don't want us to end

So I decided to go earlier home and talk with her, I hope she won't lie to me. I think I will leave at 8:00, Roger has been talking to me he wants me to forgive him but he doesn't apologize, he just brings me coffee and things to eat, is like he wants to buy my forgiveness. Scarlett noticed that something is going on between Lizzie and I and she keeps pushing me to tell her, I also have been talking to Brie, I didn't realize how much I miss talking with her, even after our weird relationship I really appreciated our friendship, we ended whatever we had on good terms

I smiled when I opened the place where I keep the papers, I remembered how Luca was ordering them, and how he kept saying that he was so busy. I love that kid, he is so special to me. Clary got into the office "Wow it has been a long time since I last saw that smile" Clary said making me chuckle "I was thinking about Luca" I told her "He looked so cute" she said and I nod "Someone is here, do I let them in?" Clary asked me "Who is it?" I asked her "They told me not to tell you, they are not a threat though" she said and I hummed "Is it Lizzie?" I asked hoping that somewhat she was here and that she really wants to fix things between us. I mean when you want to fix something you try your best to fix it, but it seems like Lizzie is not trying to fix it

Clary shook her head "Nop" she said and I hummed, I don't know why I thought that it could have been Lizzie "Let them in, oh and Clary can you bring me food please I'm hungry" I told her and she nod. She didn't ask me what I want. Then they entered my office making me smile "Hey little monster" I greeted her "Hi Aunt Y/N" Rose said as she walks to give a hug "You guys should have told me that you were coming like that we could have gone somewhere to eat" I told them "It's ok we came prepared, we brought the food with us, we knew that you were going to be busy" Scarlett said as she walks to give me a hug

Clary was about to leave "That's why you didn't ask me what I wanted" I told Clary and she chuckle "Yes that's why, I will take a break is that ok?" She asked me "Clary I have told you plenty of times that you don't have to ask me for permission" I told her and she chuckle as she nods her head "So what did you guys bring me?" I asked them "I helped my mom cooked" Rose said excited "Omg really? The food must taste very good, I'm sure of it" I told her and she nods her head "Where is Luca?" She asked me "Uhm he probably is with my mom" I told her and she hummed. I don't know why but I would like them to date, not soon but when they are like 28 or something like that

They started taking out the food they brought, I walked toward the couch, because we are eating there "This looks and smells amazing" I told them as I sit down. As I'm eating I can fell Scarlett's gaze on me I don't know what she will ask me, but I need to be prepared of she asking me what's going on between Lizzie and I. I mean she can't ask me that much because Rose is here with us, I'm sure she doesn't want to ask about my relationship with Lizzie, in front of Rose

As I'm eating my phone rang, I got a notification, I want to think is Lizzie but I know it is not her. I stand up and grabbed my phone. It's just Brie

Hey are you up to lunch with me?

Sorry I'm at the office and Scarlett and Rose came and I'm eating with them

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now