Chapter 51

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Lizzie's POV

I think I should wake up Y/N now, because we have to take a shower, because we smell like sex, I don't want to wake her up, because she looks beautiful when she is sleeping, I decided to stand up to see if she wakes up, when I stand up Y/N pull me on bed again, I laughed because even if she is sleeping, she felt that I was leaving "Don't go, 5 minutes more" she mumbles and I kiss her "Baby, Rosie would be sad if we don't go, well if you don't go" I told her and she opens her eyes "You know she loves you too right?" She asked me "Yes but not as much as she loves you" I told her and she was about to close her eyes again but I kiss her lips with passion "Don't close your eyes" I told her and she chuckle "You just kissed me because you didn't want me to close my eyes, I'm hurt" she said dramatically making me laugh "You are a dork, I kiss you because I love kissing you and also because I didn't want you to go to sleep again" I told her and she grin, I stand up and see Y/N staring at my naked body "You know my eyes are up here" I told her and she smirked "Yeah but I love your body" she said "Are you coming or what" I told her while walking towards the bathroom, she took her time because she is a lazy ass

After our shower, Y/N still doesn't want to go, I'm sure when she sees Scar and Rose she would be happy, "Baby you need to hurry up, we are going to be late" I told Y/N who groans and let herself dropped on the bed "Why are you so tired?" I asked her while sitting on the bed "I don't know I think I will get sick" she said and I looked at her confused "I think you are just a lazy ass" I told her making her chuckle "Or I just want to be with my girlfriend" she said while pulling me down with her "Stop it, we can't laid here now, when we return we can cuddle" I told her and finally she stands up

We said goodbye to my mom and drive to Scarlett's house, once we get there, Rosie was already on the door, Y/N run toward the little girl and hug her "Hi little princess" she told her "Hi auntie A, Hi auntie Lizzie", the little girl told us excited, "Hi Rosie, where is your mom" I asked her "She's inside helping my grandma" she told us and we walk inside, Scar saw us and she smile at us "Hi guys" she told us and hugged us "Let me help you with something" Y/N told Scarlett and before Scarlett could say something, Y/N was already in the kitchen "Hi Melanie" she said to Scarlett's mom "Hi little Y/N, how are you" she said to Y/N and Y/N smile "I'm good thank you, this is Lizzie she is my girlfriend" Y/N present me to Scarlett's mom "Oh yeah Lizzie Scarlett's friend" she said and I nod smiling "Do you need help" Y/N asked her but she shake her head "No no, please go play with Rosie, she was impatient to see you" Melanie told Y/N and she nods

Y/N was playing with Rosie while Scarlett and I are talking "She is good with her" I told her and she nod smiling at them "Yeah they love each other" she said to me and I hum "Y/N told me how you guys meet" I told Scarlett and she looked at me "Yeah, she was just a fucking stranger and she cared about me, even though we didn't know each other, did she tell you that she knew my brother before meeting me?" She said and I looked at her confused "She didn't tell me that" I told her and she hummed "Well she knew my brother but she didn't know Hunter was my brother, they were friend before , but now they don't have a very good relationship, I think I stole my brother's friend" she said and I hummed, Y/N come with us "She went for some shit to her room" she told us "We were talking about Hunter and you" Scarlett told her and Y/N nod "He was a good friend, until we got very drunk, and we smoke a lot of shit" Y/N told us and I looked at her confused, she kiss my lips, and I know she doesn't want to talk about it

We are eating dinner, and it's pretty good "OMG you really know how to cook Melanie" Y/N said and Melanie smile "Well I'm glad you are liking it, how is Luca?" She asked Y/N "He is good he wants to hang out with Rose" Y/N told them and Rose smile "I miss Luca, why he doesn't come so often" Rosie asked Y/N, "Because he lives in Italy, and his father wants him to be there" Y/N told the little girl and she hummed in response "Are you still mad with him?" Melanie asked Y/N, I think she is talking about her father "Mom leave her alone" Scar told her mom "It's okay, and yes we don't talk to each other" Y/N told them and Melanie nod

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