Chapter 52

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I wake up and I was really tired, I thought Lizzie was not tired but she si still asleep so I suppose she was too, I don't want to wake her, but I know I can't be late with her sisters, so I decided to wake her up "Baby wake up" I told her but she is not moving, I decided to let her sleep a little longer while I take a shower, I stand up and fortunately Lizzie didn't feel I stood up, I walked to the bathroom and I'm taking a shower

After my shower I see that Lizzie is still asleep, she needs to wake up if she wants to go with me "Lizzie, you need to wake up, we are going to be late" I told her while kissing her face, she groans but open her eyes "There are those beautiful green eyes" I told her earning a smile from her "You are ready" She said surprised "Well yes I don't want to be late" I told her "Give me a second and I will be ready" she said walking towards the bathroom, she stopped and walk back to me and kiss my lips "Good Morning, beautiful" she said and I smile "Good Morning sweetheart" I told her and now she walks to the bathroom

I was downstairs talking with Jarnett and having breakfast while I wait for Lizzie "Do you like modeling?" She asked me "If I'm honest I don't, but is just a favor" I told her and she hummed "You shouldn't do it If you don't like it, don't let my daughters obligate you" she said and I chuckle at how she is helping me instead of her daughters "Oh no, I mean I will just do it twice and I'm sure they would respect my decision if I tell them I don't want to do it anymore" I told her "Well I hope so, because I know you will do it amazing and they will want you to model for them more than twice" she said and I smile at how she thinks I will do it amazing "I'm ready baby" Lizzie said and I laughed at how in a rush she looks "You need to eat something" I told her and give her some toast, "Lizzie don't force Y/N do things she doesn't want" Jarnett said and I smile at her "Mom I'm not forcing Y/N, but I do think she will like this, and look hot as hell" Lizzie said and I chuckle "Bye Jarnett" I told her and she smile at me "Bye honey" she said "Be careful you two" her mom shout at us

We were driving, listening music, Lizzie is doing something on her phone, she looks a little stressed but I don't want to ask her now because she looks so concentrated in whatever she is doing, she turn off her phone and looked at me "You know my mom cares a lot of you, I think she prefers you" she said making me laugh "I'm glad she likes me, but she loves you and your sisters more, she want you to be happy, and I think she thinks you are happy with me" I told her and she frown "Well that sound like you don't believe it, but I can assure you that you make me so happy" she told me taking my hand and intertwining them "I love you" I told her and she grin "I love you too" she said an I know she really means that

We arrived and her sisters are already here "We are not late, aren't we?" I asked the twins and both of them shake her head "No, relax, come on, we need to get you dressed" MK said while dragging me inside the building

I don't know where is Lizzie, I lost her since her sisters dragged me here, "Hey where is Lizzie?" I asked Ashley "I don't know she will be here in a minute don't worry" she said and I nod, they handed me some clothes to get dressed, and I put them on, I don't hate the clothes that much, but I think it shows a lot of skin, anyways I got out the dresser and they looked at me proud "You look good" MK said "Why are you so hot?" Ashley said making me laughed, MK hit her arm "If Lizzie hears you, you will be dead" MK told Ashley and I nod laughing

We were walking to the place they are going to take the photos but we stopped in another place because the twins said this photoshoot was taking so long, I can see they are struggling to take the photos and they look stressed, the twins walk towards the photographers and they shake her head, I think they don't like the photos "I don't know why the photos look like shit" one of the photographers said and I walk towards them, I see that they don't have a lot of light and they are taking the photos so close to the model "I think I can help" I told them and all of them looked at me "How?" Ashley asked me and I think "Okay do you have more lights?" I asked them and they nod, they handed me the lights and I'm putting them on places I think they might help "Okay now may I" I asked the photographer and he nods while handing me the camera I move a few steps back "Okay now please I need you to act normal, then smile like if I would have told you a joke, I want a serious look too, then you can pose in whatever way you like and we will do this two times and we will see which one is better" I told the model and she nods at me, she pose and I took all the pictures, I show them to the twins and the photographers "Wow, Y/N these are pretty goods" MK said "You are photographer too?" The man asked me and I shake my head "No I'm a lawyer" I told them and they look at me surprised "There you are, I have been searching for you everywhere" Lizzie said and I smile at my girlfriend "Oh no, I miss the shoot right, fuck, someone told me it was in the other room, so I went there" Lizzie said sadly and I took her hand "You didn't miss anything my love" I told her and she looked at me confused "Y/N helped us with some photos and she is pretty good, look" Ashley said and shows the photos to Lizzie "Wow you have talent, do you know about photography?" Lizzie asked me "Yes I studied photography when I was younger, I always loved it but my father told me I shouldn't do that, that the photography would never lead me to good things and that I would never succeed in photography" I told them and then I realized here are photographers "No offense, I mean he thinks that but I don't" I told them and they nod "You should take photos, instead of modeling" one of the photographers said "I'm Matt, the chief of photography" he greeted me and I smile "I'm Y/N" I told him and he chuckle I think he already knew that "If you want and the twins accept I would like your help in some shoots" he told me and I looked at the twins "I think you should do it, instead of modeling, you are helping us too so is going to be our gift" MK said and I smile "Yeah I think the same even though you look hot on this clothes" Ashley said and Lizzie hit the back of her head "Auch" Ashley said "Stop flirting with my girlfriend, and I think you should do it angel" she said and I smile at her "Well I think I will help you but I need to change my clothes" I told them and they nod, after getting changed I return "Okay now I'm ready" I told Matt and he smiles at me "Okay come on" he told me and I followed him

Lizzie's POV

I saw Y/N go very excited, I don't know why she didn't tell me about she loving photography, I guess it was because of her dad, he is really manipulative with her, now I'm worried about Luca, he lives with him, I don't know why Sofia doesn't leave him yet, it's very clear he is not good for them, I don't know if Guido is the same with Luca as with Y/N, I know that Roger cares a lot of his father, so I suppose Guido didn't treat bad Roger when he was younger, I don't know and I also don't want to ask Y/N I know is a sensitive theme for her

I walk with my sisters to their office "Did you know Y/N is good on photography?" Ashley asked me and I shake my head no "No she never told me" I told her "Maybe is because of her dad, he really seems like a dick" she said "Well when I met him, he didn't look as bad as I thought, but he fought a lot with Y/N, but not with me" I comment and she nods, "So what are you guys going to do with Y/N's contract?" I asked them "We will modify it, and put she will help us with photography instead of modeling" MK told me and I nod smiling "She didn't want to model" I told them and they look at me with a 'we already knew' look "Mom was telling us, that she thought Y/N was not comfortable with modeling but she was just doing it because of us" Ashley said and I smile at how my mom cares a lot about Y/N "But she also told us that Y/N would do it amazing because she thinks Y/N is good at everything" MK said "Oh and believe me she is good at everything" I told them smirking and they gave me a disgusting look, I just laugh, "I think mom really likes Y/N" MK said and Ashley nods "We also like her, so Lizzie you have to keep her around and not let her go" Ashley said and MK nods in agreement "She's good for you Lizzie" MK said and I smile at them, I love that my family really like Y/N, well my dad is the only one that doesn't like her yet "I'm glad all of you like her, and relax I'm planning to keep her around all my life" I told them and they grin at me

It has been 4 hours, 4 HOURS, since Y/N left with Matt I'm bored as fuck, I don't know why I decided to stay here, and wait for her, I was talking with my sisters but they left and I'm here alone, I have no idea of what I'm going to do if she doesn't return in time, because I'm starting to be hungry, I don't know how she is not hungry yet, I decided to wander around the building, since I have nothing to do

I didn't know that my sister have a lot of models, I mean yes they are famous as fuck, but I thought, they didn't take photos every day, I guess I was wrong, I walked in a room and there she is, my beautiful girlfriend I see that she is literally happy taking photos, and making the room look better for the photos, I also see that this guy Matt is staring at my girlfriend in a way he shouldn't, I hope he knows she is mine "Okay we need lights here" I heard her saying, then someone got her lights and a stairway, I wonder what she is going to do, she is on top and I thought she was going to put the lights there but I was wrong, she jumped and now she is just grabbed by a ceiling tube, I gasp, she can fall, she looks hot though, her shirt lift up a little and I can see her abs, ok I need to stop, she really can fall "Y/N Mancini what are you doing" I told her and she grins "Hi my love" she said with that fucking smile that I love "How are you going to get down if you are there?" I asked her and she chuckle "I'm going to jump" she said "No, you are not" I told her "They will put an air mattress don't worry" she said and she just grabbed herself with one hand while she is putting the lights, she is crazy as fuck, then Matt walked towards us with an air mattress "Okay Y/N you can jump" he told her and without doubt Y/N jumped, Matt run with Y/N to help her and I looked at him confused, I walked towards them "Are you okay, did you hurt?" I asked Y/N worried "I'm okay don't worry" she told me and Matt seems confused I think I should make a move to let him know she is mine, I grabbed Y/N and kiss her lips softly but passionate, we pulled apart and I can se her big smile "I'm hungry" I told Y/N "Okay let's go eat" she said but Matt stop us "We we're going to grab something later, did you forget?" He asked Y/N "Oh yeah sorry, but she is hungry, and I will not let her wait for me, so I think we are done for today, I'm sure the twins wouldn't mind, I have priorities Matt, I will talk with the twins and see you soon" she said and I can't contain my proud smile, I took Y/N's hand on mine and intertwined our fingers I smile at her and she smile back, I'm in love with this woman

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now