Chapter 12

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We won the Smiths case and I'm so happy, those kids are going to have a good life.
It has been a few days since I last saw Lizzie and I kinda miss her, she spent 2 nights with me and since the last night she was here I can't sleep so well I know it's crazy but she became a very important person to me

I text her to see if she's free to go eating with me

Hey, Lizzie, I want to ask you something
Sent 3:00

I put my phone down and started working on the Williams case, I didn't heard my phone so I suppose she hasn't reply back yet so I decided to call Scar

"Hey Scar how you been?"
"Hey I'm good, Rose miss you a lot"
"Just Rose"
"Of course just Rose, you're so annoying"
"Hahahaha Yeah, do you have Rosie today?"
"Yeah she's here doing homework why?"
"Well you two are coming with me to eat"
"Why would we go?"
"Cmon Scar you know you love me"
"Hahaha sure whatever you think, come for us and you're paying mine's and Rosie's food"
"Sure Bye love you" she hung up

I see my phone and Lizzie didn't replay me back she just let me on seen

Hey, Lizzie, I want to ask you something
    Seen 3:45

Well I think she has a lot of work

We arrived to the place where we are going to eat and Rosie was so excited, because went to a place that has  games for her
"So how you been Y/N" Scar asks me
"I'm good, we won a case and I'm happy for that" I said smiling
"That's great, congratulations, you can sleep properly or you still have nightmares"
"Well I was sleeping well, but now I have a lot of troubles falling asleep"
"I really think you need therapy, I mean I know your dumbass fell in love with your therapist-" I cut her off "I didn't fell in love i just had attraction for her"
"Yeah whatever you need to talk about what you feel about everything" she explain to me
"Yeah I'm looking for someone and I think I found someone" she looks at me confused
"You're not going to fight about it, did you just agree with me"
"Hahaha I was looking for a therapist before you told me, Lizzie suggested so I think it's a good idea m, I mean she didn't give an option" "So Lizzie" she smirked and wiggles her eyebrows
"Yeah Lizzie why" I asked already knowing why
"Oh nothing it's just that it's hard to convince you but it seems like Lizzie did It so easy"
"Yeah well she's important"
"You like her" she said but her face was emotionless
"I don't know Scar"
"Well you have to know about her life"
"What do you mean" I asked confused
"Talk with her"

I'm in my house and I'm confused about what Scarlett said earlier I mean why I have to talk with her, about what, then I got a call and I smile

"Hey you alive" I joke "Sorry, it's just that we have a lot of work filming so I couldn't reply your text" Lizzie explain  "Yeah it's okay don't worry" "What did you want to ask me" she sounds weird "Oh it's nothing important really" I told her because well now it's not important
"No please tell me" "I was just going to invite you to eat" I told her "I'm so sorry Y/N, but you ate right" she asked worried "Yeah I invited Rosie and Scar" "Mhm" "Are you okay Lizzie you sound weird I don't know how to explain it"
"Yeah I'm just stress that's all, I have to go Y/N see you soon" "Bye Lizzie see you"

I'm worried about her she sounded like she wasn't her I mean she always sounds happy and now she didn't sound like her, well maybe she's just having a tough day


I woke up for my phone ringing.
"Hey" I said with my rough voice
"Sorry for waking you, can you open"
"Who's this" I told while I watch the hour it's 3 am "It's Lizzie" once I heard her name I went downstairs and open the door
"What are you doing here at 3 in the morning" I asked and I saw that she has puffy eyes so she was crying I cup her face "He what's wrong" "I'm sorry it's just that I don't want to go to my house right now and I didn't know where to go so I came here" I wipe her tears "it's okay Lizzie you can always come" I hugged her for a few minutes "I think we should go in" I told her and she nods
"Do you want something, I went to the grocery so now I have food" she chuckle and there's that beautiful smile "I just want to sleep" I grab her hand and lead us upstairs, I went to my dresser and gave her some clothes "You can change in the bathroom" she nod and goes to the bathroom I just lay down in my bed then she came out "Can I sleep with you" she ask while playing with her fingers "Sure come here" I tap my bed "Can we cuddle" I chuckle "Lizzie you don't have to ask" we cuddle and the we fall asleep

I woke up before Lizzie and now I'm just admiring her, god what am I feeling do I like her, she's so cute when she's sleeping, I stop admiring her and decided to do her breakfast in bed, I change myself in comfy clothes and went downstairs I started to look what I can cook and I decided eggs with bacon and some toast, and orange juice, I know I told Lizzie I couldn't cook but it just that I don't cook since the last time I cook with Leo. I finished and this looks well I hope it taste well too

I went upstairs and she was still asleep, i decided to wake her up I because it's already 10:30am "Lizzie" I whispered but nothing "Lizzie you need to wake up" nothing again "If you don't wake up I'm going to eat my breakfast and yours too" she moved so she's starting to wake up , I decided to put my back on her back to see if she wakes up "Y/N what are you doing move you're too heavy" "Good Morning for you too, I'm gonna ignore the fact that you called me fat" she laughed "I didn't I said you're heavy" "it's the same thing and let me tell you I'm not fat I always work out if I can" she laughed harder "Are you going to move or what" "Actually I'm comfy here so I think I'm going to stay here, you weren't waking up so now this are the consequences" she huffed and start tickle me "No no okay I'll move" I moved and she was smiling "You're ticklish" "I'm not, just a little bit" she laughed and I decided to tickle her too she starts laughing hard and it's music for my ears "Stop Y/N please please" she said while laughing "You're more ticklish" I said and then I remembered that I cooked and I don't want the food to me cold so I stopped "I hate you" she said while she was catching her breath "No you don't" then I get up and passed her the food she looked at me surprised "Did you cook this" I nod proud "I hope it taste well I haven't taste it I was waiting for you so now start eating" she taste it and I was praying to taste good she smiles "God I thought you couldn't cook Y/N this tastes amazing" I release the breath I didn't realized I was holding, "I was so nervous it would taste bad" "Well it tastes amazing who teach you cooked because you can't say you don't know how to cook you just not cook because you don't want to" I sighed "It's just that I used to cook with Leo, we always cooked together, and the night you made dinner I really didn't want to cook so I pretend I didn't know what to do" she gives me a smile "So you're a great cooker?" "Well I don't know Leo was the best and I learnt a lot of him" she just nods "I like that you're more open with me" I smile at her and we continue eating

Now we're watching a movie
"So are you going to tell me why did you show up last night at 3 in the morning?" I asked, she just looked at me "I told you I didn't want to go to my house, that's why" "Yeah I know but why you didn't want to?" She sighed "I just was feeling bad and If I had gone to my house I would have felt lonely" I nod at her "Well if you feel that way again you can always come" she smiles at me and hug me, I don't want her to never leave

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