Chapter 99

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I walked upstairs and opened the door. I'm speechless, "Y/N wait It's not as it seems" Lizzie said. Fucking great that's why she kept telling me that I needed a fucking open mind, c'mon and in my fucking bedroom. I went downstairs I can hear that Lizzie is following me "Y/N wait let me explain" she said but I ignored her she had her opportunity to explain and I had to find out like this. I was going to walk to my motorcycle but Aubrey arrived, I haven't seen her in awhile what is she doing here?

She got out off her car and walked toward us. Lizzie keeps saying "Please let me explain" but I'm ignoring her. Aubrey looks angry, is she angry with me? "What the fuck is wrong with you?" She yelled but I don't know to who is she shouting at "Y/N what is wrong with you?" She yelled again and now she said my name, ok she is mad at me, why is she mad at me? "What?, I didn't do a shit" I told her and I literally thought she was going to slap my face but she didn't "Lizzie called me and said that you didn't want to talk to her, and that you are sleeping in another bedroom" she said and I scoffed "Did she tell you why I did all of that? Did she tell you what she is doing to me?" I asked her annoyed I can feel tears on my eyes

Lizzie is trying to stop Aubrey but she keeps going "No she didn't but I know how you like to push good people away from you" she shouted at me "Look Aubrey, I'm not the one who you should yell at, you should yell at Elizabeth" I told her and she scoffed "Why because she asked me for help?" She said scoffing, "No because she fucking cheated on me" I told her and her face changed. "I I'm sorry Y/N I didn't know" she said and I scoffed. I walked to my motorcycle and got on. They keep saying me "wait" but there is no fucking way I will stay here with these fucking traitors. I drove away without looking back

I started driving so fast, I can't see a shit for all the tears on my eyes, they don't let me see clearly. I can hear Leo's voice telling me to not be stupid so I started slow down the speed, without realizing I fell down, thank god I fell on grass, I got out of the street. I hope it didn't happen anything to my motorcycle. I took off my helmet and screamed at the top of my lungs, why does this keep happening to me?, the thing I was most afraid of happen to me. Lizzie cheated on me

I don't know why this is hurting me more than the other times someone cheated on me. Is like she stole something away from me. What am is supposed to do now?, I feel my phone rang on my pocket, I took it out and the screen is broken, but I can still see a little, Elizabeth is calling me, now she does want to talk to me. I don't know what is hurting me more, the fact that I fell off the motorcycle or that Lizzie cheated on me. How did I let this happen?

I need to forget even if it's just for a moment, I don't want this pain, this pain is killing me. I didn't lose just my girlfriend I lost the woman I thought I would marry, the woman I thought I would build a family with oh and I also lost Aubrey who I think was a very good friend to me. I need to run away, I can't be here. Fuck I can't breath. This can't be happening right now, I hadn't have a panic attack since Leo's dead. Ugh I don't know what to do. "Sorry, are you alright?" Someone asked but I can't respond. Ok I need to remember everything Leo taught me to calm down

I started calming down and I see that the person who approached to me is a lady, she must be on her 40s. Ok now I can breath "Here you go drink it" she said as she hands me a bottle of water "Are you ok, are you hurt?" She asked me making me chuckle "I don't think I'm hurt physically but emotionally I'm totally broken" I told her and she gave me a sad smile "I'm assuming some man hurt you" she said and I shake my head "It was a woman but yeah she hurt me as fuck, and I don't know what I'm going to do" I can't believe I'm talking with a stranger, I need to go. I tried to stand up but it's a little bit hard. The woman noticed it so she helped me

She is looking at me with sad eyes, I hate that look, is like a pity look "I need to get going" I said as I go to stand my motorcycle up, I saw the motorcycle and it seems ok. "Are you sure you can drive that?" She asked me and I nod "Yeah I have drove this drunk so I don't think I can't drive it with a heartbroken" I told her. It looks like she saw something on the floor, she grabbed it and showed it to me "Is this yours?" She said as she shows me the ring, I can't help but start crying, all its left is just broken promises "I assume she gave it to you" she said and I nod as I wipe my tears away. I took the ring and slide it on my pocket "Thanks for the help, and the water" I told her and she nods

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now